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With a sigh Taeil shoved his hands into his hoodie pockets, he sat down on a bench near a bridge, the same bridge him and Doyoung had their first kiss.

He looked up at the river across that curved gently through a forrest.

It was starting to get chilly and Taeil grew more and more impatient...
He stared at his wristwatch and sighed before getting up ready to leave. Doyoung was more than 45 minutes late.

"Moon Taeil!" He stopped in his tracks and turned around searching for the voice that had called out for him.
He stared blankly as he saw Doyoung running from a distance.

"I'm sorry" Doyoung panted. He leaned closer to Taeil and rubbed their noses fondly. Taeil stayed silent so Doyoung could catch his breath again. "Wanna go to my house?" Taeil shook his head, "no. Let's just get this over with" Taeil said before starting to walk towards the direction Doyoung came from. Doyoung frowned upon seeing Taeil act so coldly, "oh?"


Taeil stopped in front of a bench a few meters  away from the one he was sitting on earlier.
"Sit" Taeil said with an eyebrow raised. Doyoung shook his head, refusing to sit down...
Taeil sighed quietly before standing up. "Go on then, what are you waiting for?" Doyoung's head hung low, he felt like a child being scolded. Taeil was never the dominant one but Doyoung was the one at fault so he let the other lead. Doyoung took a deep breath before he began speaking, "I'm sorry, Tae. I just feel like I'm not the same person I was at the beginning of this relationship...I can't give you what you deserve anymore, I'm sorry but I can't force myself into loving you..."
Taeil looked down at his feet and then smiled sadly at him, "I still love you, I think I always will. But maybe it's time to go our separate ways" Taeil looked up to see Doyoung's face, he looked apologetic and it didn't sit right with Taeil. "I don't want you to feel pressured into the relationship anymore, so don't worry I'm not sullen or anything." Taeil looked to his right seeing the water flow, it calmed him down. "Thank you though, you've taught me a lot" Taeil said calmly. He took a deep breath trying to fight back the tears.

❝𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞❞
[ik its "happiest year" but jwhs]

That sentence never left Doyoung's mind, it's been more than three years...and it kind of haunted him. He couldn't focus on things anymore. The first two years went great, he got to experience the "single life" after a long relationship and he got to meet new people, sometimes not in a very pleasant way, but it never lasted anyway.
He then started to get more tired of things. He started questioning things and it lead into him thinking that everything seems to require too much energy. And then he fell into a dark hole of depression, where not much light gets in. And it was often easier to live in the hole than to risk going out and going right back to where you started, which in this case is before he met Taeil. His early life was filled with childhood trauma and lots of bullying and pain, both physically and mentally.


"Ah fuck" He mumbled quietly, he put the beer can down and let his head fall onto his forearm. "I've been thinking about you a lot lately...I-I miss you" Doyoung felt his vision get blurry so he lifted his head up and stared at the ceiling.
❝𝐈 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧❞

"Okay get up we're going out!" Doyoung lifted his head from his pillow to stare at his best friend. "Yuta, please" Yuta held onto Doyoung's duvet and pulled it towards himself. "Literally fuck you." Yuta gave Doyoung a fake smile and walked towards Doyoung's closet. "Anyway I don't care what you say you're coming with me." "To where?" Yuta turned around and his smile grew slowly, "I asked Sicheng out on a date and he said yes so you're coming with me." Doyoung ran his fingers through his messy hair and took a deep breath, trying to not get agitated. "And why do I have to tag along to YOUR date?" Before getting an answer Doyoung felt some sort of fabric come in contact with his face. "He said he's bringing a friend so I thought might as well" Doyoung rolled his eyes before getting up grabbing the t-shirt that was previously thrown at him, which turned out to be oversized, and a knitted vest and a pair of beige/ light brown pants that Yuta put near the edge of his bed.
"Go take a shower you smell like raccoon feet."



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"Sicheng!" Doyoung stared disgustingly at his best friend, he lifted his gaze and saw the other friend having the same reaction. He smiled lightly at him. He moved quickly from Yuta's right to his left and raised his hand, asking for a handshake. The other accepted it and smiled slightly at him. "Kim Dongyoung, but Doyoung is fine" he looked to his right seeing Yuta and Sicheng walking away. "They forgot about us wow" the other giggled before finally speaking, "Kun. Qian Kun" Doyoung smiled softly at him, he nodded before pulling his hand away. "Let's go?"


"Ah stop!" Doyoung looked down at his plate, the voice sounded weirdly familiar and it made him uncomfortable. Kun seemed to notice how tiff he was but didn't question anything. "P-please!" The voice kept screaming in his head and after hours of fighting it it started to feel real.
He got up and held onto his head with a firm grip, he suddenly started breathing heavily. His legs started to give up on him, he looked around and saw everyone in the restaurant staring at him...his breathing could only get heavier from all the staring. Doyoung looked at Yuta, that was just as confused as everyone else, staring at him with worry in his eyes. Doyoung ran outside as fast as he could, he calmed down due to the silence outside and the very low amount of people near him. He squatted down still holding onto his hair. "Let go!" This time it was real. "I'm crazy, ah Taeil!"
"Kang Jiwon!" He heard what sounded like a metal trash can or something similar fall and crash into something. He ran towards the direction of the sound and was met with complete darkness and silence. "Doyoung!" He looked behind him and saw Yuta looking at him with confused eyes, "wait!" He shouted back. He took a deep breath before running again.

He stopped after a bit to catch his breath, he looked around him and saw a small figure and a slightly taller one across the street. He checked making sure there weren't any cars around and started running again. "Don't touch me!" Doyoung suddenly made eye contact with the taller male. "Let go of him!"


"How are you feeling?" Doyoung looked to his right seeing the smaller male from earlier, by the time they left he already forgot about Yuta. "I-I'm okay...thank you" after a long pause the other started talking again. "O-oh Mingyu...Lee Mingyu" Doyoung smiled at him before stretching his hand out asking for a handshake, "Kim Doyoung" "I live right around the corner so I'll leave first" Doyoung nodded at the shorter male, "have a goodnight!" Mingyu smiled for the first time before waving at Doyoung.


"Fuck, Yuta's date!" He stopped and frustratingly grabbed his hair. Doyoung fished out his phone from his pocket and looked at the time. 12:46. "I'll just call him later and apol-" He stopped again, he got lost in some familiar eyes..."T-Taeil...?"
He walked closer towards the other and saw his pupils expand...


that ending sucks ass but😹

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