g r a v e y a r d b o y

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s h i p : j o h n t e n
g e n r e : a n g s t [?]
d a t e : my 1 2020
p l a y i n g : w e t, j o o y o u n g
c r i n g e l e v e l : 6/10


Johnny worked at a graveyard, he worked full time which meant his job is usually collecting and removing litter, plant seeds and flowers, water lawns and use and maintain irrigation systems and constructing forms to create garden borders.

Johnny's parents were both very lovely. They're sweet and they genuinely loved their child. But that doesn't mean he loves himself...
Everybody tells him to not worry about, to stop overthinking but, it's hard when you feel you're not good enough...


Ten lives near the city's centre, but passes by the graveyard everyday, but it was often when he's driving home or was in a bus.
He worked in another city, which meant he drove around a lot and sometimes would take public transportation to socialize a bit more. He never really noticed the graveyard though since he wouldn't pay too much attention to the things around him.


He missed the bus he was supposed to take and decided to walk instead since the weather was humid and the air carried a soft and sweet floral scent. Nature felt alive and the ground is filling with colours as flowers bloom and grass begins to grow.

He walked pass the cafe an old friend worked at still not focusing on his way too much.
He was soon near the graveyard and finally he glanced up when his music changed making his gaze drift from his phone to the gate.

From afar he could spot a figure watering flowers with an unreadable expression on.
Ten stared at them for bit only to notice them getting up from their squatting position.

weird i though no one worked here...?
the flowers are all dead...?


Ten started walking home more often, always stopping for a few minutes to, what he called, admire the other.
He grew interest for the other despite not knowing anything about them. He had dark brown hair styled messily, creating a middle part he often ran his fingers through, he would always have a white dress shirt with an ivory coloured cardigan on and what looked like light washed jeans.

It's been two weeks and Ten finally decided to make a move. He left as soon as his shift ended, not hanging out with his friends like he usually does, he, himself, couldn't answer why he desperately wanted to know more about the other.


Ten walked pass the cafe again his palms getting sweaty,,,what is he going to say though...?
He took a deep breath slightly regretting his decision but since he was already there, he had to do it.

Ten opened the gate and made his way down the long way still not catching the eye of the other that was throwing away litter and dead flowers.
As he walked closer he felt his heart beat faster.

You're already half way through just do it.

Ten started to increase his tempo when he saw the other male walking back to the grave he was collecting the dead flowers from...

"Uh hi" Ten said softly, only a few meters between the two.
"Hi do you need any help?" The other said, Ten kept staring at his sharp eyes and thick pink lips, getting lost Ten didn't notice the other trying to get his attention,,,"is everything alright..?" Ten looked back up cheeks having a pink tint to them, his gaze switched between the other male's eyes and lips.

"Oh sorry um I was wondering if uh you could um g-give me you're uh n-number...?" Ten said now looking down slightly embarrassed.
"Oh?" Ten looked back up slowly smiling at the other, knowing it would be awkward to say no. "Oh um I guess,,,yeah sure" Johnny said still a bit unsure.

He's so cute but damn he's a tree

"I'm Johnny by the way, Johnny Seo" Ten's smile grew bigger, yeah he was a keeper he felt it. "Ten" Johnny raises a brow a bit confused,,,"my full name is Chittaphon Leechaiyabpornkul, but since, obviously, it's pretty long I just go by Ten" Johnny nodded smiling awkwardly waited for the other to hand him his phone. "Oh right s-sorry" Ten said quickly realizing, he gave him phone with an embarrassed smile. "May I ask why you wanted my number?" Johnny suddenly asked while saving his number and slowly handing it back to Ten. "I...uh" Ten got embarrassed due the fact that he didn't think that far. He scratched his nape a small smile still on his face. "I don't really know I-I just usually walk this way and would see you often and um I don't know you seem sad all the time and thought maybe I could uh help...? Ten said looking down, Johnny cleared his throat, "well u-uh I better get back to work h-have a nice day" he said quickly, it was very obvious that he wanted the conversation to end so Ten took the hint and with a smile, that the taller male returned, he started walking back to the gate.


On his way back home Johnny kept thinking about the other,,,why would anyone ask for HIS number? He's just a basic guy working at a graveyard.

Johnny shifted in his bed uncomfortably, he couldn't sleep. He tried watching tv, changing his clothes, showering but nothing seemed to be working.
Giving up Johnny sighed getting up.

He took his jacket and shoes, noticing the chilly weather.
He made his way to the abounded fair behind the graveyard. He walked through the graveyard his hands in his pockets,,,
Johnny looked up at the shining stars, it calmed him down for some reason.

He sat down not really seeing what he sat on, he sighed. "Why am I still living like this? I could enjoy my youth but no" Johnny leaned back on whatever he was siting on. "What do I want to do with my life?" this question kept running through his head. After a few seconds of silence Johnny heard something move behind him. "You still have time to choose a path" Johnny's head snapped up seeing a small figure walking toward him, sitting next to him, still keeping space between the two. Johnny recognized the other as the guy from earlier, Ten. "I'm almost 25 Ten I don't have all the time in the world" Johnny sat properly, head hanging low. Ten leaned back with a small smile.

He's so cute oh my god I'm loosing my shit

Ten's smile grew bigger, adoration in his eyes. He sat normally again eyes still fixed on Johnny. "It'll take time John" Johnny looked up at the other with a small sad smile. "I know but...I don't know I'm just bored of everything" Ten just smiled.


They ended up talking for longer than planned, Ten figured out quite a few things about the other. Ten was the one doing most of the talking, the other only replying with short answers here and there. Though Johnny barely talked Ten understood what was bothering him and, at least felt like, he brought up the right things.

Johnny was lonely. He needed someone to talk to but Ten noticed him barley talking so he knew that he wasn't the type to share a lot about his personal life, or feelings for that matter.
It'll take time until Johnny opens up, but that didn't bother Ten the slightest.


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