Out of the Frying pan....and into the fire

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Era stood as Betha checked the cut on her arm and leg she was already done checking the other dwarves, Betha stopped and looked at Gandelf " Gandelf I need to talk to you" she said he comes over " um very well what is it you wish to talk to me about?" He asked She cleared her voice " This journey am I really needed? I mean yes I'm the healer and I heard what Thorin said" she said " why do you think you Aren't?" He asked " On the mountain When Era fell I thought she was dead He didn't do anything to help." She said sadly " Perhaps he was in shock....but what now....it appears she is not dead" " well now I don't know" she said he smiles " your a brave women you know.....staying with us this far" he says She smiles back " Thanks I'll um go find some wood" she said as she walked off....Era watched her leave She looks at the ground and then decides to sit on her knees to rest a bit she took her gauntlets off and rubbed her wrist then Balin sat on a rock beside her " Do you remember what happend up in the city Lass?" He asked she looks at him " Yes" she said " what was inside that trunk?" He asked she looks at him " our greatest fears" she muttered " Fears of what hasn't happened yet The Future" she says sadly " If you don't mind me asking what did you see?" She looks down " Something I hadn't seen for a very long time.....I saw a war Balin....A war is coming" she said getting up " I hope it doesn't come anytime soon" she said putting her gauntlets back on, Betha stops walking when she felt being watched she stopped and looked around, Thorin walks to where Gandelf stood " We should start moving..." Says Thorin Gandilf nods " you are right." He says then Era stands up " do you hear that?" She asked the twins hurry over " What?" They asked in Unison she looks to the moutain side when you could hear a Howl from a Warg pack. Thorin backed up " out of the frying pan!" " and into fire Run...RUN" yelled Gandelf the dwarves ran passed Era She didn't See Betha She looks around, Thorin Helps his men Up to the trees when he saw Era standing around " ERAMARA!" He yelled she looks at Him then shrugs and Heads the opposite way, Betha hears Howls she gasped anD hide under a Bursh as she looked and saw Orcs on Wargs Run passed her her eyes widen, Era Stopped " Ohh I hope she's safe!" She muttered seeing Bilbo trying to pull his sword out of a Wargs Head She helped him and Then helped him up a tree she then ducked when a Warg almost landed on her she Pulled her swords out the Warg snarled and lounged at her then she jumps onto its back and jumps to the tree branches Era almost slip but Kili And Fili grabbed her arm and pulled her up she landed on top of Kili of course but they sort of saved her, Betha kept Quite as The Pale Orc looked over the Area he then Spoke in Orc " Do you smell that....The smell of fear....the smell of Dwarf blood The Smell of THORIN!" He said then points his Mace at the tree" Leave that One for me.....KILL THE OTHERS!" He says Then Era Yelled " You ORCAN SCUM!!!" She yelled he looks up and smiles " Well well O'real you Live" he said in Orcish She glared and spoke in Orc " Azog....Leave before I kill all of your men and Behead you!" She hissed The dwarves looked at her, Azog Laughs " Haha Such words for you SHE ELF" he said then he looked at his men " Bring me her head and Thorin....rip them APART!!!" He yelled Then the tree Teals over the cliff nearly falling causing some dwarves to Dangle for their lives, Betha Eyes widen Flames where Everywhere she draws her Long Daggers that where Given to her by lord Elrond she waited, Thorin Looked up at Azog He had a OakenShield and sword in his hand, Era eyes widen as he ran to attack Azog, She slowly stands up Balanced on the tree and watched as Thorin ran to face Azog, Betha peaked from behind the tree as she saw Azogs White Warg clench Thorin Within Its jaws and threw him She stood up, Era yelled " "Andu-falah-dor!" She drew her sword and ran to Azog, Dwalin yelled, as do Balin, Fili and Kili, Era jumps and swings at Azog But he Pulled a dagger out and Sliced her side she fell a few feet away From Thorin laid, Betha eye sheds her last tear of Fear and she Ran through the forest to kill Azog, " Bring Me Thorins Head" ordered Azog the orcs Gets off his Warg, Thorin looked at Unconscience Era She held her Stomache as blood Slowly came out she breathed Raspy, The Orc held Its Sword over Thorins Neck but then Out of no Where Bilbo jumped Out landed On The Orc and Rapidly stabbed it Thorin fainted at the site, Betha then Jumps out from behind the bushes seeing the dwarves already fighting she sees Bilbo being Almost Eaten By Azogs Warg, She got between them and Cuts the Wargs Face it backed away Then a Giant Eagle appeared and Swooped down and Grabbed Betha out of battle " Ahhh Bilbo" she yelled and is Dropped onto a Back of another eagle, She was then Joined By Kili and Dwalin and the eagle Carried Era, Azog yelled at The Company and swore he will Find them in his language Betha lets out a Releaved And Tired sigh.

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