t r a i n d a t e s

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s h i p : d o i l
g e n r e : f l u f f
d a t e : mrch 28 2020
p l a y i n g : b e g i n , b t s
c r i n g e l e v e l : 8/10


Doyoung has never been in a relationship.
And it never bothered him, he enjoyed being alone in his own world minding his own business.
But it all changed when one day he accidentally took the wrong train. In fact it goes the total opposite direction from his high school but he managed it.
And why does he still take that train you might ask? Well every weekday he sees the same fluffy haired cutie that he adored.
You might think it's creepy,,,but Doyoung just simply found the other really precious and he couldn't handle it. He would watch him read his book or play on his phone in pure adoration and he himself found it scary because well...


[ to make it less cringy I'll just explain it instead of writing what happened ]

Doyoung is heartbroken.
He felt worthless, like the whole world was against him.

It all started when his brother's friend came over. Doyoung didn't care since he didn't know the kid anyways.
After some time Doyoung started feeling weird.
He would feel his stomach slightly hurt and
He felt supported and loved without doing anything.
And then it hit him.
He fell hopelessly in love with his brother's best friend...

After some time he couldn't hide his feelings anymore so he confessed.
He told them how much they mean to him even though he still doesn't know them that well.
But they didn't feel the same way. But Doyoung respected that.
Until they hit him with a sentence that turned his life upside down.
They didn't like him, in fact they were just being "friendly".


He gave up. He didn't believe in love anymore. Well until this midget entered his life.

He wasn't there today. He could be sick it's fine,,,
Pouting Doyoung started overthinking things.

Drowned in his thoughts Doyoung didn't notice someone lean on his back. After a bit he got uncomfortable and tried to turn around to tell the person to not invade his personal space.

" l-I'm so sorry its really crowded I'm sorry ! "

Just as Doyoung was about to turn around the person behind him started talking in a soft voice.
Doyoung did a 180 and started down at the guy that was, now, clenching on his gray hoodie. Doyoung could tell the other was scared which made him smile a bit.

The other male quickly released his grip that was clenching Doyoung's hoodie when he realized what he did,,,he looked up at the taller male as he tried to not lose balance.

Doyoung looked down at the other and they both suddenly went a bit red,,,it was the guy he was disappointed in not seeing a few minutes ago...

Doyoung looked away shyly slightly scratching his nape as he tried to not give any hints.

" I'm Kim Dongyoung, Doyoung works too hehe "

He went for it, he shot his shot finally !
The other could tell he was nervous and to make things less awkward he introduced himself as well.

" Moon Taeil "
The shorter male said with a shy smile a rosy blush still on his face.

Doyoung smiles proud of himself, he knows his name !


After some stalking Doyoung knew a bit about the older.
They became buddies and would sit next to each other everyday talking about random things,,,and today was the day.
Doyoung was finally going to confess. It bugged him knowing he could get rejected and
would start having flashbacks from the previous events...

" Hi ! "
Taeil was always energetic, and Doyoung kind of envys it.
He could cheer Doyoung up whenever, wether it's when he failed an exam or when he's in trouble.

" Hey... " Taeil could tell something was off because even if the younger has had a bad day he would never sound like this.
Voice depper than usual, his black hair styled messily,,,something happened.

" Doyoung what's wrong ? " Doyoung looked up at the other with a weak smile.


Taeil didn't reject him.
He said he needed time
and after getting to know each other further he will definitely say yes to the date.

But for now they have to work on their bond.


well hi !
imma do oneshots for some time bc a full ass fan fiction sounds tiring rn🗿

i kinda wna make a part 2 where they are already dating and its this cliché kdrama love story type thing😔

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