o p p o s i t e s 2

465 3 7


haechan storms out the bedroom door with anger. he hated it when people pitied him. they might be poor but it isn't anyone's place to feel bad for them. there was nothing he hated more than seeing other's eyes switch whenever he would mention his mother or that he worked multiple part time jobs while still going to college. he despised talking about his background for this very reason. no one knew much about him, he had many friends but non that ever cared to ask much about his personal life and no knew about his family and their living conditions.

haechan finds himself in front of a long set of stairs. he looks around and could only see doors leading to what he guessed were bedrooms. with stressful steps haechan makes his way down the stairs. he was met with more doors, is this a house or a maze, haechan thinks. he walked straight while still looking around keeping an eye at his surroundings. he soon sees a big white door and makes his way to it. he opens it and sighs when the strong light from the outside world hits his face. he smiles with his eyes still closed. after opening his eyes after a couple of seconds haechans smile drops at the sight. he sees a big fountain with 6 cars sorounding it. his eyes begin to wander as he looks at the expensive porsches and teslas in front of him. while making his way behind the fountain towards the main door haechan stops and looks to his left seeing a row of motorcycles. his jaw drops while reading all the expensive brand names.

he quickly snaps out of it though and takes small steps towards the exit while still eying the sport bikes. haechan takes one last look around while holding onto the gate door. he suddenly catches the other smiling in adortion while holding onto a mug on a balcony. stupid lee minhyung you think youre better than me, huh? why are you always at a balcony, huh? haechan thinks with a disgusted look plastered on his face. he rolls his eyes before opening the gate and stepping outside the mansion. he closes it before looking around trying to figure out where he was.

haechan stands up from his chair and bows slightly towards his teacher. "see you guys next week, make sure you study well okay?" his professor says with happy eyes. haechan rolls his eyes discreatly before heading outside the lecture hall. as he was taking his keys out of his bag he sees someones shadow in front of him. he lifts his head slowly hoping it wasn't minhyung. he closes one eye and carefully peaks up getting ready to run away in case it was him. after a 3 hour lecture he definitly didn't have enough energy to deal with a minhyung or anyone to be fair. thankfully it wasn't exactly him though. "oh jisung hi" he says as he sees a junior of his. "hi! hyung im hosting a party on friday night, wanna come?" he says with a charming tone. haechan smiles softly before looking down at his feet not wanting to stare too hard at the other. "hyung look at me" jisung says with a teasing smile before grabbing haechan by the chin, lifting his head up to catch jisungs eyes. "i can't garantee but send me the information and ill see if i can make it" he says with a small smile. "sure, hope to see you" jisung says with a wink. haechans smile turns awkward as he watches jisung walk away. "popular with the men?" haechan hears awfully close to his ear. he flinches hard while turning around. he sees lee minhyung standing there with his head tilted, smiling innocently as if he didn't do what he just did. "what the fuck?" haechan says already annoyed just by the sight of the other. "shh don't say that, I don't like foul mouthed boys" minhyung says and although haechan didn't want to admit it the sight of minhyungs finger on his pouted lips was hot indeed. "whatever, I literally couldn't care less" haechan says as he startes walking towards the stairs. "let me take you out on saturday" minhyung says as he stands still. he puts his hands in his pockets while tilting his hesd slightly. haechan turns around and stares at him. he figured tilting his head was a habit of the others. he smiles widely before responding. "how about mhmm no? yeah thats my answer". his smile drops directly after he finishes talking. he rolls his eyes before turning around ready to walk away. "either you come willingly or ill forcefully take you out" minhyung says which causes haechan to stop in his tracks. he stands still for a couple of seconds before snickering. "as if" he says as he continues to walk. minhyung on the other hand doesn't take no for an answer and will continue to pursue someone until they do agree. "i have work" haechan says as he continues walking. minhyung catches up to him and grabs him by the shoulders pushing his small frame onto a wall."me too. but im willing to lose millions by cancelling important meetings for you. just give me one day and ill prove myself" he says as he stares deeply into haechans eyes. haechan, starting to get nervous, gulps. "f-fine whatever just promise to leave me alone after that" he says while staring back into minhyungs eyes. "you will be the one who'll chase me, love" minhyung says with a small smirk. he caresses haechans cheek before taking two steps back. "ill have someone pick you up. be ready by 5" he flashes an innocent smile once again before beginning to walk away.

"chan!" haneul shouts as she hears the door open. "chan omg im so proud of you" she says with a wide smile, quickly embracing her brother. haechan, not knowing what was going on, stands still letting her hug him tightly. "sky, wait what do you mean" he says after a while. "moms hospital bills, im so happy you could pay all of them off. now she can finally get that surgery, im so proud of you!" she says as she fake cries. "so so proud, chan! thank you!" she continues to say. haechan still being confused just pats his sister's back. she lets go and haechan quickly puts his bag down before fishing out his phone.

unkown number:
I hope your mom's surgery goes well.
see you on saturday, my love😉

s e n t, 21:34
s e e n, 23:18

haechans jaw drops as he reads the text. should he genuinely give minhyung a chance...?

should i do a part 3 with the date?
just started high school ish, sorry i can't update often

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