s t r a w b e r r y c a k e

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s h i p : y u w i n
g e n r e : f l u f f
d a t e : aprl 18 2020
p l a y i n g : c o m f o r t a b l e, ONE
c r i n g e  l e v e l : 8/10

[ little space ]


Dong Sicheng, the small boy that always sat next to the window. Never talked to anyone, minding his business.
He was shy but mentally strong so he didn't really care about what others thought of
He wore dresses and skirts whenever he felt like it. Wore heels or dr martens when he felt like it.
He really didn't care. He didn't get bullied either so he was happy he could be himself without feeling scared.


Hearing his alarm Sicheng got up stretching,,,
After showering he made his way to his closet, picking out a simple white skirt and a blue sweatshirt with a white turtleneck.

Sicheng brushed his black hair back, walking to his dresser picking out a few necklaces and white ruffle socks, he made his way towards the kitchen. On the way putting on a pair of black mary janes,,,

Since he was early anyways he made pancakes for him and his sister.

Putting the plates on the dining table Sicheng made his way down the hall to wake his sister, Chunhua, up.

"Baby wake up..." quietly Sicheng enters the room tiptoeing to Chunhua's bed,,,
His sister is 15 so she could take care of herself but their parents were always busy so he was in charge most of the time. His parents were both surgeons. They loved their children and would do anything to make them happy but they have a though job so it's hard to find time for everything.

"Baby I have to leave first but I made breakfast let's eat together" smiling Sicheng pushed a few strands of hair out of his sister's face kissing her forehead before patting her head after hearing groans.


"By the way I have work after classes I might come a bit late sorry, a friend can stay over if you end up feeling lonely" taking a sip of his water Sicheng put his glass down now looking up at his sister. "Why do you even work winwin our parents make enough money..." Sicheng's lips curve up in a smile, "I'm almost 18 Chun I want to be responsible. And you know just try new things before the real world" Chunhua sighed, with a half smile she nodded taking both their plates, noticing that they've both finished their food.

"I'll get going hmm" quickly grabbing his bag Sicheng kissed his sister's cheek. Patting her back, Sicheng took his keys and went out.


After classes, as he said, he had work so after getting what he needed from his locker he put his earpods on now making his way to the exit.

"Yo Nakamoto are you coming? We're going to the arcade down the street" not really caring nor finding interest in the conversation Sicheng kept walking,,,
"Oh I'm sorry I can't make it I have stuff to take care of"
"Oh come on Yuta" shrugging Yuta waved at his friends walking ahead, soon he was next to Sicheng.
Yuta looked down at Sicheng with a small smile his cheeks getting rosy, not wanting the other to notice because of his bad boy aura Yuta started to speed walk away.


"Please don't come in please" theres 5 minutes until he has to close the coffee shop, not wanting anyone to enter 5 minutes before Sicheng put his head on the counter praying.

After a few minutes of silence Sicheng got up with a smile. He could finally go home.
Sicheng turned around to hang his apron when he heard the bell signalling that someone has entered.
Sicheng tried his best to not scream, he put his apron back on and turned around,,
"Hi welcome to neohearts what can i get for you tod-" Sicheng's heart sank (in panic), as he saw Yuta,,,Nakamoto Yuta. The bad boy who always got in trouble. With furry neko cat ears and a pink oversized sweatshirt that reached his knees and pair of striped knee high socks (pink and white).
Sicheng's eyes widened as he eyed Yuta  noticing him holding a pink bear stuffie.
Looking back up Sicheng saw his chocker.
"I'm-" Sicheng stopped mid sentence when he saw Yuta's eyes get teary.
"Please don't judge me..." Yuta said with a small voice, barely audible.
"M..my parents got divorced and I just..." Sicheng grabbed a strawberry cake slice and a fork before motioning for Yuta to sit down at a table.

"It's fine Yuta I'm not going to judge you, are you a little?" Yuta hugged his bear tighter before shaking his head. "I don't really know I just kinda got sad and wanted to feel pretty..." Sicheng smiled relating a bit. "You're already pretty Yuta. Really pretty." Yuta looked up at Sicheng, now changing his seat sitting next to Sicheng, he turned to his left a bit looking at Sicheng with puppy eyes.
"C..can you hold my hand and tell me I'm pretty again...I'm sorry I..I don't want to make you uncomfortable" Sicheng held Yuta's left hand intertwining their fingers, he looked at Yuta as he rested his head on his hand.
"You're pretty Yuta. So so pretty it makes me jealous" Sicheng said with a pout making Yuta squeeze his hand wiping his tears messily with his sweater paws.


"So you want me to be your caregiver...?" Sicheng asked walking alongside Yuta,,,
"Yes please. You really helped me last night Sicheng and I don't know if it will be often I'll go into little space but it feels safe to know that... you know I can talk to you..." Yuta said with a whine in the beginning.

Sicheng smiled.

he looked so innocent ugh it was so cute 11/10 would recommend. he seems sweet idk ill be fine with being his caregiver must be a lot going on if he needs one.

Sicheng shook his head shifting his gaze towards Yuta's handsome face,,,
"Sure. I'll be your caregiver Yuta"
Yuta smiled widely nodding his head like a puppy.


m e :
hey sorry to bother you so late but im still a dom so just wanted to remind u😳🤚

s e n t, 01:27
s e e n, 01:27

s i s i 🦋
whatever makes you sleep at night yuyu

s e n t, 01:27
s e e n, 01:28


s e n t, 01:28
s e e n, 01:29

s i s i 🦋
goodnight bub ! <33


idk fam

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