Thorin OakenShield and The life tree

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Thranduil mostly ignored his Half elf daughter half the time and only talked to her with other maters like stuff like that his wife Korrian would try to talk to her Step Daughter but Eramara just nevered listen then one day Korrian disappeared none knew where she went, then The King Thrain found the Arkenstone and ordered to get tribute for the Arkenstone was a sign that it was his right to rule so Thruenduil gave hi. His most prized jewels then gave the king grandson his Pure-daughter Lililthrinia , Eramara would always go and visit her little sister and check up just to see if she still lived, her sister was important to her, Then one day her father called for her.

Eramara P.O.V~ 'my father called for me for the first time in 6 months he probably wants to know how his Pure elf is doing as always' I told myself in my head as I head through the halls my father has been ignoring me since. My real mother died then he permently did when my step mother disappeared were god knows were he been hating me for some reason why I do not know I believe he blames me for My Mothers death but who knows he has been acting crazy, I finally arrive to the thrown room " You have called me Father?" I say as I walked towards the thrown " yes My daughter how is she?" He asked " She has been getting better Thorin Ignores her though" I explained " oh that's a pity anyways my kin is in need of my assistant with the dragons I am to go to battle with my Son you are to go to Erabor and deliver this message to my daughter." He says 'God he speaks to me like I am his serevent' I looked at him " and my Friend will be encharge while I am away" he says I looked at him " a friend but father I would have thought you would..." " those are my orders." He said I scoughed at him " so says the king" I murmured and turned to leave my father is a selfish man sometimes I walked out I headed down the stairs " Sister" said a male voice I turned "Legolas what is it" " father did he talk with you" " yes your father did" I said He looked at me with confusion " he is your father too" he said " yet he doesn't speak to me as one or treats me either" I said with a rough tone " he is still grieving about my mother" he says calmly I looked at him " you are right as always" I lied he ties his armor stripes " well I have to deliver a message to Luthrian" I said walking down the stairs he just watched me leave, I get To the stables I pat my white horse I put the Saddle on the horse and got on the horse Then I saw the solider in a line on horses they were already on their way to battle I ride past each elvish solider then she she finally gets to her father and brother " Good luck father" she said looking at him he didn't answer I scoughed and rode off ahead, he still ignored me, I ride off and I get to dale the people murmured as I rode by " it's a omessenger on the elf perhaps to tell the king that the Mirkwood king is up fighting north with dragons," they murmured I sighed as I rode up the bridge the gates open and I rode in I dismounted when the steward whose name is Balin was with two gaurds " Messanger what are you doing here?" He asked I looked at him " I have a message for my Princess and a message for the king." I followed him to were the thrown room is, the doors open she walked in Balin bows " uh the king of Mirkwood has sent a message for you and she also gots a letter for Lililthrinia" he says the king sat there I looked up on the thrown and saw the jewel I wasn't that interested or even thought it was holy, Thrain smirks " do you find it amazing" I looked at him " No my lord the jewel does not interest me." I said honestly he frowned " what is the message about?" I sighed " the king is up north helping his kin with a battle he won't be able to Donate anything this month" she said " heh typical of the elves, I don't care he will pay tribute." He demanded " I am sorry but my father cannot afford to give you his jewels just because you have a glowing Rock." I blurted out all the dwarves glared at me I opened my mouth " he gave you his prized jewel,yet you do not treat her like your daughter Thrain" I hissed " why should I" he smirked " Because she is Korrians child" I hissed he sighed " yet aren't you his eldest daughter?" He says with a crazy grin I folds my arms " My king treasures his pure children...I am not one of them" I said sadly he leans forward " yet you defend him" he says I looked up " I won't dishonor my father or have you insult him" I say then I see Luthrian walking in she seemed sickly " Ah Luthrian she has a message for you" says thror I looked down " From father?" asked Luthrian " yes he has gone to battle Princess he told me to give you this" I handed her the letter " please walk with me sister" she said looking back of her I followed her out to the balcony she opens the letter she reads it to herself she sighs folding it " Sister are you in charge till he returns" "No I am not" I said she sighed " he says that he gives me half the kingdom if he and Legolas don't make it from battle I would be next in line but since I married his general would be king." She says. I looked at her " well isn't that nice The general would make a perfect king don't you think" I say trying not to look sad " oh sister why does father do this" she questioned I shrugged "well I must head back" " no please stay for dinner" she says grabbing my hand I looked down " alright I guess I'll stay" I smiled she smiled back "ok well BALIN,please tell Thrain that we will have a guest " she say to the dwarf ,at meal time I sat there looking at the Pig head in the middle of the table Lililthrinia knugged me I looked at her "So how old are yah lass" asked thror I looked " well It was years since my mother died I was only 23 years old I was practically a child I am 1157 years old I believe Lilithrinia was born a few years ago so she is still a child" I said as I took a sipe of the whine then Thorin looks at me " Have you ever fought before" he gives me a smirk " I have with Rohan's king he is My friend I was Trained by a old elf warrior so I know and experienced battle Thorin" I take a strip of meat and put it in my mouth Lililthrinia smiles " She saved me from a Orcs pack" I looked at her " She faced a whole Orc pack" says Thrain " yes in fact I was almost killed if she did not kill the Wargs" she added I looked down " well if you weren't so Clumsy and listen to me you probably would have not been chased" I said raising my eyebrows I cleared my voice and I start laughing she laughed with me Then after meal I stood " Thank you Thrain I must go know." I said getting on my horse Thorin smirked " when will you visit again" he asked I shrugged and I took a necklace off it had a tree shaped necklace and handed it to him " Here Thorin my jewel I treasured it always and it was given to me by a king of Rohan before you were even living if you twist it around three times you will see glowing lights the lights symbolizes the People you know it's very special," I looked a at him " I will keep it safe then" he said she smiled " until next time Thorin OakenShield" I said as I ride off. I decided to stay in Dale for the night I stayed at an inn, I laid down on the pillow of my bed and drifted off to sleep, the next mourning I heard tapping on the window I looked and saw a Jay knocking on the door I opened the window he had a letter I took it from him " Dragon is coming to Erabor father and I are on ower way" my eyes widen,I hurried and got my clothes on a and grabbed by bow and ran out and jumped on my horse " ride ride" I said the horsed galloped down the street I hurried to were the Mayor lives " Sound the a alarm" I said to the gaurd " why" he asked then I felt a heavy wind picking up I turned " Do it know". I said he didn't under stand " DRAGON! DRAGON!" I screamed the alarms went off I heard screams and fire going everywhere I rode around " GO GO TO THE BOATS WOMEN AND CHILDREN FIRST GO!" I screamed then fire exploded on a building and then I saw him the dragon roared my horse reared I held onto him then the dragon flew towards me 'it was obvious he noticed I was an elf so he wanted to kill me' then his claws grabs me and my horse he flew us to the upper part of Erabor I saw the dwarves there I screamed as the dragon threw me and the horse we hit the pillar the horse hit the floor but I skipped and fell to the mighty. Doors I hit the ground very hard, I groaned and slowly sat up when I head pounding on the door my body was in pain I couldn't stand I turned my head to see Thorin and his warriors heading to the great doors I get up blood was streaming down the side of my head my are was dislocated and I think some of my ribs were broken I groaned then I limped toward them "Thorin don't waist your men on the beast it has it's eye on something else" I said to him he drew his sword as the last pound and the dragon entered I turned his burning eyes with one swipe he hit 10 men across the room killing them instantly I drew my bow and aimed at the head I hit his ear he growled and slapped his tail hitting me I fly across the room I get up and sees my sister she was grabbed by the beast my eyes widen as she was carried away " NOO" I screamed trying to get up Thorin was running out with his grandfather I slowly stood up I was no match to him in this state and so I hurried to the door Thorin was already farther I was behind he looked to the hill I saw my father the king of Mirkwood looks at me as if he asked were his daughter was I shook my head he glared at that point he looked at Thorin and turned to leave " FATHER!" I yelled he stopped and looked at me with hateful eyes I looked down 'he cast me out of Mirkwood he blames me for not saving his daughter' I fist my hands I looked at the retreating people of Erabor and Dale I limped forward my eyes were watering with out me knowing I limped to the boats the dwarves were getting in I pulled my hood over my head as I watched them leave I get in with the last boat I was to never return here.

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