l o s t l o v e r 2

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since its taking you too long to ask imma do it🙄
s e n t, 03:46
s e e n, 03:46

are you free tomorrow?
let me take you out for lunch
s e n t, 03:47
s e e n, 03:47

sorry im busy all week
s e n t, 03:47
s e e n, 03:48

s e n t, 03:48
s e e n, 03:48

maybe next time haha
s e n t, 03:48
s e e n, 03:48


taeyong put his phone down as he stared at the stars on his ceiling. he wasn't stupid. of course he knew jaehyun was avoiding him. he didn't want to make him uncomfortable so he just left it at that. he thought they clicked just fine so it didn't make sense for jae to embarrass him by rejecting him so coldly. rolling onto the other side of the bed taeyong felt his vision get slightly foggy. he wasn't crying because he got rejected but because of the embarrassment. they talked for almost two months and it felt humiliating to get rejected by him. jaehyun quickly became his comfort person and he loved every second of talking to the other.

after a few minutes of silence taeyong started laughing silently. he felt stupid for crying. "im tired" he said to himself while still giggling. he picked up his phone and looked at the time. 4:03 am. he put it back down and put his hands under his face.
after a few seconds of silence he picked up his phone again.

can i sleep at urs?
s e n t, 04:05
s e e n, 04:05

my bfs here yong im sorry😖
ill treat you to brunch tomorrow, sounds good?
s e n t, 04:05
s e en, 04:06

sure. night<3
s e n t, 04:06
s e e n, 04:06

*wooyeon_0606 liked a message you sent*


he just messaged me.
s e n t, 04:07
s e e n, 04:07


taeyong sighed as he put his toothbrush down. he felt tired. he just wanted to sleep all day but he hated cancelling plans last minute. "might as well get a free meal and then dip" he shrugged with a smile. he heard his phone vibrate but decided to ignore it. he rinsed off his toothbrush before putting it where it belongs. he bent down slightly to rinse his mouth but his phone kept buzzing.
he picked up his phone and stared at the screen before smiling. it was wooyeon telling him shes here to pick him up. he sent a quick reply before gargling. he fixed his hair quickly before smiling at himself.

[fit; 180702 kai%%+hair; 190416 taeyong]

"let me in!" he suddenly heard wooyeon shout. he laughed before running to the door to open it. "hi sorry" he said as quickly. he stared at his friend as she glared at him. "you're annoying. let's go" she says after a few seconds of silence. she drags him outside after hitting his shoulder wooyeon smiles while closing the door. she links arms with him before she starts talking. "let me tell you all about hyunwoo! oh my god" taeyong stayed silent as he listened to his friend rant. this was nothing new to him. he was always the listener and never the talker. it got to the point where he started to get uncomfortable with talking about himself thinking it's annoying for the other person.

"okay tada!" wooyeon said as she put her arm over taeyongs shoulder. "this place is expensive, yeon" taeyong says a bit worried as he looks at his friend. "i have a stable job now, bestie, let me spend some money!" wooyeon replied back dramatically. taeyong could only laugh. "i already booked a table let's go" she says excited as she waves her arms around.
they began to walk and as they got closer to the supposed table taeyong saw a tall figure already sitting on one of the chairs. their back was board and they were wearing black from head to toe. he looked nervously at wooyeon but thought that it must be the boyfriend wooyeon was talking about. taeyong started to sweat a bit not expecting someone else to be there. taeyong started to slow down and wooyeon only kept pushing him slightly with the arm that she had wrapped around his waist. taeyong looked nervously at wooyeon one last time before trying to sit down. he couldn't though because he wasn't met with the hyunwoo wooyeon described. the guy got up and smiled at taeyong making him freeze. his hands got sweaty and his heart starting beating like crazy. "taeyong" the guy said with a deep voice. taeyong took a step back. he looked over at wooyeon and saw her watching them with adoration in her eyes. she motioned for him to turn to the guy and taeyong quickly did." taeyong bubu?" the guy said with a small laugh.
jae is the only person that calls him bubu

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