Bard bowsmen

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She unwraps the nets from her face and just lays there he tells the dwarves to be quite, then she slowly puts the nets over her when Betha walks to him " Why do we travel in fog?" She asked " easier and lake town is usually foggy" he says Eramara peaks through the hole of the Nets " I don't trust him Thorin" says Dwalin " we don't have to trust hi. Brother just pay him Comeon fella's pay up" says Balin She then hears bilbo say " He has a name you know" " yeah and how do you know" says Dwalin " Um I asked him actually" she then felt a sting in her leg she forgot about her wounds She was stabbed by those orcs, then Bard told the dwarves to get into the barrels and they did when they did he takes the netting off me " Are you feeling alright" he whispered She looks at him " I guess so" she says wincing at the pain " why are you helping the dwarves?" She asked " they are paying me" " so you're a smuggler" she says a little loud " Bard what's taking so long" he stands up and helps Eramara up and hands her a cloak and has her sit down she sighs as she sits down on one of the Barrels " I got to talk to the cargo employers" says bard the dwarves started to mutter then Eramara Kicked one " Shut up" she says then smirks as the dwarf she kicked was Dwalin she he started to curse her but she knelt down looking at one of the barrels then bard came back on board with tons of fish " What are you doing?" She asked quietly as he and some other men poured fish into the barrels, " Aww come on" grumbled the dwarves as he thanked the fishermen and sailed down the lake Eramara sighs as she keeps quite having the hood over her head, She stands up when they got to the gate keeper. "Good afternoon Bard...who is this?" He asked. Eramara stands, " A messenger from King Thranduil" she lied " Can we enter Tony?" Asked Bard " Um of Course, can I see your pass?" Says Tony but as bard handed Tony the pass a snaky looking man with a unibrow steps forwards " I'll take that..." He says Eramara sat down cause of the pain in her leg " Why is an elf on your boat Bard" " I'm here to speak with the mayor Mr. Bard has helped me get here" says Eramara " Oh really why would the king of Mirkwood send you?" He asked Eramara Stood up " that is mine and the mayors Business thank you" she says " Ahh but It says that Bard is delivering barrels not fish in barrels" he says " Oh come on Alfred people aare starving I hate seeing people starve" Bard says Alfred glares " not my problem" he says looking at the gaurds Eramara allowed them to enter she sat down she notice one of the Barrels had a peep hole she looks and smirks at the spying eye, The men were about to dump the fish " It might not be your problem Alfred but you are the mayors second hand man your the one that will listen to the problems" " When did I care" he says " and when the riots happen what will you do when they cause trouble" he says " You are trouble bard....Stop" he says to the gaurds who stopped before pouring the fish out " Let's get going" he says as he gets off the boat " Mark my word bard" he warns as he and the gaurds leave " You may enter bard" Tony says " good day Tony" says Bard Eramara looks around as he sailed the boat to the docks she heard grumbles and then bard taps one of the Barrels, She sat down weakly when Betha popped out " Eramara!!" She says falling over in the barrel Eramara shushed Betha when the dwarves get out " we thought you were gone" says Thorin " I was floated down stream Bard found me" she says " aye do not trust him" says Dwalin " when do dwarves ever trusted anyone?" She asked Betha noticed A red mark on the side of Eramaras tunic " We better get going" bard says Betha nods and Helps Eramara up they hurry, Eramara and Betha enter bards house regularly but the dwarves, Eramara and Betha enter the home seeing two girls and a boy " Good day" says Betha sitting Eramara down " father who are they" " Uh actually never really got there names" he says then his youngest daughter says " Father why are there dwarves coming up from the bathroom?" Eramara chuckled with Betha but then Betha pokes Eramaras Shoulder " You have a Pulled muscle" she says " yah think...." " Comeon we better get you some privacy" she says as she pulled a curtain and had Bards Daughters help with Eramaras stitching and wrapping, After Eramara was all stitched up she walks over to sit at the table, she then is offered some tea which she took great fully, then Thorin sits down next to her " Are you alright?" He asked she looks at him " Alittle sore" she says " I mean....helping us" he says she looks at him then away " Thorin...I came on this journey for one thing and now that you know my secret I can tell you" she says he looks at her " no jewel in your mountain has ever Caught my interest....I only wish to get my sister back" she says " your sister?" " Lilithrinia is my half sister" she says " so you did know Korrina" he says she smiles sadly " Aye Thorin I did....for a long time when she was sent to Mirkwood she told me of special your family was" she says she looks at her hands " I found her injured and wounded before she died" Era says Thorin nods " it was my fault she died" he says she shoke her head " No it was not" she said sadly " She saw your death Thorin she wanted to help you she didn't wish her brother to die so young" she assured " how do you know that's?" " she told me....the day she left she told me everything and I kept it secrets all these years....she says she was to return soon" she muttered then she smiles " that boy from the palace" she says looking at him " Was Her reincarnation" she says his eyes widen she shrugs " she told things will change once she returns" she said " how do you know?" He asked " what do you mean?" " your sister what if she's dead" " because she came to me...she brought me down river and came to me in a Vison" she says to him " what did she say?" " Kill the dragon" she said darkly then smirks " no idea how I'm supposed to do that" she says standing " but I will try my best even if it kills me" she says " you can't die" he says she looks at him " what do you mean?" " Eramara...I have to tell you how I truly feel for you" he says she looks at him her eyes widen.

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