i l i k e h i m

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[not edited]

s h i p : l u w o o
g e n r e : a n g s t [not really]
d a t e : aprl 16 2020
p l a y i n g : m a e s t r o, c h a n g m o


Growing up in a wealthy and royal family wasn't as nice as it seemed. Boring meetings you have to attended, you can only wear certain things, behave a certain way, and the number one thing is that you have to be a certain way.


Wong Yukhei, or Huang Xuxi, a nineteen year old male grew up in a very royal family, at an early age he was introduced to a lot of things.
And one strict rule is that,,,well they don't accept or even respect the lgbt community. He was taught that it was something evil.

But Yukhei was bisexual.
He was attracted to both genders.
He did know that he would face hardships on the way of possibly coming out but there wasn't much he could do. He knew that his whole family's reputation was based off his actions now. Since he was the oldest son.


"Father please! Just let me be I don't want a relationship!" This wasn't the first time relationships were the subject and the reason behind their argument. His father loved money. There was no such thing as enough.
Yukhei just simply wanted to enjoy his life before it's too late. He knew that in a few years everything would change. His routines, duties and HUS image.
"Huang Xuxi don't talk to me like that"
Cursing under his breathe Yukhei bowed and was about to leave when his father spoke.
"Don't leave we are not done yet"

Oh here we go again

"Father may I please take my leave?"

"Yukhei listen I'm not a bad person I just want what's best for you" Yukhei turned around now facing his father that was sitting on a black leather chair, a big brown wooden table in front of him along with two other leather leather chairs facing each other, both on either side of the table.
Yukhei sat back down knowing he wasn't going to be able to leave for another two or so hours.


A few hours later Yukhei was finally able to leave his father's office, now on his way to his room down the hall.

"You're going to be the next king Xuxi, you have to at least start to care about things." Yukhei mocked as he scoffed. He was nineteen after all. He wanted to sneak out, to go on road trips and to listen to music while watching the rain fall. This isn't what he wants. He doesn't want a luxurious life he just wants a simple life. People he could call family and a place to call home. Not people he had to address formally or castle like mansions he was supposed to call home.


"Huang Xuxi!" Yukhei rolled his eyes as he got out of bed making his way towards his father that was in, what he guessed, living room.
"Yes father?" Yukhei said before stepping off the stairs.
"Come here" Yukhei obeyed walking towards the king that was sitting on one of the cream coloured couches. Yukhei sat down a few meters away from his father now focusing on the older man that just put his coffe cup down.
"Since you ruined all your dates I managed to talk to Han Yeongmin and he agreed to let you meet his daughter" Yukhei confusingly looked at his father that just brought the coffee cup from earlier up placing between his thin lips. "What do you mean, father?"
"In other words you'll be able to marry princess Jooeun. Its a once in a life time chance. Be careful" Yukhei got up taking a 90 degree bow before quickly trying to escape.
"We're leaving tomorrow at 11:00 don't try anything stupid because I'll find out and you know what I'd do" Yukhei's back was facing his father so he rolled his eyes before walking away. There he goes again.


Yukhei woke up due to his loud alarm that kept ringing, he stretched before putting his hand on his head trying to clear his vision.
He eventually got out of bed walking tiredly towards his bathroom, he took a shower before putting on a neat pair of dress pants with a matching suit jacket and a black dress shirt underneath. He knew his father wouldn't allow him to wear a suit instead of a royal finery that would represent them. He ignored the thought and made his way back to the bathroom, he brushed his hair back before styling it neatly with some wax.

Yukhei took a deep breath before sighing. With heavy steps Yukhei made his way down the stairs. He stood in front of his father and bowed before looking at his father with an emotionless expression. When his father noticed his presence he raised a brow at his son but remained quiet.


"Yukhei" Yukhei switched his gaze from his father to the male in front of him. "Wong Yukhei" he said with a low voice before bowing. Yukhei could see his father glaring at him from the corner of his eye but he decided to only smile. "Jooeun" the other male said. Soon a girl with beautiful black hair and deep eyes took a step to her right. Yukhei didn't notice her standing behind her father and he thought her actions were dramatic but he decided it's best to not give a reaction. "I'm Kim Jooeun. Its a pleasure to finally meet you" Jooeun said as she gave a small bow. She was indeed beautiful but since the marriage was forced it was a complete turn off. Yukhei smiled not knowing if she was talking to him or his father. "Would you like to see the garden?" The princess questioned as she turned her gaze towards the prince. "Definitely" he answered with a smile. She nodded and bowed again. She started walking away and Yukhei took that as a sign to follow her. He bowed as well before walking towards the princess.


"It's quite beautiful I must say" Yukhei said with a small laugh. She nodded before smiling. "I'm sorry I just need to use the restroom. Ill be right back" Yukhei said and watched as the princess turned around with an awkward smile. "Sure thing" she said and turned around again. Yukhei started walking and soon made it to the gate. He opened it and walked inside. As he was nearing the door he heard a angelic voice sing. Yukhei's curiosity took over and that made him slowly walk towards the sound. He peeked and saw a boy sitting on a stool while watering the bright blooms of beautiful flowers. The boy must have noticed his presence and that made him stop singing. Yukhei got nervous and watched as the boy turned his head. He could only see his side profile but he surely knew that he needed to know more about that boy. "Yukhei?" Yukhei heard his father's voice but was too deep in his thoughts to react. "What are you doing, son" his father's voice said again but this time closer. He tried to move but couldn't. His eyes were fixed on the other boy and at this point the boy had turned around but Yukhei's mind was blank. Yukhei soon felt a warm hand on his shoulder. Why are you here, son?" Yukhei's father said. The younger boy could only stare straight ahead.
"That boy..." he said with a small voice, it almost came out as a whisper. "That's prince Jungwoo" his father answered. The boy in front of his bowed quickly before turning to walk away. "He's beautiful" Yukhei said. His father's eyes went wide. "Wait!" Yukhei yelled before jogging towards the boy that was about to leave. "You're absolutely beautiful, prince" Yukhei said as he took a hold of the prince's wrist. Yukhei watched as the boy's eyes went wide. He looked behind Yukhei before looking back at Yukhei. "We are both men. This isn't right" the boy finally spoke. "I can't marry the princess" Yukhei said as he turned around to face his father. Jooeun and the king were also now there. "Is this love at first sight?" Yukhei said sarcastically as he faced the older prince. "Prince you're going to get both of us killed" the boy who Yukhei now knew as Jungwoo said with a nervous voice."I'm willing to sacrifice my own life for us. For there to be an us" Yukhei said as his eyes started to shake. "Yukhei..." Jungwoo said with an unsure voice. "Please, prince" Yukhei said with a cracked voice. Jungwoo stared at him for a few seconds with worry in his eyes before sighing. He gulped and gave the other male a stable nod.

thats all that was needed.


i honestly don't know why im still writing shit but here i am

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