n o b o d y

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2021. 04. 06.
not edited !!

mark was a nobody. nobody really knew anything about him. but nobody wanted to know either. nobody cared.
he's not the main character in his life. he was an extra. a support role nobody paid attention to. money. it was always money. the solution to everything. he didn't want the money his parents gave him every time he wanted to talk to them. he wanted to feel loved. to feel like the main character for once. people only knew him as minkyu's brother. not as lee minhyung.
one genuine friend. only one and she was the only person that loved him for him. as mark not as minkyu's little brother. seoyeon. she was beautiful. everyone turned their heads when she entered the room. she was always the centre of attention. girls wanted to be her and boys wanted to date her but nobody knew her either. that was what made mark like her so much. she was also an extra in her story.
she was also a nobody like him. cheerleader, top of her grade and she's prom queen. that's all people knew about her. they wanted to know what brand her lipstick is and not why she was crying in the bathroom stall two hours ago.

but mark has a secret he must confess. although he was always his brother's shadow his father made sure he became the mark he wanted. no drugs, no drinking, no tattoos, no smoking, no parties. nothing was allowed.

"your brother will take over anyways but i don't want you to ruin my reputation"

that sentence stuck with mark. it haunted him. he slept everyday knowing he was unwanted. he has never felt a feeling of comfort but all his life he has been fighting. reputation. why do we care so much? we'll all die anyways. who knows we could die at any moment. then we would've lived a miserable life filled with regrets.

"mark! wanna study together after school?" seoyeon asked as she fixed her hair. "sure, minkyu's bringing home his friends, ur place?" mark answers and seoyeon nods as she smiles. that smile used to make mark's stomach a zoo. why doesn't he feel butterflies anymore. her laugh, her smile, the way she dresses. she's not the reason he has been thinking about love.

"noona can you help me..." before he could continue he saw Mark's figure. he quickly gave a small smile and turned around ready to leave. "it's okay, what do you need help with?" seoyeon answers as she smiles towards her little brother. he turns around with a smile and runs over to his older sister. "i don't understand the wording of this question" the younger male says as he hands his sister his work book.

mark saw flowers. shit. he's definitely the main. whenever he smiled or laughed mark's heart would ache but in a good way?
mark shook his head to stop the thoughts and looked down at his workbook. "you can join us hyuck, minhyung won't mind" seoyeon says and mark's head shot up. he made eye contact with the other male and stared as the younger boy smiled his eyes curving into moon shapes. mark snapped out of it and nodded as he felt his face heating up. shit.

mark would look up once in a while and would stare at the other biting his pen or poking his cheek.
after a long silence seoyeon decides to speak, "oh by the way hyuck can you go downstairs and clean the living room? mom might come back soon. ill clean the kitchen after i'm done" she says as he brother nods. he packs his books and smiles at mark. "see you!" he says as he waves his hand. mark gives him a smile back and with that the boy leaves. mark looks down at his papers but feels a hand on his thigh. his head quickly turned towards seoyeon and saw as she put her hair up. she comes closer to him as she starts to unbutton her blouse. mark stares in confusion before realizing the situation he was in. he quickly covered his eyes as he turned to the opposite side. "what are you doing, mark?" seoyeon asks. mark gets up and stares at the door in front of him. "i think i like donghyuck" he says emotionlessly as he contributes to stare at the door. "what?" seoyeon asks. "what?" mark says back not realizing he said that out loud.
"donghyuck?" mark's heart calms down. "just his name makes me happy. i feel comfortable. finally"

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