m a t e

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playing: 첫 눈, exo (미안 ㅋ)

it was a rainy and cold thursday. jeno was exhausted from the previous day where he was out all day studying and catching up with an old friend. he didn't think much about the fact that he would be out all day in the middle of a week so here he was. exhausted and moody.

as jeno woke up this morning he couldn't help but feel tired and heavy. his morning was truly a mess and it couldn't get any worse, or so he thought. he woke up late And physically exhausted and his best friend last minute told him that he wasn't coming to school. that alone made him want to curl into a ball and stare at the ceiling for the rest of his life. more unfortunate events kept happening. he had to go out with his jacket's zipper being broken and now he had to survive a whole school day without his best friend, which also meant he would have to spend the day with people he didn't even like. he knew that having to hangout with only those people for a day would wreck him even more so he got the genius idea to just not show up to classes. with his phone out of credit he couldnt even call the school to report himself as sick.

jeno took the bus he usually takes to school just so his parents don't get suspicious. he didn't know where he wanted to go, neither did he know of this was a good idea but at the same time he couldn't care less. he just needed a day to get his shit together and right now even going to school won't matter since hes late.

jeno looked up from his phone tiredly and accidentally made eye contact with a boy who just came in to the bus. jeno couldnt help but stare at the boy, I probably won't meet him again so its okay to stare, jeno thought half jokingly. the boy was absolutely breathtaking. his light brown hair covered most of his forehead while his eyes shined as he blinked. despite being an extrovert that knows a lot of people jeno had never seen a more beautiful person. he kept staring as the boys long legs as they took careful steps while scanning seats. the boy must've felt eyes on him so he moved his hair a bit and looked at jeno with a slight smile. jeno quickly smiled back before looking down due to the embarrassment. before he could get his shit together the boy approached him. "is it okay if i sit here?" he asked with a gentle and calm voice. jeno quickly nodded not knowing what else to say.
while jeno was panicking about the awkward silence the other didn't seem to view the silence as awkward.

soon the boy got up and smiled at jeno one last time before getting off the bus. after lots of smiling jeno found himself at the last stop. he got out and walked a bit trying to find anywhere he could spend a few hours, after a bit jeno found a small library about 20 minutes outside of town. as jeno entered he was instantly hit with the a smell of coffee and the sound of rain as it was the calmest library he had ever been to.

he walked around for a bit and noticed how empty it was, jeno couldn't help but smile in relieve. he soon found a little counter and walked up to the person that seemed to be arranging a few things with his back facing jeno. "excuse me- oh" jenos eyes went little wide as the person turned around. due to the dark lighting in that specific area, jeno couldn't tell what colour the boys hair was. "its you again" the boy said smiling. "what can i get for you?" he asked jeno with a wide smile. "just a milk tea please" jeno answered with a small smile. jenos heart started beating hard as the boy turned back around.
jeno received his drink a few minutes later and couldn't help but blush at the cup. jeno looked up with his face all hot and received a wink in response. jeno quickly turned around before looking at the cup again. instead of asking jeno for his name the boy simoly wrote "soulmate? insta: @.nana_min hehe"

"ill be waiting!" jeno heard before walking away quickly. maybe skipping school isnt so bad?

I've been so busy w school that i don't get any creative story ideas😖
if you have any pls comment them♥️

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