Meeting the wizard and Healer.

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Eramara P.O.V~It has been 60 years since that day and I traveled every were doing jobs delivering ,messages, escorting, Gaurding and help the people in need but I wasn't alone doing this no I traveled with my great cousin king of Rohan Orian but after 60 years of traveling and help he died in battle a few days back I just arrived inbree since the burial of my cousin and the crowning of his son, So know I am going to drink for my cousin till I can't handle anymore.

IN BREE~ Eramara sat at the table with her third cup of blood whine and she lets out a sigh and then leans back against the wall She looks at the cups then She rested her hand on the table then she sees and old man enter with a long hat and gray beard he was followed in by a girl she looked more human then anything the old man sat down at a table near were She was sitting she lit's her pipe and watched them on the Corner of her eye then the old man stood and sat infront of her She looks up at him "my I help you " then the old man says " Yes I am in need of a ranger such as yourself" he gestured at Eramara as he lit his pipe she just looked at him then he countinued to explain " I am on my way to meet the rest that I would be accompanying along with Betha of Gondor" he says " were would I meet you" she asked " in Hobbiton" he says " well Gandelf, I might be late I have to deliver a letter to someone" she says with a smirk " And if I know a wizard better you would also need something else from me Correct?" She asked finishing her Ale " Uh know how to speak Elvish don't you" he asked she looked at him " I Know Elvish And Dwarvish sir" she said " Then what I thought was true" he says she looks at him " Sorry....Thought what was true" she asked in a *my father better not be involve tone* " Well you hate dwarves and all" he says She nods " I don't like dwarves Gandelf I defiantly Don't like Thorin OakenShield" she says " and why is that?" He asked " He got me exiled old man" she hissed he sighs " Are you going to join me or not" he says she looked at him for a Moment She let's out a Sigh of defeat, " Well I guess....but if I find it a waste of my time I am leaving" she Warned " It's settled then Meet me at Hobbiton at Bag ends if you get lost I left a mark on the door" he says As he stands up to leave he walks to the door " Oh and Era!" He says she looks up at him he smiles " I do hope you find it that you will be most welcomed" he says walking off out the door, She shook her head as she laughed, She then stands to leave when a Guy in a hood walked past me I paused, As he did I saw his Blue eyes, she gasped touching his shoulder the man turns and looks up to me he was about 19 or 20, He looked confused " Um excuse me?" She says he looked at her hand " Sorry but it seems that you dropped this sir" she said holding out a necklace with a triton " Uh thanks" he said in a Different Accent she Smiles, " No problem" she says standing up " you look formilliar to me, Have we met somewhere?" He asked " No we didn't" she says Heading to the door when he says " Thanks....Again" he says she turns and winks " Your very welcome sir" she says leaving the Prancing pony. She Gets on her Pitch Black horse " Ride on My dear friend to Hobbiton." She says with a sort of humming voice the horse rode off out of Bree.

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