The thunder mountains

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Betha and Eramara started to get rained on " but it was such beautiful day" Betha complained, Era puts her hood over her head and soon they where on the mountain Eramara had Betha go I fron of her and infront of Dwalin and Bombur, they traveled along this path Era was with bilbo, " have you ever traveled on these mountains before?" He asked loudly as the thunder boomed and rain " yes but it's a memory. Don't want to remember" she says. Loudly he look,s at her " Why is that?" He asked she stopped and looked down at her friends " My cousin fell down here" she said pointing up at a higher path bilbo looks up " Come on keep up" yelled Thorin ahead She sighs as she walks behind bilbo, then the storm got worst Dori yells " does it always rain up here?" He yelled Era looks back and says " The seasons change up here its raining season up in these Moutains" she yelled then bilbo almost slips she pushed him against the mountain " carful Baggins" she said he nods and they continued to walk on the narrow pathway of the mountain, she stopped when she heard a Grumble from somewhere she looks around as the dwarves passed her Betha looked back to see if Era was following she yelled to her " ERA?" She says Era looks towards the other mountains " oh my the stars protect us." She muttered and looks to the crowd of dwarves " Wait Stop we have to turn around!" She yelled Throin looks at her " Why!" He yelled then there was a rumble Balin pointed to the rocks " this is no thunder storm its a Thunder battle LOOOK!" He yelled Era eyes widen " MOVE GO HURRY!" she ordered they started to move faster she then feels a rumble under her feet and a crack was forming under there feet " Wait stop" she yelled but they already did as the rocks parted and a Rock giant appeared " Oh blimey The legends are true....Giants Stone Giants" he says Era almost slipped as but Nori and Ori pulled her against the mountain she gasped in fear and closed her eyes as they all moved forward, Betha pulled Fili back " No you can't do anything Fili" she said as the Rock giant moved with half the dwarves on it and Era she pulled the dwarves along " Come on" she said Thorin and the others followed her to the peak as the giant moved towards the other Stone giant, Era eyes closed when the Giants clashed together she almost slipped again she looks at the group of dwarves " On my signal alright" she yelled the dwarves nod " 1.......2......" She stopped when the knee was going towards a pointy edge of the moutain " THREE!" she yelled..... Betha gasped Thorin yelled in anger " NOOOOOO!" she looks away thinking her friends are dead, then they hurried to check Betha smiled " Era!" She said and hugged Era " I thought you were killed" she said " well I guess my plan worked" she said looking around then Bifur says " Wait where's bilbo where's our hobbit?" He asked then He looks over the cliff Era darts to the cliff " Hold on bilbo" she said as she Ori, Bifur and Dwalin tried to Reach for bilbos hand, Era was able to reach Bilbo she Tried to pull him up but then her hand gave way and she tumbled almost down the cliff but she luckily grabbed a branch.

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