l i a r 2

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not edited!!!

" haechan-ah" mark says as he looks down. "mhm?" haechan answers before turning around. he put the whisk down and looked up at mark that was sitting on the other side of the counter, "you know im not good with my words but i really want you to know im incredibly grateful for you too. you make me feel comfortable. like with you i can say anything without hesitation. youre my gift from god" mark finishes with a laugh. "makeolli~" haechan says with a pout. "no more sad stuff or this cake is gonna taste salty" haechan says as mark smiles and nods. "by the way, did u get any higher grades this semester?" mark says as he puts his hand under chin, looking at the beautiful boy in front of him. "please dont remind me, my total points only increased with 5 points, im so stressed out and my pe teacher gave me an F but gave hyungmin an E even though we both missed the same part. so unfair right" mark only looks at haechan with doe eyes. "i mean, in the long run will this matter as much as think? not really so dont think too much about it, im sure youll be fine. youre a smart kid, channie, so stop worrying so much" mark says with a small smile. "im still worried, my points have to increase by at least 40 points but oh" haechan suddenly stops talking. "mhm?" mark looks at him confused. "i already know that i have an A in 2 subjects and theres a high possibility of me getting an A in two other subjects wait oh my god" haechan says and smiles widely. "im still sad that it doesnt count into this semester's grades but its okay" mark nods and stands up leaning over to pat haechans head. "i told u, just think about the present and the future should stay a mystery" mark says with a smile before sitting back down. "mark" haechan says not looking up. "mhm?" mark replies back. "tomorrow is gonna be amazing" mark smiles and nods. "let me go print the papers real quick" mark says as he stands up. haechan nods and grabs a cake pan.

"I can't believe they fell for it" haechan says as he laughs. "i told you our parents trust us" mark says as he laughs too. "give me your bag" mark says before putting their bags, food and similar stuff in the back of his car. "now lets have the best two days of our lives okay" mark says to haechan as he puts his hand on haechans head. haechan nods back with a small smile. "lets forget our worries and just focus on having fun, lets go!" haechan says as he jumps up. mark only watches as the younger smiles widely.

"relationships over the phone, talking to your significant" haechan yells as his favourite part comes on. mark stays quiet but only smiles at the younger boys behaviour. "oh by the way hyung" haechan says as he turns down the music. he looks over at mark that was holding onto the steering wheel. "mhm?" he responds back not looking away from the road. "do you like anyone?" haechan asks, excited to hear the other's response. "mhmm, maybe?" mark replies back with a small smile. he looks over at haechan and raises a brow, a smile still plastered on his face. "ouuu, who who? i wanna know" haechan says with hopeful eyes. mark looks at him and sees the other looking at him with his pretty doe eyes. "ill tell you later" mark says as he looks at haechan for a split second. haechan rolls his eyes and reaches towards marks phone trying to change the song. "wait" mark says as he grabs haechans wrist. "mhm?" haechan teplies and looks at mark. "what about you?" he asks before looking at the road again. "mhm? i dont know, i dont know how it feels to like somebody" haechan replies with a shrug. mark smiles softly and nods but keeps his eyes on the road ahead.

"haechan-ah" mark says as he looks up to the beautiful sky. the stars were glowing tonight. light breeze that wasnt too cold or too hot. haechan that was laying on marks arm looks up at him, expecting him to continue talking. "what do you think love is all about?" he asks as he continues to look at the stars. "i assume its all about trust, loyalty and happiness. like loving somebody can be painful so as long as you feel comfortable and happy then youre doing the right thing. trust and loyalty is the obvious. and also if i was in a relationship then id want to get treated with respect, no matter what the situation is i think respecting the other and listening to them is extremely important you know" haechan rants for a little bit as mark nods every now and then. "what about you hyung?" haechan asks letting go of marks waist. he instead switches to a sitting position with his legs crossed. he continues to face mark trying to catch his eyes. "i agree. i think loving somebody is all about being comfortable with that person, being able to share almost everything with them" he says before sitting up facing haechan. haechan feels himself staring deep into marks eyes. marks slightly sleepy eyes continue to stare into haechans eyes. haechan suddenly smiles slowly as he breaks the eye contact. "haechan-ah" mark says softly. haechan turns his head and watches as marks hand reaches for his face. mark caresses haechans cheek before tucking some of his hair behind his ear. haechan smiles, not showing any signs of discomfort. "hyung" haechan says as he watches marks eyes roam his face. "hyung kiss me" haechan suddenly says. mark snaps out of it and quickly snatches his hand away. "what" he utters with his eyes slightly wide. "im sorry if i made you uncomfort-" before haechan gets to finish mark puts his hand on his cheek again. his eyes stare down at haechans lips. mark kisses him but feels nothing back. as he was about to break the kiss haechan puts his hands on marks nape. mark couldnt help but smile into the kiss. "ill make sure you know how it feels to love someone" mark says after breaking the kiss, his face staying close to haechans. haechan smiles with a nod.


btw idk how gpa* works so i just said points😅 #european

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