f o r e v e r d o e s n ' t l a s t 3

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eno leaves the bar with a sad smile. it felt like somebody was ripping his heart into pieces. he couldn't bear seeing jaemin happy. he knew he was being selfish but he couldn't help it. he wanted jaemin to be happy no matter what but seeing him happy with someone else hurt more than he thought it would. at this point nothing mattered. everything felt like a dream. jeno lost. he lost everything and didn't know if wanted to continue living. it's really over now, he thought. he had no one. he had nothing but an office and three cats.

it was all his fault. never in a million years did he think he would break up with jaemin. jaemin was his everything.

jeno felt his steps get heavier and heavier. he stared at his car for a few seconds before starting to walk away from it. he needed someone. anyone he could talk to. he didn't want to do anything he would regret. he desperately needed comfort but felt too pathetic to ask for help. throughout those three months jeno never got the comfort or support he needed and he always thought he was his own comfort person and didnt need support from anyone else but today. today he finally realized that his life was over. that jaemin really started to forget about him.
not having a destination jeno kept walking and walking and soon he found himself on a bridge.

the sidewalk was uncomfortably small. jeno looked to his right and saw water. he looked to his left and saw a bunch of cars driving in multiple directions. he felt stuck. jeno faced the water and stared at the foggy buildings. he sighed before turning to see if there were any people walking. no one in their right mind would be walking around a bridge in the middle of the night.
jeno put his hands on the cold metal in front of him and screamed as loud as he could. he knew he was acting like he was in a dramatic romance drama but it was satisfying. he laughed before screaming again. "na jaemin! i hate that i can't move on from you!" jeno shouted as he moved up and down. he laughed again before continuing to shout. "im so in love with you it makes me sick!" jeno shouted before screaming so loud he deep down knew that the people driving bu could hear him.
after shouting his heart out jeno started running. he couldn't explain why he just found himself running towards the opposite direction of his car. as he got closer to the end of the bridge he heard his phone ring. he ignored it for a bit before snapping out of it. jeno slowed down before taking his phone out of his pocket. seeing it was an unknown number jeno answered but kept silent. "hello?" he heard a soft voice. him. it was him. "jeno-ya?" jeno couldn't move. his heart started beating like crazy. it felt like a tiger was running towards him. his chest ached as he felt a clump in his throat. "turn around" jaemin said. jeno didn't know if he was dreaming or not. it felt like a kdrama. regardless of all the thoughts he turned around. he looked straight ahead but the way was empty. he raised his hand to look at his screen but jaemin hung up. jeno's head dropped as he felt his vision get blurry due to tears.
jeno turned around and as he was about to start walking he felt a car slow down and stop slightly in front of him. the car stopped and someone came out quickly before the driver drove away. jeno lifted his head and he saw him. him. jaemin jumped from the driveway to the side walk and ran towards jeno. jeno froze again. this felt like the kdrama scene they always cringed over. not caring how dramatic they were being jeno started jogging towards jaemin with tearful eyes.

this hug was everything jeno could ask for. its everything he has wanted for the past three months. "i thought someone had called the wrong number" jeno said as he started crying loudly. "my phone was out of credit again" jaemin replied with a laugh before burying his head deeper into jeno's neck. "ill make sure your phone is never out of credit" jeno said as he held jaemin's head close to him. he sniffled before facing jaemin. "ill make sure your phone is never out of credit so don't leave me again!" jeno says while staring into jaemins eyes. jaemin could only nod with tearful eyes. jeno grabbed jaemin's head and hugged him as he started sobbing loudly again. "i heard everything you shouted you don't need to confess to me" jaemin said as he pushed jeno's arms from his waist to his shoulders. jeno laughed as he nodded with his head his buried in jaemin's neck.

guess you didn't cheat. but you're still a traitor.

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