p r o f e s s i o n a l i s m 2

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NOT EDITED [pls read the notes]

haechan and mark's dynamic continued to grow in complexity, with the mix of professionalism, attraction, and interest.
as they left mark's office, haechan couldn't help but think deeply about the unexpected turn of events. he had not only landed a job but now also found himself in a situation where the ceo seemed interested in him on a personal level?

over dinner at a cozy nearby restaurant, their conversation flowed surprisingly smoothly. they discussed work, interests, and even shared some personal narratives. haechan was pleasantly surprised by mark's wit and charm, which went beyond the initial impression he had of a stern, power hungry and cold ceo. he realized there was more to this man than what initially meets the eye.
as their evening progressed, their connection deepened. haechan found himself drawn to mark's charisma, and mark was equally captivated and hooked by haechan's intelligence and wit. it became apparent to both parties that their initial encounter, marked by misunderstandings and embarrassment, had led to an unexpected connection.

days turned into weeks, and their relationship only continued to evolve. mark made it clear early on that he valued haechan's contributions at the company and encouraged his growth within their work space. meanwhile, haechan found himself increasingly fond of mark, not just as a boss but also as a person.

one evening, while strolling through a park after work a long day at work. mark turned to Haechan with a serious expression. "haechan, I have something to admit," he began, his eyes searching haechan's for a reaction. "I've never been this drawn of interested by someone before, both professionally and personally. it's..." he pauses as he grabs haechan's hands. "it's complicated given our positions, but I can't deny my feelings. ever since I saw you wearing my shirt that day, I just knew we had something" he finishes with a small smile. haechan felt his heart race as he listened to mark's sudden confession. he had been fighting with his own emotions, trying to not forget the professional boundaries they needed to maintain. but now, hearing mark's honesty, he couldn't deny his own feelings either. it wouldn't do them any good.
"I've been feeling the same way," haechan admits slowly with a soft and sincere voice. "I didn't expect any of this to happen, but I can't deny that I'm drawn to you as well, mark" mark's eyes widen for a split second at the sudden use of his first name. he finally understood where their laid.
their feelings for each other had become undeniable, and they both knew that having a relationship within a workplace would be challenging. but they were both willing to give it a chance. a chance to explore this connection that had ironically started with a series of misunderstandings and awkward moments.

as they continued their walk through the park, hands intertwined, haechan couldn't help but smile to himself. sometimes, life took unexpected turns, leading you to places and people you never imagined. And for him, meeting mark had opened up a whole new chapter filled with possibilities and a love that had blossomed in the most unlikely of circumstances. he no longer needed to compare himself to his "happier" years. he finally learned to live in the moment.

as haechan and mark's relationship deepened, they made a conscious effort to keep their personal and professional lives separate while at the office. except their small hugs or kisses on the forehead when no one was present, they maintained their professionalism in front of colleagues and employees, ensuring no one suspected their relationship. outside of work however, they enjoyed each other's company endlessly. they explored new restaurants, went on drives and shared countless conversations late into the night. as they continued learing more about each other haechan was amazed by the depth of mark's personality, a caring, witty, and passionate individual was hidden beneath the ceo's confident and cold façade.
despite understanding each other deeply and relating to one another on many levels their love story was not without its challenges. gossip and rumors swirled within the company but haechan and mark kept their cool and persevered as their bond continues growing stronger each day.

one weekend, they decided to take a short getaway to mark's family cabin in the woods. It was a chance to escape the loud city, away from prying eyes and judgments. the cabin, nestled deep in a picturesque forest, provided the perfect backdrop for their romantic retreat. they were no longer sureounded by noisy cars and large building instead all they saw while looking around are towering trees with leaves kissed by the golden hues of autumn. the forest exuded a rustic charm that felt like a hidden gem in the wilderness.

as haechan and mark neared the cabin, a feeling of serenity enveloped them. the forest's peacefulness seemed to mirror the love that had led these two hearts to each other. the air carried the scent of pine and earth. haechan takes a deep breath through the car window and smiles as the crisp breeze filled his lungs with a fresh aroma. the sound of leaves crunching beneath their tires was a gentle reminder that they were safe in nature's embrace away from all judgement.

as they step inside the cabin, they were greeted by the cozy crackling of a fireplace. its warm embrace inviting them in. the scent of the burning logs mixed with the earthy aroma of the wooden walls, creating the most comforting atmosphere haechan could possibly wish for.
large windows made it possible to look outside the cabin, framing breathtaking views of the forest. sunlight streamed in, creating gorgeous shadows across the room, and the dancing flames in the fireplace added a flickering glow.

mark had prepared a gourmet meal, with acts of service as his love language. the aroma of roasted vegetables and well seasoned steak filled the air, making their mouths water in anticipation. candles in holders of various shapes decorated the table, casting a soft light over their romantic dinner. "when'd you get all thus done?" haechan asks with a soft smile. he looks up to mark with love filled eyes. "a magician never tells his secrets" mark replies while returning the same love filled expression.

after dinner, they decided to head outside. dressed in cozy matching sweaters, they made their way to the porch, where a porch swing awaited them. they settled in, swaying gently as they stared out into the starry night sky.
as their night deepened, the crackling fire inside the cabin served as a backdrop to their whispered confessions of love. they exchanged promises and dreams, as they started picturing a future with the other in it.

the cabin date was a night to remember, a magical interlude in their busy lives. in the heart of a forest, under the watchful eyes of the stars, haechan and mark's love blossomed and grew.

One evening, as they sat by a crackling fire, Mark turned to Haechan with a tender expression. "haechan," he began, "I know we've faced our fair share of challenges, but I genuinely can't imagine my life without you. I want to be with you, openly without caring about others. will you be mine, not just in secret, but in every interpretation of the word?"

tears well up in haechan's eyes as he gazed into mark's face. he had never been so sure of anything in his life. "yes, hyung," he whispered, "I want that too. I want to be yours, openly and without fear." with that declaration, they sealed their love with a passionate kiss, feeling the embrace of the forest and the stars as witnesses to their commitment. "my love doesn't come with any refunds" mark says after pulling away from the kiss. "oh shut up" haechan says before pulling him in for another kiss this time both feeling the other smile throughout.

returning to their roles at LMH company, they faced the bug challenges of openly acknowledging their relationship. it wasn't easy but their love for one another gave them the strength to overcome all obstacles, proving that love could flourish even in the unlikeliest of places.

Their story served as a reminder for everyone that love could have a weird way of transcending boundaries, and that sometimes, the most beautiful connections were found in the most unexpected circumstances. haechan would've never thought he would be standing here. working at a well known company not only with new friendships but also a romantic relationship with someone he never could've pictured himself with. he believes that two hearts that are meant to be together, will conquer anything that comes their way. he no longer needed to compare himself to others or to his past self even. he could just focus on being happy in the present time. haechan no longer feared the future and what was planned for him because now he has someone. an emergency contact, a comfort person and most importantly a lover who deeply cared and cherished him.

sorry it took so long. i tried a new writing style what do u think??

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