l i a r

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playing: iu, cant love you anymore

"y'all wanna do something later? classes end early" jaemin says as he looked at his friends. "we have to study physics" chenle says and points at himself and jisung. jisung nods as he looks over to mark and haechan who were in the middle. "I have to get chores done, sorry" haechan says with a small pout. "mark will probably go to basketball practice, yall are useless im calling jeno" haechan laughs at jaemin. "you only ever hangout with your boyfriend" he says with a small laugh. "it's cause y'all are always busy" jaemin responds as haechan shrugs.

soon the group split apart and haechan and mark found themselves walking towards Haechan's house. "i feel like shit" haechan suddenly says, mark looks up at him and tilts his head. "why?" he asks as his eyes continued to stare at haechan's face. "I don't know. my stomach hurts and I feel stressed out and heavy" haechan says with his head still hung low. "why are you stressed?" mark asks softly not trying to ruin the younger's mood. "idk what i want to do in life. i feel like everything is too hard, like im gonna fail and i really don't want to disappoint my parents. i feel guilty and heavy hearted. i know what im good at but at the same time I dont. i feel like I'm going to fail whatever i choose. im scared of failing" mark doesn't say anything and just lets the other rant. after he got quiet he looked up at mark and mark finally saw that the younger was getting tear eyed. "oh channie come here" he simply says and stops walking to pull the other into a warm hug. "didn't you want to become a dentist or a dental hygienist? why not science?" mark says after a few minutes of hugging. "but i don't understand science. like i do but i don't, what if i fail?" haechan says as the tears start to flow down his cheeks. "why are you so worried about that? even if you fail a few classes think of it as an opportunity. you'll still learn a lot even if your results aren't always the best. remember to have fun, that's a big part of it all. of course you have to study hard but you're also allowed to have fun. believe in yourself, wether you fail or pass, you can still get your grades up afterwards so i say fuck it and go for it. you'll never know if you haven't tried. i don't know what you'll end up choosing but i hope you don't regret it later" mark says with a small smile. he has been there himself and knew how stressful it could be. he said everything he wishes he heard from people around him. he believes you should do whatever makes you feel good, you don't have to know what you want to do in life. as long as you're willing to work hard. think of it like a giant test, all of this might not matter in a few years, if you think you made a mistake you can either change it or try to see the positive in it. think wisely before doing so though. it does effect your future but what should matter is right now. you never know if you'll still be alive in a few years so try to live in the moment. the future shouldn't be what you constantly think about. you never really know when this all will end so live a life you will remember. make decisions you won't regret.

"I'll help you get your chores done and then we're going on a trip to get your mind off things" mark says as they get closer to haechans home. "pfft, my parents are too strict, you think they'll let me go on a trip" haechan says and scoffs while looking at his shoes. "say its for p.e class" mark says and pauses in his tracks. haechan notices and stops while lifting his head. "what do you mean?" he asks while looking at mark with his head tilted. "say camping is a part of your grade. say its like 70% of your grade. they dont speak english that well anyways so we can just write a bunch of hard words to fill out a paper and then we ask them to sign it" haechan laughs as he watches mark talk with such passion. "i mean sure but ive never lied to my parents before" haechan says a bit worried. mark shakes his head. "i mean same but it's okay. it's a one time thing. if you get caught and they get mad its okay, theyll forget in a few weeks just continue to be good to them if we get caught and youll be fine" haechan gives mark a weirded out expression. "i know your parents and from what youve said im sure theyll get mad for a bit but then you'll be fine. you dont get to go out often anyways so its whatever" haechan gets quiet for a second. "i feel like shit though, i dont want to ruin it, lets just do it some other time" he says with a small smile. "thats exactly why we have to go out. to make you feel better" mark says with a smile that haechan returned. "sure how about Friday though because of classes and stuff" haechan suggests in which mark nods in response. "perfect. now lets go do some cleaning" mark says before dragging haechan by the arm.

"mark" haechan says after theyre cleaning session. "mhm?" mark turns and faces haechan. "thank you" haechan suddenly says. mark raised a brow slightly. "for what?" he questions. haechan looks down for a few seconds. "youre the reason im still alive, mark. youre for real the reason i believe in faith" haechan says before looking up with teary eyes. "if it wasnt for you i would have been 6 feet under right now" he says with a small smile. "i cant thank you enough mark" mark smiles in response. "ill be your biggest supporter" he says as haechan smiles with a nod.


part 2 of the trip?

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