c h o c o l a t e b a r 1

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s h i p : c h e n j i
g e n r e : f l u f f
d a t e : my 12 2020
p l a y i n g : p i n k y s t a r [r u n], GWSN
c r i n g e l e v e l : 6/10


Chenle stumbled downstairs, clearly in a hurry, he held onto his backpack strap while trying to put his shoes on. He ran to the kitchen patting his mother's back before kissing her cheek with a smile. He took a pancake that his mom just put onto a plate before yelling a "bye mom" on the way out,,,his mom looked back at her son that was already across the street, a soft smile plastered on her face as she watched her, once, spoiled son finally grow into a responsible boy. She looked at the big clock hanging on the wall, she saw that she, herself, was going to be late if she doesn't start getting ready..


"Hi hyung!" Chenle yelled seeing his best friend that was on his way to, what he guessed was, his locker. "Chenle how many times do I have to tell you to stop yelling I'm literally like two meters away" Chenle smiled awkwardly before giving his friend an apologetic smile. "Anyways what are you doing after school?" Chenle pouted remembering his plans,,,"I have to accompany my dad to a meeting" Jaemin stopped staring at his feet, he lifted his gaze with an eyebrow raised. "You won't understand a single word that'll leave their mouths" Chenle sighed dramatically while staring at his friend that was trying not to laugh;
"He wants me to get used it" Jaemin got serious again, their lockers were visible and they didn't have much time to talk. Jaemin confusingly looked up at his friend tilting his head a bit, "what do you mean get used to it?" Chenle sighed again before shifting his gaze to his surroundings finally recognizing their lockers. "He wants me to take over, remember?" Jaemin looked down awkwardly seeing his friend's upset expression turn into a small smile. "I'll see you later Minnie" It was obvious he was unhappy but Jaemin didn't want comment about it.


Chenle rested his head against the car window, clearly uninterested, this wasn't the first time he had to tag along to some boring meeting with people that he didn't know or wanted to know. "Chin up, back straight, there are a bunch of paparazzis waiting. And smile. Chenle smile." His father said in a stern dominate voice making his son look up at him with a slightly disgusted but unreadable expression. "Zhong. Chenle." His father said giving his son a glare. Chenle sighed before straightening his uncomfortable tie, "I don't even know why there are paparazzis we're not celebrities" he mumbled, he knew his father heard it, Chenle watched as his father opened the car door a wide (and fake) smile on his face. Chenle rolled his eyes, he was about to open his own door but saw something that caught his attention, he looked to his left seeing his father close the car door, he quickly took the chocolate bar and put it in his suit pocket before opening his door and getting up. He straightened his back while walking over to the other side where his father was standing. He only smiled while looking down, discomfort started to rush through him as he heard flashes and people trying to ask him questions. "I'm literally not Barack Obama what are they gonna ask, my favourite season?" Chenle thought a fake smile still plastered on his face,,,


Chenle sat down while his father was shaking hands with a bunch of businessmen Chenle didn't care about, "Chenle introduce yourself please" Chenle looked up and saw everyone, which was about 16 people, stare at him. "Uh I'm Zhong Chenle" Chenle's eyes met his dad's glaring ones, he ignored him turning back around facing a wall. "He's a bit shy don't mind him" Chenle's dad tried to save the situation but stopped as soon as he noticed no one caring about the teenage boy sitting there.

It's been two hours and Chenles was starting to get hungry and tired, he looked at his dad that was nodding while writing notes. He sighed before tapping his dad's thigh making his dad stare at him with questioning eyes,,,
"What" his dad mouthed, Chenle leaned closer to his dad before cupping his ear, "I'm tired when is this going to end?" Chenle looked up at his dad that threw him a glare wanting his son to be patient. "Go outside for a bit, twenty minutes and I'd like to see you sitting next to me" Chenle rolled his eyes before getting up bowing to the few men that looked at him.


i realized i havent updated in 8 days so this is gna be a part 1 (1/2) 😭🤚

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