r e g r e t s 2

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johnny froze not knowing what to do. he just understood the situation hes in. he was stuck again. he didn't have anything on him and the park was slightly outside their actual town. johnnys eyes kept shaking, he didn't have much time to think. he took a deep shaky breath before trying to get ten on his back. "ten, you can't leave" johnny said with a shaking voice. he holds onto tens legs and wraps tens arms around his own neck before starting to run as fast as his legs could take him. johnny couldn't help but tear up. he was grateful for the dream because if it wasn't for it, he would've never seen ten ever again. he didn't want to see his love take his last breaths but it was better than hearing about his passing weeks later. johnny prayed and prayed in his head as he started to lose his breath due to all the running. he wouldve called out for somebody but there was no one. not a single soul in sight. it was late at night, the only people being outside were drunk old men. he started to run a bit slower. he was out of breath and his ankles started to hurt. he wasnt wearing proper shoes and he kept running and running. johnny smiled with tears streaming down his face. just a little bit more, please,  johnny thought to himself. ten couldnt die.

johnnys kept running as he started to see the big sign of the hospital. a smile was still plasted on his face. he ran as fast as he could towards the entrance, "help! suicide attempt!" johnny yelled towards the receptionist, stuttering due to the lack of oxygen. johnny swallowed thickly as he saw a few nurses run towards him with a portable bed. he carefully lied ten on the bed before the nurses quickly ran towards the emergency room entrance.  johnny squatted down still trying to catch his breath. his breathing pattern was still irregular but that wasnt his main concern. he pushed his hair back before starting to quietly cry. he felt guilty, worried, all sorts of emotions. he wished he wouldnt have distanced himself. then maybe all of this wouldnt have happened. if only he couldve manned up and explained the situation then they wouldnt have been here. he regrets everything. he regrets backing down, regrets not running to tens house like he always thought about. johnny felt pathetic right now. he was always the one to say that a person who puts efforts into everything shouldnt have any regrets but right now he didnt know if he trust that. it was cold, dark and quiet in the hospital. so uncomfortably quiet. he had to get up but he couldnt help but think of the bad possibilities before the good ones. he didnt want to give himself false hope just in case he was too late.

johnny lifted himself up after a few minutes. with heavy steps and shaky breaths he made his way towards the ER entrance. as he sat down he felt his eyes close slower, it was late at night, almost morning and he hasnt had any proper sleep. he didnt want to sleep just in case a doctor or a nurse came out of the room. johnnys eyes continued to close slowly and as he was about to shut his eyes completely he heard a loud voice from the emergency room. the voice was yelling out high numbers and that made the sleepiness go away almost instantly. johnny stood up to distract himself from feeling sleepy again. he paced around the lounge for a few minutes before hearing a loud noise. johnny immediately recognized the sound as the door's. he ran towards the door and looked at the doctor with hopeful eyes. "youre one fast man! hes not in critical condition anymore but he needs lots of rest" the doctor states before giving johnny a smile. "thank you so much!" johnny says multiple times with joy in his voice. johnny felt his heart calm down as he felt a burden get lifted off his shoulder.

if it wasnt for that dream. he wouldve lost ten.

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