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I stared at myself in the mirror and decided that I needed to stop before I thought I looked weird, like saying your name over and over again. I had already had a glass of wine and tied Jungkook's tie for him, pulled my hair back in a tight bun at the bottom of my head and all that was left to do was apply my red lipstick, which I would do just before we were walking out of the door. My dress was red and short and I wore a sweater over it, with small heels. I wasn't dressed up much because I normally wore stuff like this but I knew it was enough to fit in with high class people who purchase unreasonably priced art.

We were waiting for Stella to meet us here and she wasn't suppose to be here until 7, although I knew she would be early. Stella was going as Jungkook's date and I figured Namjoon and I would be put to walk through the museum together since him and I had been talking about it all in class the last two days. Taehyung had been there on Monday, but was gone on Tuesday and today.

After my talk with Jude on Sunday, he reminded me how no matter what Jungkook would always be there for me, that nothing would ever change that. Though Jude would never be judgmental about any situation Taehyung was in, he told me I would probably regret missing this moment with Jungkook for a guy who I had a unstable relationship with. He also told me I should just give him the money for the tickets.

I felt a like my stomach was falling to my feet all day, knowing that I really wanted to be going to the ballet with Taehyung. It was also disappointing that I was going to be with his friends all night and he wasn't friends with Jungkook so he wasn't invited. He could be going to the ballet with someone else for all I know.

"She's here. Let's roll, Jo." Jungkook yelled upstairs to me and I made sure to get ever last drop of wine put of the glass, sliding my red lipstick into my purse before going downstairs and then out the door to catch our taxi.

Stella sat in the middle of us because she was the smallest and she held hands with Jungkook, I felt so much joy watching them. Stella was probably the nicest person I'd met here and the fact that she appreciated Jungkook almost as much as I did made me thrilled. She looked beautiful with her hair curly and big, a white dress on that showed off her figure and I knew Jungkook knew how lucky he was.

"How was dance this week? Jimin's been non stop complaining about his muscles hurting." Stella asked me.

Jungkook stared out the window of the car, I knew it was because his was nervous which Stella probably overlooked. "We've done a lot of conditioning because duet try outs are on Friday. Him and I stayed really late on Monday to work with our dance instructor. We're doing a piece from Black Swan and it's exhausting."

"Jimin told me you guys are probably going to get it." She smiled then moved slightly my way to talk quieter. "Kai probably thinks you're both hot."

I giggled at her comment but shook my head. "I think he works with everyone else long hours, too."

"Speaking of dance, Tae told me he got you guys tickets to a ballet. Is your birthday coming up or something?" When she said Taehyung's name, Jungkook finally looked away from the window and towards us.

"Oh, no. It's just opening night which is always the most exciting." I quickly glances at Jungkook but kept talking to Stella who hadn't picked up the weird shift.

She gave an endearing face to remind me how sweet that was of Taehyung, but I tried to ignore it. "When is that going to be? Isn't it coming up. I haven't seen him since last week."

"It was tonight, but something came up." This got me a look from Jungkook that I didn't see to often, one where he was confused and or upset. I had told him about the ballet but hadn't told him when it was, and although this could be interpreted as something came up for Taehyung, Jungkook knew though. "It doesn't matter though, tonight's going to be so fun."

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