n o t h i n g b u t a n u m b e r ?

913 11 4

playing: downtown baby, bloo

jisung lays his head next to chenle's, breathing heavily. they both close their eyes while silence takes over the room. "hyung?" jisung says softly as he turns his head towards chenle's. "mhm?" chenle replies without looking at his face. "I love you" he says and without having to look chenle could imagine jisung's wide smile while saying that. "i love you too" soon after the words left chenle's mouth he feels warm arms wrap around his waist. "thank you for giving me a chance" this sentence causes chenle's eyelids to open. "what chance? i like you" chenle says staring at the roof. "hyung you're almost 30 and i just turned 22" jisung says looking at chenle's face. chenle doesn't move his head though, instead continues staring at the roof gracefully. "I know it's a worry of yours but remember i love you no matter what" chenle responds . "I love you, hyung" jisung says once more. this time chenle turns his face towards jisung with a smile and they lock eyes for a split second. chenle nods in response to jisung's confession before moving forward to kiss his cheek. jisung smiles and with that chenle gets up from the bed before making his way to the kitchen. there he grabs two bowls. in one of them puts the strawberries he just slices and on the other he puts some paprika flavoured crackers. he also grabs two wine glasses filling both with coke. he puts all of the snacks on the dior lacquered tray they only use on such nights. chenle slowly makes his way back to their bedroom. there he's met with the prettiest sight. just jisung snuggling with a plushie on each side. he doesnt seem to notice chenle and chenle watches as he continues to click on the tv remote while switching his gaze between the tv and the remote itself. chenle smiled while tilting his head before knocking on the door to get his attention. jisung's eyes turn to chenle and he smiles upon seeing chenle's wide smile. "why did u bring them? I'm usually the one who brings the snacks after our hot nights together" jisung says with his head tilted acting innocent. chenle rolls his eyes before smiling again while closing the door behind him. "It's okay to switch it up sometimes, plus you seem tired so i thought its only right for me to return the favour" chenle says flirtatiously as he takes stable steps towards their bed. he places the tray on the nightstand before extending his arm making jisung lay his head on it. "Your quite the dom today" jisung says before laying on his arm. "I've always been dominant. You're only physically dominant" chenle replies while raising his eyebrows, jisung smiles while shaking his head, he adjusts himself before feeling a kiss on his forehead. chenle finally looks towards the tv screen and smiles as he sees 2gether the series playing. chenle's smile only gets wider as he starts getting comfortable. chenle reaches to the tray and grabs a strawberry as he feel the same warm arms that he finds comfort in, wrapping around his stomach.

chenle feeds jisung while occasionally drinking some of his coke and with that they eventually start to feel the sleepiness want to take over. "bubba let's go shower" chenle says and watches as jisung yawns in response while nodding. chenle squishes his cheeks before taking the remote to pause the show. he gets up first and stretches his arms before letting his body fall on top of jisung's. he groans and chenle laughs before getting up. chenle grabs jisung's arm and struggles a bit before getting him up. chenle gives jisung a tight hug as jisung stretches. jisung then pats the top of chenle's head before giving it a kiss. he looks down at chenle with a smile that he returns. "Let's go" jisung says as chenle nods before feeling jisung's arm around his shoulders. "It'll take me a bit before i can look past our age gap but please wait for me" chenle says looking down at his feet. jisung grabs chenle's shoulders making chenle face him. "I'll stay with you until death separates us" jisung says as he gives chenle a soft smile. chenle nods while still looking down. jisung opens his arms pulling chenle in for a hug. "I need you, hyung. I'll give you all the time that you need" jisung says before putting his head on top of chenle's while his arms wrap around chenles torso. "I need you" jisung whispers once more.

havent seen yall in a bit, heyy💀

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