All i ask is for your forgivness Is that hard to ask?

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She looks around being totally worried of what is to come and for Bethas Safety Eramara tried to make up a plan of escape for the group of dwarves and herself, last time she heard her father have gone a little crazy since she last spoken with him, soon they arrived to the thrown room with all the dwarves upon the thrown sat The King Thranduil smirking away as he watch them approach but when his eyes met Eras eyes they turned to hateful and anger she gulped as they stood before him Balin and dwalin started to argue with him about him treating them badly, Then he points at Her " Why are you dwarves with A traitor of my kingdom?" He asked Thorin and the dwarves looked at Eramara who had a Worried look on her face Thorin looks at Thranduil " She s a Hero!" He says " My child is a hero?" He says Eramara Sighed sadly " She saved our people!" Said Dwalin Thranduil looks at Eramara " Do they not know your Relations Traitor?" He asked She looks at him then at the dwarves " why would it Matter " she says to him he glares Then he looks at Thorin " Guards take his men to my dungeon!" He ordered and the other dwarves where lead away by the elvish Guards, Eramara stood behind Thorin as Thranduil spoke " Words says your hoping to get your home back Thorin.....OakenShield" he said He walks down from his Thrown " And how did you know of this King.....Thranduil" he said Thranduil Smirks " it's true then you plan to take back Erabor and get your Horde back" he says then he looks at Thorin " I too have jewels I wish to have from the mountain.....I offer you my help" He says Eramara rolls her eyes Thorin then says " You offer your help....what help did you give when my people came for you hungry and need of shelter" he asked Eramara sighs " For you lack all Honer" says Thorin loudly Eramara looks at her father " It is true what he says Thanduil you abandoned them" she snapped he glares " do not speak to me of Abandoning Eramara for you left your sister and was the one to cause me not to help!" He say she looks at him " Do not blame her for your Mistakes your the one that let Her die!" Said Thorin Eramara eyes widen Thranduil looks at him " Korrina death was because of Her!" He said looking at Eramara Thorin looked at Era " You see Thorin she's my Daughter she's my eldest daughter so do not just blame me She's my kin and the one who caused Korrinas death!" He says she glared " is that true?" Asked Thorin " have you been lying the whole time?" He asked She looks at Thorin " I am his daughter but her death wasn't on my hands.....she knew what she was doing and she told me that she would return I did as she told me to do and took her to the battle and she died it wasn't my doing" she said and looked at The king " it's your fault!" She said Thorin looks at Thranduil " I've should have known you where of his kin!" He says then Thranduil called for his gaurd when Thorin gave him a Dwarvish insult he was taken to the dungeon " fine be locked away I can wait you can't!" Said Thranduil Eramara gasped " I'm sorry!" She said as he was lead away she was left with her father he looks at her " So why are you here you not here to help your Dwarvish friends" he says she glares and folds her arms " how do you know I'm not here to help the dwarves?" She asked he looks at her " Why would you?" He asked she looks at him " they are my friends and they trusted me"'she said he rolls his eyes " you are not one of them" he says she looks at him " you said that Korrina 'your not one of them' But she didn't care they are her family I don't care what different race we you and I are blood!" She said walking closer to his thrown " you don't relies it but I never hated you" she said " when mother died I didn't blame you, when You married again I didn't hate you when you treated me the way you did I never hated I stayed loyal to you and defended you.....but when the dragon came You might think you saw fire and ruin but I saw many innocent people die!" She said loudly she shook her head "and when I entered Erebor to Find.....My Sister your daughter I really tried to save Her Ada I tried to save her"'she sniffles " but then the great dragon took her into his claws and disappeared in the Dwarfs horde and I went to take her back and I was nearly burnt alive......And I had no choice but to leave" she explained " you still could have saved her!" He says standing up from his thrown She started to cry " You are so.....*sigh* care nothing of me you never did" she cried His eyes widen when she said that " Backa!" She said in Dwarvish and fell to her knees and cried into her hands " All I have done is served you and you treat me unfairly I apparently disappointed you and from all that I still love you.....All I ask is for your forgiveness is that not hard to ask even from you!" She cried then she felt a hand on her head her eyes widen and she looked up he looked at her sadly then moved away from her " I can not forgive you" he says her mouth opened but she didn't speak she stood up and then she slapped him across the face out of anger " Hû úgaun!" She said loudly and then said " However how hard you put blame on me Thranduil I will never do as you say again" she said and then she stepped back from him and ripped her elvish necklace off and threw it at his feet " I thought you would change but you never will..... Korrina can go find some other low life half elf but she still thinks your so nice and you'll change but you don't" she said then she stood tall " I know something though.......You let them all die your two wives and daughter!" She yelled then he raised his hand " ENOUGH!" He said she flinched " I should kill you for raising your voice and Slapping me but I won't.....Gaurds lock her away with her friends.....if she wants to be with dwarves she can die with them!" He said and she tried to grab him but she was held back " Nooo you heartless elf.......You are the worst Father I have ever had!!!!" She screamed " You are no daughter of mine never was and never will be!" He sAid she looked at the ground as she was taken out of the thrown room " no....why....oh why!!!"'she cried.
She arrived to the dungeons being lead passed each cell she was crying still and then she was thrown into a Prison cell...." Why?" She cried " I don't understand?" She muttered as she slid down the wall and curled up in a ball and sobbed. She slowly woke up as she heard her name being called she sat up her eyes where blurry but she keeped it together " Eramara?" Whispered a voice she slowly walked to her jail cell " Who's there?"'she asked then in the cell next to her was Bofur " What? did you say something lass?" He asked she looks around " I thought I heard no never mind" she said then sighed and sat down Then Balin said " So did you talk to Thranduil?" He asked she looks up " Yeah I did...I wouldn't expect anything though"'she said " Is it true he's your father?" Asked Thorin he was on the other side of her cell she sighed " Yes....He's my Ada.....I am his blood" she said " Why didn't you say anything?!" Snapped Thorin " Would you have listened to me or Judge me?" She asked he rolls his eyes " Your a princess then said Gloin" " yes I am a Rouge princess of Mirkwood" she said " Why have you bothered coming onto this journey.....Your Highness?" Mocked Thorin " I have already told you all before.....and well I happened to feel like family with all of you" she said sadly " I don't expect your forgiveness any of yours forgivenesses I'm a untrustworthy person and I have decided that I deserve to be here and if at anytime you all get out I'll stay here and Rott." She said and sat back down and sighed she has a feeling that she will be left here but then again they could just maybe forgive her.

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