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renjun is confused. confused with himself. with his feelings. he likes jeno but he also likes jaemin and at the same time he doesnt like jaemin or jeno. renjun only has two class with jeno but in that short period of time he managed to kind of steal his heart. whenever they would talk his stomach would start to hurt and hed start stuttering which he never usually does. jeno was good looking and smart which never failed to amaze renjun, that made renjun believe jeno's too good to be with him. jeno always had perfect hair, had a nice style, he was tall and charming and had a bunch of friends just like renjun. they had a few things in common but jeno was nice to a lot of people which made renjun think he was overthinking things. a close friend of renjun's also used to have a small crush on jeno and although renjun agreed whenever his friend called him sweet, handsome etc his friend didnt seem to notice. he tried mentioning it a few days ago to get a reaction out of his friend and they seemed surprised which made renjun uncomfortable. he didn't know why they reacted that way when renjun always agreed whenever the other mentioned jeno. he did have some issues with his friend. his friend always lied and tried to manipulate renjun multiple times but renjun wasn't stupid. he quickly understood their habits and knew how to handle things whenever his friend would start lying. they often embarrassed themselves with all the lying but renjun couldn't really say much. he didn't want to embarrass them even more so he just let them do whatever they pleased. although this friend was a horrible person renjun was so used to their company that he couldnt really cut them off. they had terrible habits, not only did they lie most of the time they would also for example start talking to the people renjun had interest in. they might be more physically attractive but their personality is pretty trashy if renjun could say that himself and that caused renjun to have a horrible image of them.

now jaemin on the other hand was a sweetheart. they have almost all classes together and they get along really well. they have been texting a lot for the past 2 months and even hung out once. jaemin would make sure renjun didn't skip any meals, he would always ask him about how he was feeling etc. he was truly boyfriend material but jaemin was also quite quiet which meant they almost never talked at school which renjun kind of disliked. he was also somewhat close minded and uneducated when it came to certain things which made renjun uncomfortable at times because he felt like he had to explain stuff that he thought was common sense. although jaemin was also good looking he wasnt the best at his studies. he studies well but didnt put a lot of effort into his education which renjun thought was a turn off, he never really complained but he didn't care that much either. didnt know what he wanted to do in life, didnt know what he wants to work with and he didnt have any major goals either. he was always at the gym which is of course attractive but renjun believes you have to set your priorities straight. another thing about jaemin is that renjun thinks he likes him, that jaemin likes renjun. there was a time where they were talking about dreams and jaemin accidentally mentioned that he had a wet dream about a fellow classmate when they were in grade 8 and renjun laughed and mentioned his own wet dream about jeno from two weeks ago and jaemin sounded pretty off about it. he asked him 2-3 times if he had a crush on jeno in which renjun shook his head at of course. jaemin seemed kind of bothered by it though so he quickly said he had to go to bed and left the call. that made renjun smirk a little, he was enjoying the attention although he knew that he was a bitch for thinking that way.

today was the last day of grade 9. today a prom will be held and renjun knew both guys were gonna look fantastic. jeno's beautiful smile would light up the room while his giggles and laughs would make renjun want to hit his pillow while smiling and squeaking. jeno was classy, even jaemin described him this way. he way easy to picture in a suit and tie with fancy dress shoes while jaemin was a lot harder to imagine. he often came to school with hoodies and tshirts while jeno would switch between dress shirts, sweatshirts and casual cardigans. renjun wasnt sure if he would see jeno though because there's a big risk they'll divide the classes which means renjun and jeno wont be able to see one another.
renjun knew he wouldn't be able to ask for a photo even if the classes where all together so he would honestly be happy just to make eye contact with the other. while jeno would smile whenever their eyes meet jaemin would just flash a small awkward smile before looking away. renjun was now really confused. he hoped he could get close to jeno but at the same time he knew he wouldn't be able to message him. he felt like it would feel forced or it would make jeno uncomfortable because he might find out about jun's feelings. he knew this wouldn't matter that much in a few months so it would be best to do it before they start grade 10 because by that time they would have to change to different schools and ren wasnt too sure on what jeno would choose.

jun felt like he was getting kicked in his stomach as he heard what his teacher was saying. they were going to combine all the classes. not only did that mean renjun would be able to hangout with more friends but that also meant he could try to sneak and talk to jeno a little bit. he knew his "best friend" would get weirded out by it but he knew they wouldn't question it because they knew renjun was also an extrovert.
renjun took careful steps towards a friend and started talking to them for a bit before turning and seeing jeno, he started to slowly walk towards him while talking to others in the meantime. as he got close he smiled at jeno but didn't get a smile back, how strange, renjun thought but decided not to question it, he stood a few steps away but was standing on the opposite side of jeno which meant if he stopped talking to his friends his eyes would land on renjun. renjun quickly figured out that he just wasnt paying attention and that he wasnt ignoring him. he accidentally made eye conatct with jeno and smiled, jeno returned the smile but not as big as usual. jeno nodded and patted a friend's shoulder before walking towards renjun. he felt a little scared as he saw jeno lick his lips with a small smile plastered on his face. "actually there's something i gotta talk to u about, is it okay if we step out for a little?" jeno suddenly says which confuses renjun. he raises a brow but nods nonetheless. what could this mean?

team jeno or team jaemin?😳

(this might be my personal story but w nct members but idk😅)

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