The trolls

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Eramara sat on her horse hood over her head as the rain poured onto Eramara covered back I looked up to the sky then dori asked " Eh Mr.Gandelf do you think you could something about this deluge?" Gandelf looks behind him " it is rain and it won't stop raining till the rain is done if you wish for some miracle find another wizard" he says Eramara looks up to him " Another Wizards?" I questioned with a raised brow bilbo says " Are there any" " any what?" " other wizards" " there are 6 of us the highest wizard is Saruman the white then the red wizard Ionra she is very well known. By elves and the other creatures, then the two blues quite forgot their names then Raddicast the brown" " is he a good wizard or is he more like you?" Asked Betha smirking " I find him a very good wizards in his own way" he says Eramara smirked " I heard of him before" I said looking back Betha looked up " Really?" " yeah during my travels in the forest a while back Good healer by the way" I said with a smile " and what where you doing in the forest?" Asked bilbo " Well....I was doing one of my deliveries up north when i was attacked by Orcs" I said looking up to the sky " I uh got injured and well I was lead into the forest by my horse then the man found me took care of my wounds and I was off again" I explained then Fili says " how many times have you been attacked by orcs?" " Uh well dozens of times....once I was chased by forty or so" I bragged " but I was with my cousin... Orian of Rohan" I said Balin says " you are related to king Orian?" " yah he was a good man he was" I said then we stop were a broken down house was I didn't like it I dismounted my horse and examined the broken house I see Thorin and Gandelf I hurried up " I already told you I will not go near that place!" Says Thorin to Gandelf " Why not they could help us give some need a map read lord could help" " help us where was help while my kingdom was Taken from huh they will not help us" he says turning " Huh the Arrogants and that will be your downfall" huffed Gandelf and stormed off " Gandelf is right and you know it" I said folding my arms " Why do you care?" He asked I rolled my eyes " Look You have a map with Acient Dwarvish I can't read so you would need someone older to read it why not go to Elrond?" I asked " I will find someone more trust worthy to read it not an elf" he says turning his back I huffed " if it so important to get your home back what if you don't find someone and might loose the chance on finding that door" I said He glared at me " I heard enough from you why Gandelf asked a Riffraff like you I do not know but if it was my choice on the matter you and that pethetic girl won't be here" he snaps I glare at him " And what do you have against women so much....any kind of women at that matter...No wonder she never did anything with you" I snapped and walked off " Comeon Bofur we are hungry" says Thorin " Kili Fili look after the ponies" Ordered Thorin, I huffed Betha followed " What was that about Thorin seems ticked off" she asked I stopped " nothing he was just being his usual selfish self that's all" I sat down on a rock " You know maybe trying to get Thorin to like us would be better then ticking him off" She advised I rolled my eyes then say " Dina....( be silent)....amin vasa lle sinta ( I don't care) Mani Thorin ( What Thorin) Thinks....Ro Amin Auta miqula orqu ( he may go kiss a Orc)" I said I elvish Betha sighed " look I'm sorry I am just wishing us girls were treated equally" she huffed sitting on the rock next to me. "Amin weera yassen lle.....( I agree with you)" I said standing she didn't under stand then I say " let's go back to the others" I said calmly " oh ok" she said. We get to camp when no one was there...." Hmm strange I didn't see the....ponies" said Betha as she sees the horses running back from the woods My eyes widen I could here clashing and screeching " Betha grab your daggers and staff hurry" I ordered she grabbed them putting the daggers in her boots and walked with her staff I draw my two swords we followed the trail till we saw a clearing we ducked down into the bushes and watched while Three ugly trolls discussed how they should be eating the dwarves. " why don't we sit on them and squish them into jelly" says one " I think we should make dwarf stew out of them" says another I looked at Betha I pointed at the other side of the clearing " I will sneak over there...,stay here unless they try to kill them" I whispered as I slowly walked low to the bush level I stopped when a Orc says " did you hear something" " eh what was it..." " it sounded like footsteps" " we better cook these dwarves soon I don't find it nice being turned to stone."'says the troll then Bilbo says " what you are making a terror able mistake" I then see Betha walk out " He's Right yah know" she said the trolls turn " Huh what another one" " he ment the way to cook the dwarves" says Betha " and what do you know about cooking dwarves" says the troll turning the spit " Well there is a secret right Flurburhobbit" Betha says looking at bilbo " Secret tell us the secret" " the secret...well the secret is to" he said " tell us the secret" says the cook troll " yes I'm telling the secret which would be to.....Skin them first" Betha hits her face when she hears the dwarves Yelling and screaming at the two " Oi get me Butcher knife." Said the troll " what a load of rubbish I had dwarf with their skin on" says the troll at the spit " he's right...." He says grabbing Bombur " no not that one he is infected with his tubs" lied bilbo " really bad in fact they all have it I wouldn't risk it I really wouldn't...." Says bilbo Betha sighs then the troll grabbed her legs " how about her" his mouth widen that's my cue... I jumped out from the bushes " Oi pick on someone who can defend herself" I defended the trolls looked Betha hits the trolls nose with her Staff causing her to fall down the trolls circled them " these must be part elf and human smells like them" says one I swing my swords cutting at the ankles the Orc screeches " why you...." Then Betha hits his lower area I climb on his back flying across hitting the orcs head with my feet then I rode on his head he roared Betha stuck her staff in the ground and she swung Alittle hitting the dwarf kicking him in the air then I heard a voice " The dawn will curse you" I turn when the troll grabbed my leg and swung me having me dangling above his mouth when the screeched I closed my eyes...nothing happend I opened my eyes I sighed as I dangle in the statues hand I groaned " just in time Gandelf. As always" I said then I felt dizzy looking at everyone upside down Betha groaned as her cape was still in the other trolls hands they two were now statues is winged up trying to get loose....soon everyone was free but me then I heard Betha laugh " stop laughing and help your a healer" I growled she sighed and climbed up the back of the statue " hold on I need someone to.....Ahhhhh" I tried to say as she was able to free my foot having my land on my head onto the ground I groaned as I got up

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