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renjun takes careful steps towards the exit still very confused. jeno seemed to be neutral, not mad not happy just neutral. that didnt calm renjun down though, he still felt like something wrong happened but at the same time he  knows he hasnt done anything.
"renjun-ah" jeno says as he looks down. "uhm i heard some stuff from somebody and i wanted to confirm it with you" he says, his eyes still looking at his shoes. "okay? tell me then" renjun responds still trying to make eye contact with the other. "i heard that you said that im disgusting and dumb and annoying and i just wanted to kno-" jeno stops talking when renjun takes a step back. "who told you that. its m___ isn't it?" renjun questions. he didnt want to get angry but now he's about to. jenos head was still down so renjun decided to do himself a favour and lift jenos head. he held his chin and lifted his head so they have eye contact. "ypu dont have to respond i already know the truth. listen jeno." renjun says as he looks down every now and then to not get too mad. "jeno i would never say that about anybody let alone you! youre a wonderful person, you're always cheerful and you never fail to make people around you smile. ah fuck i shouldnt have told her about it in the first place" renjun whispers the end sentence as he sighs. he continues, "jeno please. you know me well enough to know that im not that kind of person, she told you that just because i said that youre handsome and she suddenly felt like she own you and your feelings. m___ is just trying to make me seem bad" jeno seemed relieved but also surprised when he heard renjun calling him handsome. "wait, renjun do you like me?" he says slowly not knowing what to expect. "i dont know, like i like you but at the dame time we dont talk thaaat much you know" renjun replies back with a shrug. "well uhm i think you're pretty too" jeno says as he smiles, renjun smiles back but feels his stomach start to hurt slightly. renjun looks down for a bit but raises his head quickly after. "youre cute" jeno says as he opens his arms for a hug. that caused renjuns eyes to go wide. he looks down quickly before going on his tip toes and hugging jeno by the neck. he sees that a few people were staring but he couldnt care less. the smell of jenos strong cologne filled up renjuns nostrils but he didn't complain. jeno hugged him by the waist but quickly moved his arms higher up in case renjun got uncomfortable. "thank you for asking me about it, now i have to go have a talk with m___" renjun says he slowly lets go. "if they bother you about this situation just block her, got it?" renjun says as jeno smiles back. "youre a rough one, huh?" he says as he slaps renjuns shoulder. renjun only flashes a small smile. "not really i never get angry but this is just way too much" he replies as jeno nods. "lets head back" jeno says with a smile, renjun smiles back and follow him. "i was mostly confused because i was thinking to myself like mhm? what did i do you know" jeno says as they get closer to the entrance. "i never understood why she continuously sees me as her rival" renjun responds back before turning around to wave at jeno quickly, before jeno waves back renjun disappears into the crowd. what renjun didn't know was that a confused and sad jaemin watched the entire thing happen. not hearing anything just seeing the hug and the smiles.

jaemin looks down. he feels confused, he has always known that renjun was an extrovert who has a bunch of friends and it never bothered him, in fact it actually impressed him but when it comes to jeno in particular he wasnt the happiest. he knew about renjuns dream about jeno and ever since that day he knew that deep down renjun probably has feelings for jeno but he didnt want to question him too many times because he didn't want to make him uncomfortable but also because he didnt want to accidentally reveal his feelings. he couldnt help but feel disappointment. almost like he wished he told renjun his feelings before this incident. soon they'll all go to different schools so jaemin wanted to take that to his advantage. "todays the day. im gonna confess" jaemin said quietly to himself.

"but why!" jaemin heard a familiar voice shout from further away. he quickly looked over and saw renjun yelling at a girl. those two were best friends so this really surprised him. "ah!" he heard a scream and before he even proceeded what happened he sees renjun falling onto the group holding his cheek. "you witch!" he yells as he grabs the girl by the hair. she grabs his hair too and before anybody gets to do anything the girl was on the ground. people were whispering and recording but nobody tried to stop it. jaemin gets closer to the scene and sees that renjun was the one on the floor now. before he gets to do anything jeno quickly yells. the girl stands up breathing heavily. "are you okay, get up" he says to renjun as he caresses his cheek. "you were my best friend. why did you do it?" renjun asks after a few minutes of silence. the girl scoffs as she looks down. "what's wrong with you huh?! why are you accusing me when you have no evide-" before she finishes she takes a few steps forwards ready to swing. this time jeno quickly reacted and turned with renjun causing her to punch jenos back. renjun looks up at jeno before he feels himself getting dragged away. "lets get you cleaned up" jeno says firmly. this was the first time renjun sees jeno angry, he always got angry in class as a joke but renjun never saw jenos eyes this way. he knew it was wrong of him to think that it's hot but he couldn't help it when jenos usually smiley eyes looked deep and filled with rage. "i didnt tell you so you would fight her why did you do that?" jeno says as he softly throws renjun onto a chair. they were behind the stage and people didn't know about this place which meant they could do whatever they needed to do. "she started it i only tried to talk to her but then she ju-" jeno sighs which causes renjun to go quiet. "still you shouldve been more carefu-" before he got to finish the door swung open revealing jaemin. "are you okay?" he asks as he quickly shuts the door. he walks over to renjun and kneels down. "hes okay, you can leave" jeno says with a small fake smile that faded as quickly as it appeared. "whats with you" jaemin says as he raises a brow. "jun-ah, i have something to say to you" he says after facing renjun that was still sitting down on the uncomfortable chair. "just say it here" jeno says annoyed which made jaemin raise his brow at him once again. "it's okay you can just say it here" renjun says as he holds onto his head. "jun-ah" jaemin says still facing jeno. "mhm?" renjun replies back looking up at the two boys. "i like you" he says with his eyes still looking at jeno. he smirks slightly before looking down at renjun. "what?" renjun replies confused. why did he decide to confess now of all times?
"but" jeno says as he takes a hold of jaemins neck not gripping hard. "i like him too" jeno says as he raises his brow the same way jaemin did before. "guys calm down" renjun says as he stands up quickly. forgetting hes anemic renjuns body quickly reacts which makes him fall backwards but before he did his vision went black which made everything harder for him. luckily he didn't feel his head hitting anything. he slowly opens his eyes seeing both jaemin and jeno leaning forward with their arms behind renjuns back staring fiercely at each other. renjun moves and stands straight which made him see that they had their arms on top of each other. "i think you guys like each other too. not just me" renjun says with a small laugh. "what?! me liking him? never in a million years" jaemin says as he breaks their intense eye contact. "youre making me interested in you little one" jeno says as he smirks once again. he grabs jaemin by the neck/jaw again and pushes his face towards his own. "you're not so bad" he says as his eyes scan jaemins face. by now they probably forgot renjuns existence but he would be lying if he said he wasnt watching passionately. "let me take yall on a date then" jeno says as he smirks again which seemed to annoy jaemin. he quickly slaps jenos hand away from himself before looking at renjun. jeno looks down before also looking at renjun. "this is gonna be fun" renjun says with a smile.

yall its 4 in the morning idk what the hell i just wrote and im not gonna go through it

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