Kingdom of Mirkwood

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Eramara stricked down another spider as it lounged at her, She looked down to see where the dwarves had gone she didn't see them at all she gasped as she almost lost her balance on the branch. She was able to gain her Balance again but then she heard the dwarves way below fighting she tried to look for another way down then she hears a small whistle as if something was flying in the air she looks to her left and Ducked and a Arrow hits the tree almost hitting her head she looks at it and glared around " Oh great" she muttered and another arrow hits the tree she gasped and had no choice but to jump from branch to branch which could end up her falling to her death, she groans and did it anyways but then arrow hits near her feet on the 4th branch she gasped and slipped luckily though a spider grabbed her leg and prevented her to fall but it tried to sting her she then feels a quick pain in her arm and looked seeing a small dart pointing out of her shoulder she pulls it out " paralyzing dart" she says then a arrow hits the spider and they both fell down towards the ground " AHHHHHHHHHHH!" She yelled as she started to not be able to feel her legs she quickly tried to reach a branch but it slipped from her hands like butter her fingers where numb " Somebody better catch me!" She yelled then she hit a large branch then another one she was slowing down then she slammed to the ground she gasped with pain. Then she hears rushing of footsteps approaching she rolls herself over her body was numb looking up at a formillar face " Lord Legolas How long no see" she joked then the other two male elves forced her up and lead her to the group of Captured dwarves they forced her to kneel down the dwarves where back mouthing the elves when they did so Eramara rolls her eyes " What did you use on me?" She asked The Elves then Legolas turns " a special tonic" he says she felt horrid then he walks to Thorin OakenShield " So why is Thorin OakenShield trespassing on my fathers land?" Asked Legolas " I believe it is none of your business Elf!" He says Legolas looks at Thorin sword " and where did you get this sword it was forged by my kin?" He asked Thorin " it was given to me" he says Legolas looks at Thorin and held the blade to his throat " Not just a thief but a liar as well" he says Eramara sighs " It's true I was there Legolas!" She said He looks at her " Why are you traveling with dwarves.....very odd even for you" he says She glares " well it's my choice of company if that what's you mean Legolas" she says to him " ˈGwaem ( Let's go)!" He ordered She is lead along infront of the dwarves she was very scared of what is to happened know she has to face her Father of all things, ' Great just great I am totally dead now!' She says in her head and then she looked behind to try to see Betha but she wasn't there " Wait Betha where's she?"'she asked The elves gripping her arms " Be silent Traitor!" He said she glared and tried to stop from walking " Please She's my friend I need to know where she is!" She said louder towards Legolas " The human female is already in Mirkwood she was left by your so called friends!" He says she looks at the dwarves then at Legolas " Are you going to let hi. Kill me?" She asked him in elvish he stopped and stormed up to her " Make no mistake Your the one that abandoned Our sister!" He hissed she looked at him sadly " is that what you think?" She asked " Or is it what your father says" she snapped he stormed off soon they arrived to Mirkwood kingdom she gulps as she and her friends are lead inside the kingdom gates.

The half elf Daughter of the Mirkwood kingWhere stories live. Discover now