r e g r e t s

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johnny never felt this miserable, he knew he had to do something. anything, but he couldn't move. he felt stuck, like the entire world stopped. he knew that deep down ten still loved him, johnny knew ten would take him back if he explained the situation but he felt hopeless. ten seemed to be moving on just fine while he was working overtime and drinking every night. he didn't want to ruin tens life. the misunderstanding was enough, he didn't want to make ten hate him for ever but he just missed him too much, ten was his everything. from childhood friends to a couple. they have been through a lot. johnny could tell you how many forks ten has in his kitchen, they were that close and never in a million years did johnny think this is how it would end. how their love story would end.

johnny walked out of his apartment half asleep. it was too early for him to notice his surroundings. he had a nightmare where he saw ten crying and screaming in their place and without realizing johnny found himself running towards the abounded park. it was dark with only the street lights making the roads visible. this was their place, their little spot. 16 years ago they met in a beautiful lively amusement park but now its abounded and is getting uglier day by day. could this be a sign that their story is really over?

johnny kept running and running, he felt his ear  ring. he soon started to struggle with his breathing but he couldn't stop. he had to go check just in case ten was there indeed, johnny could then take it as an opportunity to talk things out with him. the only logical explanation, from tens perspective, would be that johnny had fallen out of love and johnny knew that his explanation would sound like it was thought about last minute but he didn't want to lie. both agreed on that lying will only make the other happy temporarily, they learnt to tell the truth even if it hurt. its better than temporary joy.

johnny finally slowed down when he saw the crusty sign that leads into the actual park. he couldn't help but completely stop for a second to catch his breath, while doing so johnny caught himself staring at the, once, so joyful and lively park. kids running around, laughs, screams, everything was so simple and pure. johnny felt a small sad smile grow. he sighed deeply before starting to walk farther in. it was indeed scary especially with the very few lights but all johnny was thinking about is ten.
as he started to get close to the small skating area johnny saw a relatively small body behind the said area. as he started to get close he saw the old lights start to give up and flash. johnny hurried wanting to talk to the person before the lights completely shut down.

johnny squinted trying to catch a glimpse of the face but it was way too dark. "excuse me?" he said softly not wanting to scare the person, as he gets close he sees that the person wasn't standing. they were hanging. johnny quickly panics and tries to untie the rope which he fortunately was able to. the body fell lifelessly and johnny couldn't help but feel his eyes water. "no no no! you have to live!" johnny yelled as he put the head of the person on his lap and with shaking hands he tries to check the pulse. due to his shaking hands he didn't know if it was his fingers or the actual pulse. he moves the persons long hair out of their face while whispering "no" repeatedly.

"ten" johnny said softly, not fully comprehending anything. "ten!" johnny yells as he slowly starts to understand. "ten!" he keeps yelling not knowing if ten was listening or not. his first and only love was really coming to an end now. his love left the world in his arms.

is ten dead? part 2?

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