m y p e c u l i a r c r u s h ?

806 3 0

playing: hide, jeff satur

donghyuck sighs while looking at his new school. at 15/16 he's expected to know his future plans and although he does know what he wants to do in life he can't help but feel some sort of pressure. he watches as nervous freshmen walk towards the front door. he looks down at his shoes and sighs once more, this time feeling a little more excitement. he takes confident steps towards the entrance following the crowd. he didn't think he'd be standing here without his best friend but here he is, his best friend didn't get into the same school but he figured it's for the best.

donghyuck looks around the crowd before sitting down next to a guy. "hey" hyuck says as he makes eye contact with the guy sitting next to him. "hi" the guy replies with an awkward smile, this causes donghyuck to look down seeing the guy stroking his thighs with his head hanging low. "he must be really nervous", donghyuck thought to himself. he smiles at the other's actions before looking up. he takes another look around and because he was sitting at the edge in one of the middle rows he could turn comfortably.

donghyuck's jaw tightens as he sees one of his ex friends. out of all people. of course this has to happen, he thinks. donghyuck looks down at his watch seeing that the event wasn't due another 20 minutes. donghyuck fails to notice the body towering over him though which causes him to flinch when he brings his head up. "hey" his ex friend says. "hi" donghyuck says with a fake smile before looking back down at his thighs for a split second. "what did you do during the summer? haven't heard from yo-" donghyuck interrupts the girl standing in front of him. "can we have a chat" he says while taking a deep breath. the girl nods unsurely but donghyuck starts walking nevertheless. "you never liked xx? I don't understand why you applied here and the only logical explanation would be that you're following me. I'm already uncomfortable seeing you here and I don't have any problems with you so please just act like we don't know each other" donghyuck says all at once. he was always the nice guilty friend that apologized for everything but he knew this had to be done. it wasn't anything personal, he just wanted to make new friends while becoming a better version of himself during these upcoming years and  he knew that wouldn't be possible if he'a still friends with this girl.

donghyuck doesn't wait for a reply from the girl. he sees her big eyes fill up with tears as they shine but he simply smiles softly before turning around. he takes a few steps before stopping in his tracks, he looks up at the sky and takes a deep breath trying to get rid of the guilt that was growing inside of him.
he makes it back to his previous seat and makes small talk with the guy next to him. he never spoke to this guy before this day but he seemed familiar and after thinking and not coming up with an answer he asks the guy, "but you kinda seem familiar, you know? I just don't know where I've seen you before" donghyuck raises an eyebrow at the guy. "I've seen you at the open house, no? You were with a friend that time so we didn't get to talk, I'm renjun by the way, we forgot to ask for each other's names" the guy replies which causes donghyuck's mouth to open slightly. "the one in january? oh my God yeah I forgot about that evening, I'm donghyuck" he says as he nods a little while laughing seeing the guy smile at his foolishness. "I hope we're in the same class" donghyuck says with a big smile. the guy's eyes widen slightly before looking down quickly, stroking his thighs once again. "mhm? what's wrong" donghyuck says with a concerning voice. he moves his head trying to see the boy's face but fails so instead he lifts the other's face but as he does so he catches a guy glaring at him from across the hall. he quickly recognizes the guy as the "handsome mysterious guy" from the welcoming event that they both attended in january but hyuck was there with his friend and the mysterious guy was there with his mother therefor they couldn't talk but donghyuck often thought about the guy hoping they end up in the same class.
donghyuck smiles at the other but doesn't get a smile in return. he lifts renjun's face and sees that he's red. "oh my god you're so red" donghyuck says concerned, he holds renjun's face with both hands while brushing his hair away from his face. "are you okay?" donghyuck asks before putting his hand on renjun's neck causing his face to become a deeper shade of red. "I'm okay, don't worry" renjun says while clearing his throat. he then quickly removes donghyuck's hands from himself and turns to sit straight. donghyuck tilts his head before trying to sit straight but instead sees someone staring at the corner of his eye. he turns slowly and sees the hmm, handsome mysterious man, from earlier. this time donghyuck feels embarrassed and looks down not wanting the other to reject his smile again.

after the long hour of the principal and the teacher's talking the so called event was over. they still weren't assigned a class yet which was unfortunate because donghyuck wanted to use it as an excuse to talk to handsome mysterious man but God wasn't on his side this time so after saying goodbye to renjun and a few other's that he managed to befriend he makes his way out the hall room excited to tell his best friend about the people he met.
after struggling with opening the main door for a couple of seconds he manages to open it and soon he's hit with the smell of a strong cologne and something blocking his vision, he backs a bit  and sees that it was a juice box. he takes a hold of it and stares at it as he slowly brings it down. he then looks up and sees the handsome man from earlier. "already flirting? I hope we can get along though" he says with a deep voice and a small genuine smile. "already flirting?" donghyuck repeats as he raises an eyebrow but instead of getting an answer from the other the handsome man leans forward matching donghyuck's height while also getting incredibly close to his face. the other signals towards someone with his head and with a confused look remaining on donghyuck's face he turns and sees renjun talking to a couple of guys. "what flirting?" donghyuck asks as he turns back towards the other. with their faces only a few centimetres apart donghyuck could basically feel the other's hot breathing. the other guy stands straight though and raises an eyebrow probably copying donghyuck's expression from earlier. "he was blushing real hard" he says as he continues to stare at donghyuck, this time while leaning further back. donghyuck can't help but gulp at the sight. "it's n..nothing really" he answers while stuttering due to the nervousness. he's more nervous to be around this guy than to start in a completely new school not knowing anyone.
with that donghyuck looks down at his shoes. the handsome guy on the other hand looks up with a small smile. "I hope you're not intimidated by me" he says which causes donghyuck to lift his head worrying that he gave off the vibe that he was scared of the other. "no not at all" he says with a gulp caused by the other's smile that made him look ten times more attractive, which donghyuck didn't even think was possible.
"I'm mark" the other guy introduces himself before ruffling donghyuck's hair. he keeps his hand on donghyuck's head for a few seconds before leaving not letting donghyuck introduce himself. "that guy is so odd, i like him." donghyuck whispers to himself with a smile. he puts his hand on his head patting it softly before walking towards the bus stop with a big smile.
i wanna make a part 2 but idk😔

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