The Hunted

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Eramara sat on the rock watching the ponies with Nori and Ori, Era lets out a Bored sigh waiting for some excitement and also thinking about what the crazy wizard told Gandelf, " The forest is sick Gandelf no life grows from it anymore but there is something else....webs Gandelf Spiders Gandelf Huge ones at that" " where would spiders come from?" " some from from the abandoned tower while others came from Mirkwood", that's what concerned her why would there be spiders from there wouldn't that forest be healthy not home for the dark creatures, She sighs when She hears a Howl from the other side of the big clearing, Ori and Nori looked also She draws her sword " What is it?" Asked Ori Eramara looks at the dwarves " Wargs We need to move know" she says but then out of nowhere a Warg Runs out of a bush scaring the Horses and ponies off, She jumped Alittle she got in front of the two dwarves " Go warn Thorin and the others" she says Nori looks at her " But what about you?" He asked She looks at them " I have to defend Nori now do as I say...I'll be right behind you two now go" she ordered The Dwarf took his brother and ran into the forest.

Bethas P.O.V~ Betha sat on a Log playing with her hair when She sees Bilbo pacing back and forth " Why are you pacing...hobbit?" She asked he looks at her " something does not feel right at all" he says She shrugs " well cool down Bilbo you should not worry at all" she assured the hobbit, he sat down beside her She sighed " You know Bilbo I think it's brave of you to join the quest, being it not your home you have a lovely home in the shire and all" she says Nicely Bilbo Nods " I know but it might be worth it you know" " yeah but yet again you could accidentally wake that dragonn up or on our way we could be killed by orcs" She says Bilbo Nods " then why are you here?" He asked She looks at him " I'm here because I believe it could work and I am also here to help and heal if needed" she says, Then They hear a howl. Bilbo stands up and says in a Unsure voice " was that a wolf?" He asked Bifur looks at the direction where the howl came from " No that is no wolf" then aware appears and was about to attack Betha when Kili shoots it with his arrow then another one appeared when Dwalin through his ax at its face " Wargs" he growled then another one came out and THROIN slit it's throat " Warg scouts which means a Orc pack is not far behind" he says Balin says " we got to get to the ponies" then Nori and Ori appeared " We can't they bolted" says Ori, Betha didn't see Eramara with them " Where's Era?" She asked Nori looks at her then Thorin " She told us to tell you to leave ahead She's taking care of the Wargs on her own" says Nori Thorin looks at gandelf " Who did you tell besides you kin?" Asked gandelf " No one" " who did you tell?" Asked gandelf " no one I swear...what in durins name is going on?" He asked then Eramara appeared she was gasping for air " Your being hunted" she said leaning against a tree after running ready for action
Eramara P.O.V~She watched as Nori and Ori ran into the woods then she turned her attention to the Wargs circling her, There where 5 of them they snarled and snapped at her as the y circled her she stood her ground, then one Warg lunged at her but as fast as you could blink it was run through by her golden sword, then three more Wargs appeared and darted into the woods, Then the circling group of Wargs another lunged at her then another she swung her sword cutting one Warg down missing the other one which slammed her against a tree she got up and apparently when that happened the Warg impaled itself onto her Sword, then the last two Wargs lunged at her one bit her arm very hard but before it could rip it off she pulled her dagger out and stabbed it in the throat causing it to release her then she stood up back facing the last Warg which ran towards her she did a Full backflip and threw the dagger stabbing it in the back, she groaned and felt pain from her head, she touched the side of it and felt a coolness she looked at her hand her ear was bleeding and her arm, She then remembers the three Wargs she hurried into the forest only to see Thorin say " What in Durins name is going on?" She leans against a tree trunk and says " Your being hunted" she said as she caught her breathe she looks at them " Where trap then" says Bofur " No we aren't I have traveled this land before" says Eramara Then Radagast says " I'll drive them off" gandelf shakes her head " No these a Gunabad Wargs they will outrun you" he says Eramara lets out a sigh Betha grabbed her arm " Your bleeding" she says " I'm fine Betha!" She says then Radagast says " These are Rhosgobel rabbits..,..I like to see them try" he says, Eramara smirks then says " Thorin what do you say ....'your' the leader" she said he glares at her " let the wizard be bait while the rest of us stick to the rocks" he says Eramara nods " Gandelf you should lead the way" she said Gandelf " Good idea" he says then as plan Radagast took off with his sleigh pulled by rabbits while The Company stayed near the rocks.

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