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Eramara finally gets to the shire it ought to be 10:30 Now she was Really late Now she groans in Frustration, she was still Wet from the little battle with the Orc, Her hair dripped as from her head to toe was wet and muddy, her face was sort of dirty and all her hair was not tied because of the Orc pulling it out not 5 hours ago her head hurts along with her cut on her cheek and Bruises from her arm, She looks as she enters Hobbiton, She Closed her eyes as the horse Walked through the path it stopped at the door of a hole house she opens her eyes and Stretches and dismounted her horse and tied it to the fence, She pats her horse " Enjoy the rest boy you'll need it" she says nicely taking her bow and arrows and Bag she walks up the little steps of the hobbit hole she fixes her hair a little and Wiped the dirt from her cheeks she clears her voice and Knocks at the door looking up A little, Then the door opens and a Young hobbit well not so young stood there he looked stressed and a bit Frustrated, " Hello Era O'real pleasure to meet you" she says clamping her fist to her Right shoulder and Bowing " Uh Bilbo ...Baggins" he says she stood there " uh are you going to invite me in or am i going to stay out here?" she asks he clears he voice " Uh yes um Do come in" he says She enters lowering a little as she walks in the door then Straitens herself. Her eyes widen when she sees Gandelf which is followed in by......DWARVES, Gandelf smiles " Welcome My dear Friend" he says Era Fakes a smile " Gandelf" she says and Clamping her fist to her shoulder and bowing " Welcome....Thorin this is Era of Rohan she is the other one that will Accompany us" he says A dwarf in a fur coat with blue wool and leather armor he had black hair with a few greys in it and blue eyes, " Why would we need a females help" he grumbled Gandelf says " She is very helpful and useful" he says Thorin circles Era " tell me have you ever done battle....Fought....used weapons of any sort" he asked she smirks and says " Aye I have in fact that is why I was late" she says looking at Gandelf, She then looks back at Thorin " And besides if you run into I don't Know Epves or anything you'll need my help to translate" she says then Thorin gets in her face " I won't get help from any elf" he growled she smirks " oh you never know" she says " I would much rather have And elf helping my Arse when a bunch of Orcs are after me" she joked she then looks at Gandelf " Now if you excuse me Thorin OakenShield i must speak with Gandelf in private, she walks into the kitchen while the dwarves headed back to their seating, She looks at Gandelf " You tricked me" she hissed " and why would you think that" " you never told me I was going to Acompany Dwarves and THORIN OakenShield even " she says " I still don't see what the problem is" he says " Oh you don't, tell me ....Where on this quest are we going?" She asked he turns " it's There isn't....the moutain of gold home of the dragon" she hissed " Yes" he says " And why do you choose to go there it is not your home Gandelf" she says " no but I will help get the dwarfs home back" " ugh Not only are wizards Known for lieing but they also crazy" she says in Frustration " and why are you angry about going to the moutain?" He asked " it's not the moutain" she said " It is the Forest Gandelf.....If I even appear or is even seen 5 miles away from the border I will be shot...and I could put the Company in danger" she says " So your worry of their safety" hew says " yes...If I know the ruler he will mostly kill you and the others" she said " uh but if you tell him you intension of going" he says she looks up at him " I will have Thorin return what is rightfully your peoples and that includes your sister" he says " how do I know I can trust you" she said " you choose my dear it is not hard" he says leaving the room she sits down at the counter she sighs laying her head on the surface forehead on her arm. She Hears a voice clear his voice she looks up it was the Dwarf with the white beard and hair " Hello lassie" he says as he went next to her " here's the Parchment to sign telling us you agree to the terms" she took it " Did....Bilbo do it" she asked " he isn't coming sadly" he says She dips the quill in ink and look at it then sighs slowly signing the deed, she handed it to him " I hope you know what your getting into lassie" he says " oh trust I do" she says as he leaves,

" Far over the misty moutain cold,

O dungeon deep and cavern gold

We marched away in break of day

The trees like Torches blazed with light" Sang the dwarves in the other room, Era stands up and walked down the hall slowly as the sang, Remembering that day, She actually always felt bad for them that's why she helped them during their struggles trying to get places back, She sighs as the countinued to sing, She heads to the door to sit out side for some air, she walks out as she looks at the stars Remembering a Confersation she had with her mother,

Flashback~ " look dear there are the seven Princes of Rohan that had died and took safty with the stars" said her mother " Who are they mother?" " your Ancestor soon I will be up there too" she says " Have you walked on the stars Mother?" asked young Era " Yes with your father....See that star" she asked pointing at the brightest star " it is named after you O'real Eramara" she said Era says something in Elvish " איש צל צפו" " hehe Your welcome" she said picking her daughter up and kissing her daughter on the cheek as she held her in her arms~end of flashback.

Eramara open her eyes with a smile looking at her star as the smoke from the house floated up to it " Oh mother how I miss you" she mumbled, she stands and went back inside She saw half the dwarves Asleep Already she sighs as she tries not to step on them she finally gets to the dinning room and sits down and putting her bag down and dumped it on the table She looked at the compass she got from a friend, Then she placed it in a,pocket then she looks at her cloths she had she had two nice dresses, White shirt with a red blouse over the Chest and Back Area which on the back had ribbon to tie it after you put it on, A black Jacket, fingerless green gloves, and Brown riding pants, she puts them in her bag she then looked at her Armor, Leather vest, Red Jacket and green shirt with chain mail, with Gauntlets that were Made from her kin, and her Cape she usually wear. She also had extra boots. She had most her stuff I it when she had a hand bag she un ties the bag she reached in pulling out a Ring on a chain it had a Green and white jewel on it she puts it on her neck, She sighs, then she had a drawing inside of Her father she smiled at him he held her and her mother was hugging him, She sighed putting it in her jacket pocket she places her daggers in then a Book then on top her Green quilt she has to wrap in on cold Nights, she sighs as she carried her bag outside to put on her saddle to have her horse carry, Then she felt a hand on her shoulder she Drew her dagger and grabbed the hand she gasped having the dagger at Betha neck " Woah Calm yourself" she says Era let's go of Betha " Sorry" Era Apologized Betha Smirks " No problem...Do you not sleep?" she asked " uh actually I am not that tired" she said " oh really that's cool is that an half Elf thing?" She asked " No it's call Training Dimwit" she said " Hay don't get mad alright" she says Era gave her a look and ties a Knot on the last loop hole " then don't try to make me mad" She says looking at the blonde " Alright geez what Is your problem" " Well for one thing you second this is why I don't like dwarves" She admitted " oh do they make you cranky?" Betha Asked " No.....you know what nevermind" she hissed then saying a swear in Elvish and heads inside " And don't talk about what I half am alright" Era Ordered " Why" she asked Era gave her a threatening glare " oh I understand now.....Hay think you could teach me Elvish?" She asked Era roles her eyes and says a word in Elvish " is that a yes?" Asked Betha as they enter the hole.

The half elf Daughter of the Mirkwood kingWhere stories live. Discover now