a t t e n t i o n w h 0 r 3

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s h i p : m a r k h y u c k
g e n r e : i- i d k  b r o
d a t e : aprl 15 2020
p l a y i n g : s u k i d a k a r a, u m i
c r i n g e l e v e l : 7/10 [ i s h ]

[ this chapter includes cross dressing ]


Haechan Lee.
Everyone knew that name.

He does a lot, he IS a lot.


It's an average Monday—you come to school wanting to die but no.
You get greeted by Haechan's extraness.

Not feeling like dressing up Haechan threw on the first thing he saw when he opened his closet.

Throwing on a pair of white air forces Haechan walked to his vanity while drying his hair with a towel

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Throwing on a pair of white air forces Haechan walked to his vanity while drying his hair with a towel.
Since the outfit was more on the casual side he paired it with a pair of gold earrings.

He gave up after a few minutes and brought out his blow dryer since he has been growing out his hair, it's shoulder length now

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He gave up after a few minutes and brought out his blow dryer since he has been growing out his hair, it's shoulder length now.
Curling his bangs he used a few golden bobby pins with pretty white pearls on, on one side of his hair, not feeling like dealing with the rest he let his, now, wavy hair fall messily.

[ hair colour, 181115 ]


Walking confidently Haechan made his way to his locker laughing at the letters, probably confessions from guys he didn't know.

After taking out his books Haechan waited a few minutes, wanted to be late on purpose so the attention is on him,,,

"Late again Haechan?"

Walking slowly, on purpose, Haechan made his way to his seat which is by the window next to Mark Lee.

Oh Mark Lee, he had the biggest crush on him, was he in fact ashamed or has ever denied it?

"I don't want to talk to you Haechan please" Haechan mouth closed as he looked shocked at Mark, sitting down next to him, even though he, probably, didn't like the other,,,he never complained. "Mark what's wrong...?"
"Please just not now"
Hurt, Haechan turned to the front now focusing on what the teacher was teaching.


"Mark. Markie. Mork. Mark" Haechan kept whining walking next to Mark trying to get his attention,,
"Tell me what's wrong come on"
"My personal life has nothing to do with you so please stay out of this" Haechan HAD to know, he wouldn't let it slide.
"Come on you're my future boyfriend you have to tell me so we get closer, you know" Haechan was always confident and always said what was on his mind so Mark wasn't surprised.

"No please leave me alone before I- forget it just leave please" Mark sighed finally making eye contact with Haechan.

He felt it.

"Mark please don't push me away just this time please? Tell me what's on your mind...please..?" Haechan carefully put his head on Mark's shoulder, still walking, he locked arms with Mark (only the wrists touching though). Looking up at Mark for the first time, could tell that Haechan was serious.
"I'm sorry I just really can't tell you...not right now please respect that, will you?" Haechan's vision got slightly blurry as his eyes got glossy.
"Did you just...when will you start trusting me Minhyung?" Mark ruffled Haechan's hair making the other stand up straight making eye contact.
"Soon Donghyuck soon" with a small smile Mark pinched his cheeks before leaving making the other's ears tint a bright red colour.


b o y f i e 😳🤚:
wait for me by the gates ill walk you home.

s e n t, 13:04
s e e n, 13:06

m e :
yes sir ! <33

s e n t, 13:06
s e e n, 13:06


"It probably sounds stupid but I just have a lot in mind you know. I feel empty. I have people around me and I love and trust a lot of them but I'm tired. I'm tired of trying but always ended up being a disappointment. I don't like it. I do my best yet I still fail in my eyes. I don't know what I'm asking for I'm sorry to bother you Haechan I know this is stupid I just yeah"

They were walking silently down an empty street, with only a few streetlights here and there that illuminates the area.

"Baby listen it's okey. Don't worry it'll be fine. Do your best and if your expectations don't turn into reality ask for help, ask how you could improve and if you feel like you can't express yourself better. Well that's that. There isn't much more you can do, honey. You'll fall down but you have to get back up and learn from your past actions. You're a smart kid you'll be fine don't worry too much"
Haechan linked arms with Mark again looking up every now and then just to admire the black haired's features.
"I know I just feel like I disappoint myself. I just want to give up but I can't, it's annoying" Mark kept ranting all how stressed he has been lately, Haechan only smiling still looking up at him every now and then,,,

"Well we're here Markie" Mark smiled, nodding "thank you for listening Haechan I'll see you around" with a smile Mark was about to turn around but was stopped by Haechan suddenly holding his wrist.

"Do you want to...uh maybe stay tonight...?" Haechan regretted what he said as soon as it left his mouth,,

"I'd love to Hyuck but it's Tuesday and I have a few things I need to work on, but I promise I'll walk you home tomorrow. I can stay some other time, Is that okay?" Haechan smiled as he nodded happily.

"Sure I'll talk to you tomorrow.


b o y f i e 😳🤚:
Good night hyuck I'll see you tomorrow :)

s e n t, 02.48
s e e n, 02:48

m e :
ill see you tmr qt :)

s e n t, 02:48
s e e n, 02:49

b o y f i e 😳🤚:
s e n t, 02:49
s e e n, 02:49


half way through i noticed that i missed the plot COMPLETELY now its just happening >:/
ill think about it next time sorry jshdifh

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