o p p o s i t e s 1

787 5 7

tw, s*xual as*ault

playing: stan, eminem

with heavy tired steps haechan walks towards his locker. he takes off his apron before packing his bag and grabbing his worn out baseball hat. "see you on monday, hyung" he says as he feels somebody's presence behind him, thinking it was his boss, he doesn't turn around. "it's me" he hears a voice that makes him freeze. "i told you multiple times to stop talking to me" haechan says not wanting to argue. "chanie i regret it so much, I'm sorry" haechan hears. "woohyun you cheated on me throughout our entire 2 year relationship. i don't want anything to do with you, I'm looking for a new job because I can't stand seeing your face anymore!" haechan begins talking softly but ends up facing the other while shouting the last sentence. "I can't look at you without feeling sick, woohyun. please just leave me alone" he says after taking a deep breath. haechan quickly takes his bag and takes fast steps towards the exit of the cafe. he soon realizes that he forgot to lock his locker, but not caring enough, he continues to walk in the busy street.  the cold october breeze hits his face but it was rather satisfying. haechan takes a deep breath before suddenly feeling his phone vibrate in his back pocket. he fishes it out and smiles as soon as he reads the name on his screen.

chan, me and gaeun are staying with mom. go out with your friends tonight, luv u<3
sent: 09:47 pm
seen: 09:47 pm

haechans smile widens. his twin sisters are the reason for his happiness. the reason he is still breathing, he can't hurt them, he must stay strong for their sake. he had to continue be their strong older brother that would do anything for them. with their mother being hospilitized and him having to balance work and studies to be able to provide for his sisters and mom, he often felt drained and not like himself. he never had the time to go out neither did he want to spend money on food and drinks when it could be used to something his sisters needed. this mindset caused haechan to become selfless, frequently forgetting about his own needs and well being. since his mother was getting better, a single day out won't hurt right? or so he thought.

not wanting to bother his friends last minute and knowing them, he knows they'll make him drink more than he plans to. so with that in mind he decides to spend his night out alone doing stuff he loves while keeping himself company.

after replying to his siter and putting his phone back in his pocket he stops in his tracks while watching groups of friends entire karaoke bars and couples entering fancy restaurants. he often people-watched, it was interesting to think about what others might be going through, who they are and why they were here. despite this being a bad habit of his he couldn't help it. after a couple of minutes haechan starts walking again but his steps soon start to slow down, he looks at his watch and sees that it was relatively early. he shrugs and decides to grab food first and after looking around for a couple of seconds he starts to walk towards a small dumpling shop.

after a fat meal that he originally didn't want, haechan leaves the shop with a huge smile. he once again starts to look around, looking for a club or a bar he could spend the rest of his night at. while looking around haechan makes eye contact with a man standing at a balcony, of what seemed to be a club, from the other side of the street. haechan being stubborn, doesn't break the eye conact, instead, he stops mid tracks and stares back harshly at the other. this guy seemed a lot older than haechan but way too young to be a ceo which confused haechan. he was wearing a dark blue suit with a few buttons unbuttoned of his white shirt. haechan squints slightly trying to get a reaction from the other but fails. he was holding a wine glass filled with what seemed to be champagne.

after a minute or two of their staring contest somebody starts talking to the other guy which causes him to break eye contact with haechan. haechan snickers at the act and watches as the other starts to walk away from the balcony while looking back at haechan after every step. "I'm so ethereal he couldn't stop staring" haechan says to himself with a small smile. he starts walking straight but mid way he decides to go to the other side of the street, "The Gemini" haechan reads. he thinks for a bit before standing in line. "how much is the entry?" haechan asks the group of guys standing in front of him. "35 a person" one of them says which haechan nods his head to. "thanks" haechan says before starting to look around. "it's usually 50 bucks for clubs like these, why not try this one out" haechan thinks to himself. "are you here alone?" the same guy asks while his friends continue to talk amongst themselves. "yeah" haechan regrets telling the truth immedietly after it left his mouth. "wanna join us then, cutie?" he asks and haechan shakes his head awkwardly not willing to take such a risk so early on in the night. "it's okay, thanks for asking thou-" before haechan could finish the guy puts his index finger over haechans lips. "we're cool guys, just join us" he says more sternly this time. haechan could only nod his head not really wannting to get on his bad side. "I'm minjun" he introduces himself before putting his arm around haechan's shoulders. haechan shifts uncomftorbly before letting out a small, "haechan".

"cmon haechan bottoms up!" haechan hears for what seemed like the millionth time this night. he was so drunk he could barely grab his glass. "i wanna dance" haechan says with a hiccup. instead of waiting on his buddies haechan runs to the dance floor, finding himself in a corner rather than the middle. haechan looks around while swaying his body before seeing a big window a floor or two up. it was empty but after a few of haechan's turns he catches the eyes of the guy that was wearing a suit from earlier. this time they were a lot closer which meant haechan could take a better look at his features. in between hiccups haechan stands still, being obviously mesmerized by the other. his hair was a beautiful jet black colour that was slicked back into a neat hairstyle. he had high cheekbones and small lips that haechan couldn't help but stare at. "haechan wait for me next time!" minjun says as he grabs haechan's shoulders turning him away from the big window. "lets dance" minjun says as he puts his arms around haechan's waist. haechan still in his extreme drunken state, wraps his arms around minjun's shoulders while leaning his head against his chest trying not to black out. haechan suddenly feels a hand moving down towards his ass, holding firmly. thinking it was an accident caused by the person behind him, haechan moves closer towards minjun. "haechan-ah" minjun whispers in haechan's ear. minjun's hot breath was uncomfortable against haechan's sensitive neck which causes him to groan while leaning further into minjun's chest. minjun looks up at the ceiling with a smirk before grabbing haechan by the wrist. not knowing where minjun was taking him, haechan doesn't say anything, trusting this so called friend of his.
after a couple of seconds of walking haechan feels his back hit a cold wall. minjun quickly starts to attack haechan's neck but despite being extremly drunk haechan tries his best to get minjun off himself. after a couple of seconds of struggling haechan feels his body hit the floor while seeing a faint sight of minjun holding onto his cheek.

"good morning" haechan hears as he blinks slowly trying to figure out where he was. he quickly sits up when he doesn't seem to recognize the ceiling of this room. haechan regrets his act just as fast though, he feels sharp pain in his head as he holds onto it. "this is for your hangover, i made u some porridge too. eat it" haechan hears a soothing and deep voice say. he slowly raises his head, seeing a familiar pair of lips and big eyes. "oh" haechan lets out not knowing how to react. "i answered ur sisters call and told her ur asleep at mine's. i have to go to work but don't leave until i come back, okay? if you need anything ask aunt jin downstaires she knows everything."
"what do you mean stay? i dont know you" haechan says as he raises an eyebrow. "i like you. you're bold" the other replies, ignoring haechan's question. "what do you even mean, this is our first conversation" haechan says with a confused tone. "you dont remember last night?" the other questions with a smirk. this causes haechan's face to drop. "i like you a lot, you're perfect for me" he continues. haechan keeps silent not knowing how to reply. "i dont fall in love. i can't , i have twin sisters and a sick mom. love is the last thing on my mind" haechan replies. the other nods his head while crossing his arms. "I'll pay for your mom's hospital bills and I'll move ur sisters to a private school as long as you give me a chance" he says as he looks down at haechan with pure eyes, hes telling the truth, haechan thinks to himself. "i don't need your pity. thank you for letting me spend the night" haechan says after a few seconds of silence. they were poor but they didn't need anyone's pity. "don't think this is the last time you will be seeing me, I'm lee minhyung by the way" the other guy says and without having to turn around to see, haechan knew he was smiling.

"lee haechan what the hell did you do last night" he thinks to himself

part 2?

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