o n e w i s h

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i suddenly forgot all my english so pls read between the lines lmao😭😭
[not edited]

mark wishes his family was financially stable. he wishes his parents stopped treating him like a child that doesn't understand. he wants them to tell him everything. to tell him that they're struggling without being ashamed. he knows everything though. it's not that hard to figure out, he knows they have difficulties finding jobs, he knows everything. he overhears and he analyzes.  he just wants to be able to buy his younger siblings toys, to buy them new shoes or new clothes but he cant. he opens the fridge everyday just for it to be nearly empty. he feels like his parents don't care enough. they aren't trying hard enough. its hard finding a part time job at the age of 15 which isnt weird since very few people would want to hire teenagers, he tried applying for a lot of smaller jobs but even trying to find a babysitting job is hard. he tried babysitting, dog-sitting and even handing out newspapers but nothing seemed to be working and he started to get tired of it. he knows that deep  down his parents want the best for them but they were weak willed or maybe even lazy he couldn't tell. they have been in this situation and it's starting to get too exhausting for 15 year old mark. he does have an older brother, minseok, but he was practically useless. he knows their parents are struggling but still asks for a ridiculous amount of money on the daily. he feels sick. he just wants to run away. he wanted to run away until he finds what makes him the happiest.

"mum I forgot a few books at school I'll just go get them" mark says as his mother waves him away without saying anything. an okay would've been nice, he thought. he stared at her for a second before looking down.

he did lie about a few things regarding his identity but he was desperate. he was just happy he found a part time job but at the same time he did know that he was risking his life for a few reasons. 1, he did lie to get the job and if his parents find out they'd kill him but thats for him to worry about later. his biggest concern was the neighborhood. he had to work late at night and this neighborhood was known for how messy it was. due to that fact he knew he had to get mentally prepared to be facing a bunch of angry drunk middle aged men but he did it all for his siblings. he didn't want them to get picked on because they were poor. he wanted them to have it better than him.

"welcome!" mark says when he heard the bell of the corner shop. he fixed whatever he was fixing before raising his body. the boy that had entered gave mark a small smile but it was barely visible due to the low cap the boy had on. he took his time walking around the shop but ended up picking up a sandwich, a drink and chips. "do you need a bag?" mark says as he started ringing the things up. "no it's fine i'll eat in here" he answered and mark nods back. "what's your name, you don't look like you're from here?" the boy suddenly asks as he takes his baseball cap off. without noticing mark took a good look at the boy. he seemed to notice but only stared back at him with a small smile. "oh uhm i'm minhyung, i live far from here" he answers the boy. "donghyuck" the boy said as he started walking to the nearest table. "what are you doing here this late?" mark decided to ask since he was bored of being alone in the store. "insomnia" he says as he started eating. mark nods before leaving the counter making his way to the back of the shop. he grabbed a small carton of milk and started walking to the counter. he payed for it quickly before making his way towards the back of the shop again. after warming up the milk mark made his way towards donghyuck. "milk is better than soda" mark said as he handed him the milk. "thank you" donghyuck said with a smile. "do you work here everyday?" donghyuck asked after taking a sip of the milk. "yeah basically. i need the money" mark replied with a shrug. "ill keep you company then. ill come everyday " donghyuck replied. mark only smiled not taking it seriously but little did he know...

donghyuck was serious about showing up everyday.

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