f o r e v e r d o e s n ' t l a s t 2

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jaemin knew this day would come. someone who did their best has no regrets. that's what he was always told therefore he didn't regret falling in love with jeno. it felt a bit weird to not be near jeno all the time. jeno was Jaemin's everything. they did everything together but never got tired of one another but it got to the point where they were too alike. he wasn't happy anymore. after all these years you would think their love has calmed down but jaemin still felt butterflies in his stomach every time jeno was near him.

jeno cut everyone off. the only thing he did was work. the only thing on his mind was work. he barely went out, barely talked to people and barely took care of himself. he lost everything. he lost himself, the love of his life, his friends and everything that made him smile. it was all his fault. he was too selfish. it's okay to be selfish when it comes to love they say but is that really true?

it has been 3 months since they've last seen each other. it felt weird to sleep alone. it felt weird to listen to their favourite songs because everything reminded them of the other.

today felt like a dream. jeno closed two deals in one day and it felt like for the first time in three months he could smile genuinely. he used to go to this specific bar with him. him. jeno knew that going to that bar would bring back memories but he also knew that they were good memories.

jeno sighed deeply as he saw the entrance of the bar from his car. he looked down and smiled sadly. after a few seconds jeno decided to get out. taking heavy steps jeno made his way towards the entrance. as soon as he entered he felt a wave of sweat and alcohol. he held onto his nose while making his way towards the bar to get himself a drink. "vodka please" jeno said to the bartender before turning towards the stage. he saw four guys playing while smiling widely. jeno smiled at them before turning to grab his drink. they looked like they loved what they were doing. i want to be happy too, jeno thought.
soon they finish and with their big smiles they bow before walking off the stage. "after a great performance from our boys let's end the day with our favourite" the host started to speak as he smiled at the crowd. "na jaemin and han hyunmin wooh" he said before clapping. jeno froze. he heard people cheering and clapping. his eyes got wide as he stood up.
his eyes were fixed on the stage. after a few seconds he saw two guys. one was facing the audience while the other that was holding a guitar was talking to him with his back facing the audience. jeno sat back down slowly. it wasn't him. the looked like they were discussing some things last minute. they nodded before walking towards the front. the guy that was holding the guitar finally lifted his head. jeno froze again. he put his glass down quickly before staring at the other intensely. it was him after all. he looked so different. so mature. so not jaemin.
as jeno stared at the other male play he fell in love all over again. the way he tapped his feet. the way his bangs fell softly onto his forehead. the way he smiled while looking at the other guy. jeno felt his heart beat faster as his stomach started to heart slightly. he looks so healthy, so happy. jeno couldn't help but smile. he felt his eyes curved into moon like shapes, jaemin loved his eye smile. it used to be jeno's biggest insecurity but jaemin made him fall in love with his insecurities.

without noticing soon the song finished. jeno clapped as he felt his eyes water. he was glad jaemin was doing well. he tried to make eye contact with jaemin multiple times but jaemin never noticed him. jeno watched as jaemin smiled widely as he hugged the singer. it was the same smile jeno always got. it felt weird to see him smile like that towards someone else. jeno felt his eyes drop slightly. jaemin stared at the other guy with pure adoration. jeno could only watch. he could only watch as they hugged and spun around on stage happily. they bowed while holding hands before making their way backstage. jeno felt tears run down his cheeks. he wiped them quickly before putting money on the counter. he couldn't bear the sight. it felt like their promises were blown away like grains of sand. forgotten.

what jeno didn't know was that jaemin did notice him. just as jeno turned around jaemin frowned as he recognized the side profile. only a couple of seconds but he knew it was jeno.

part 3 with a happy ending?

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