The King of mirkwood....psst Crazy Elf.

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In the forest of Mirkwood The king of The forest Was busy with Certain Business with a certain Demigod, " for the last time I'm not your so called wife Perv" says a Voice within the castle gates " I have heard enough from you Percy Jackson....GAURDS! Take Jackson to his chambers" Ordered Thranduil As he goes back onto his thrown with a snooty way, Then before Percy is Taken to his chambers Thranduil Captain of the gaurd and his son come in with the Sergeant " Father the Sergeant has His report as well Taruirel Father" says Legolas The Kings looks down from his thrown " Then report" he says The she elf says " My lord we have cleared the forest of Spider pest" she says " Good what do you have to report Lython?" He asked Lython cleared the voice " Your Majesty Reports of Orcs have been growing in numbers in North....Many of them have been attacking Villegers again....and also Your cousin in the East has sent you a Reward on the help that you sent" he says " yes what else do you have to report" " Well sire I have been out of Mirkwood for a while.....Amd on my way I spotted someone you would know" he says " Really and who would that be?" " Well sire its well it's She's.....a Its Lady Eramara Sire" he says The room went silence, " Lady Eramara?..... And where did you spot her?" He asked " um my men saw her 4 days ride from here sire" Lython explained " Who was she traveling her Vile cousin?" Says Thranduil " um no sire she was with a Group of dwarves and a man" says Lython " Dwarves? aren't serious?" Says Thranduil " It is true" says Lython " well once she enters this Forest Capture her I want her alive" he says Legolas eyes widen " Now I want all of you to leave me" he ordered " I must think" he says the elves leave Percy is led away, Thranduil sits down again angry about the return of his daughter " She must have plotted to kill me if dwarves are involved" he hissed to himself " Why do you do this?" Asked a Young females voice he looks up " Who said that?" He asked " Oh daddy don't you reconize my voice?" Asked the little child voice " Era?" He says standing " Bravo Husband" said a cheeky voice then a Women appeared " Lilithrinia?" He says hurrying down she wore a black dress and her hair was down " What has gotten into you?" She asked " you are dead" he says " yes I am because...... of you" she says darkly " Yet you blame you own daughter" she hissed " She's not mine Lilithrinia....she never was considered my daughter" he said She frowned " is that what you thought of use Myself and Eramara.....She is more of your daughter then any of your children Thranduil" she says He looks at her with hateful eyes " She is a burden that I no longer have to bare" he snapped " She was a Burden....She's your child" says Lilithrinia " SHES NOT MY DAUGHTER SHES NOT AN ELF" he snapped " if she's not your daughter Why wasn't she given to the dwarves? Instead of Your what did you call her " Pure blooded daughter" Why didn't you?" She asked He looks at her taking her question into thought " She left her to die" he says " She left Korriana to die.....She left you to die" he says Lilithrinia nods " So you put blame onto the eldest" she says sadly " I am King of Mirkwood" he says she snapped his eyes on him "Lle naa haran e' nausalle! ( YOU ARE KING OF YOUR OWN IMAGINATION) you disgust me as a king" she says And he reached to grab her arm but she disappeared " Live your Horrible life Thranduil" she says lastly and she was gone, His eyes flared and he stormed back onto his thrown and hits his fist on the arm rest " Damn you Eramarra" he says and he looks to the sky.

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