d r i v e r s s e a t

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not edited!! tw!!

chenle was a sad kid. his parents hated him. his friends were all fake. his siblings always acting like he didn't exist. he wished he didn't exist. he wished he didn't have to live a  pathetic life. a life where all you ever do is work hard but its never enough. its never satisfying. after losing one of his older sisters chenle was on the edge. everything was a waste of time. he didn't want to do those 3 missing assignments but the guilt in him wouldnt let it go. all he ever did was work hard. he did his best in school, he did his best in sports and in helping his parents but they never showed any kind of joy. they hated him. and he hated them. and himself. his sister was his best friend. they did everything together. everybody loved her she was truly an angel. but all good things come to an end. she left. she was the one that left instead of chenle. why wasnt it me. it should've been me. they would have forgotten about me easier. you might think since he was the only boy he would get favoured. he kept telling himself that. that someone out there gave a fuck. but no one ever did. until jisung came into his life. jisung was his dream boy. after meeting jisung chenle didnt cry himself to sleep multiple times a week. he didnt think of killing himself. he was happy. for the first time in his life. he felt truly happy. but as said. all good things come to an end.

"hi baby, did you cook anything yet?" jisung said as he parked his car. it took chenle, that was on the other side of the phone, a moment to respond. "no not yet, work ended late today im really tired" jisung smiled widely. "okay! great ill get you food, wait for me okay?" jisung said and based on his tone chenle knew he was smiling. "sure, hun. I'll see you in a bit" and with that jisung hang up. he smiled unknowingly as he started his car again. he connected his phone to his speaker and his smile only got wider when his favourite song was on shuffle. "what should we eat?" jisung asked himself as he started his car.
after some thinking jisung decided to get them chicken and some kind of fried rice knowing they were the older's favourites. chenle is usually the one who cooked so it felt good to finally do something for the other.

after picking up their food jisung was happily driving home excited to see his boyfriend. it was still light outside which made things a lot easier. jisung looked to his left and then to his right. seeing the road was clear he drove out onto the main road.
next thing he knows his head was squished against the steering wheel. breathing heavily jisung tried to move but stopped due to the lack of space. the air got thick and he started to have difficulties breathing at a normal pace.
he waited. and waited. but nobody came. nobody came in time. he tried to move, tried to scream. nothing came out. it was time."I'm sorry" he whispered.

tag urself im chenle

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