c h o c o l a t e b a r 2

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Chenle made his way outside the meeting room and into the dark hallway, it looked very long and narrow. The only thing that lit the hallway was the red led lights for a room down the hall. Chenle pulled out his chocolate bar looking behind him making sure no one was following him;
He unwrapped it while still looking around him, Chenle took a small bite slowly walking towards the red light, it almost looked like a strip club (according to photos and descriptions).

Chenle kept looking behind him every now and then making sure, obviously not knowing what or who could come out of nowhere. He took another bite still sneakily making his way to the end of the hallway.
He kept walking and after a few seconds he met two ways. Chenle looked to his left seeing one white door with no light being turned on. And then turned to his right seeing a more "alive" corridor. Chenle took another bite before slowly following the red light, he noticed the light coming from around the corridor and not the actual room. He looked behind him again before going back to walking again.
"And what do you think you're doing?" Chenle froze, dropping his chocolate bar. Fear started to take over as his eyes grew wide. He tried to squat down thinking he won't be as visible. "Stand up and answer me" Chenle heard with the same deep and husky voice making him get goosebumps, he uncomfortably shifted, still not wanting to get up,
"I'm not repeating myself. Stand. Up." Chenle sighed and cursed in his head as he was getting up, his head hung low feeling uncomfortable under the tall figure. "Sorry" Chenle whispers his voice barely audible. "What are you doing here rich kid" the other said "fixing" Chenle's tie. Chenle flinched slightly, obviously uncomfortable. "D-don't touch me p-please" the other smirked before lifting their hands up proving their innocence. "Who are you" Chenle looked up staring at the other before quickly regretting his choice of actions. It looked like a male possibly younger than him but way taller, he had an undercut and his black bangs were messily resting on his forehead, his lips were slightly chapped and his cheek were a tiny bit rosy, probably he heat.
"I-im Chenle"
His head still hang low but he could the feel the other smirking. "I don't care" Chenle cursed in his head, he put on a fake innocent confused look looking up at the other that was still staring down at him,,,"background" Chenle looked back down, he scratched his neck awkwardly, not knowing how to answer.
"Uh my dad's the CEO o-" Chenle got cut off by the other putting his hand up motioning for Chenle to stop talking, he uncomfortably shifted again, feeling small under the other's piercing gaze.
"I'll see you around"


"And then he just left" Jaemin lifted his head up from the crook of Chenle's neck, he confusingly stared at he other that just finished telling the story. He slowly unwrapped his arms that were wrapped around Chenle's waist, "by the time dad's meeting was over he probably left I don't even know" Jaemin nodded still deep in his thoughts. "If we got a least a name we'd be able to find quite a lot" Jaemin said making Chenle hum, "anyways wanna watch friends?" Jaemin snapped out of his thoughts giving Chenle a "disgusted" expression. "You picked last week it's my turn this time!" Chenle rolled his eyes, he picked up his phone scrolling through different apps until he saw Jaemin put the remote down, with a smile he snuggled closer to Chenle making Chenle wrap his arm around his shoulders. "You're so clingy oh my god" Jaemin glared at Chenle quickly before focusing on the tv again, "I don't care" he said wrapping his arms around Chenle's waist.


"Jaemin!" Chenle whined while walking behind his best friend that was making him hold all his shopping bags, "I'll give you 20 bucks for helping me hmm" Jaemin said pinching Chenle's cheek annoyingly.

Chenle's arms started to give up, he tapped his feet repeatedly trying to get Jaemin's attention indirectly.
"Last store I promise!" Chenle tried looking up trying to read the name of the store but failing miserably because of all the shopping bags that were blocking his view, (he could adjust the way he's holding them but he didn't care).
"Nana milkshake!" Jaemin turned around looking at Chenle with an annoyed smile, "later lele, okay?" Chenle shook his head not wanting to give up. "Milkshake, Minnie!" Jaemin sighed before pulling out another annoyed smile;
"Okay let's go" Chenle smiled making Jaemin's fake smile turn into a genuine one,,,


"What do you want, Chenle?" Chenle looked up at Jaemin a soft smile plastered on his face. "Chocolate!" Jaemin nodded before turning to the girl standing behind the counter.

"You usually get strawberry" Chenle shrugged not interested in the topic Jaemin brought up, he walking a bit closer to Jaemin that was about to sit down at a table near the entrance,,,

Soon their orders arrived and they started making small talks, the bell rang signalling a new costumer has entered. Chenle watched as a dark haired guy walked up to the cashier with one hand in his black long suit-coat, he looked down noticing the other's dress shoes and jeans also being black. He glanced further up seeing his black hair slicked back with a few strands falling softly on his forehead. Chenle stopped listening to Jaemin as his full attention moved to the side profile of the guy who seemed weirdly familiar.

"Yo Chenle" Chenle turned to Jaemin giving him his full attention, "are you okay?" Chenle just nodded before giving the unknown guy another glance. "What were you saying?"

From the corner of his eye Chenle could see the guy taking his order before walking to the opposite side of the cafe.


"Chocolate again?" Chenle turned around seeing the black haired guy from earlier, he gave him a confused look still not being able to put a name on the person in front of him.

The guy scoffed before shaking his head, he gave Chenle a smirk before leaving again,,,
"What just happened...?" Chenle shrugged, clearly, just as confused.
"Wait" Jaemin looked up from his lap giving Chenle a questioning look. "Black clothing. Undercut. Eyebrow slit" Chenle's eyes got wide as he connected the dots, he put his hands on the table (dramatically) before turning to Jaemin that was still giving him a confused look,,,
"Jaemin that's him."


wow im so creative and good at updating😍😍

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