Bethas crazy Idea and bilbos ideas

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Betha hid behind a Pillar Percy beside her she waited for the gaurds to look away " Come on we have to help Eramara and the others" says Betha looking at Percy he nods and follows her she stops at a opened door " do you know this room?" She asked him he shook his head " no I haven't been in this part before?" He says she looks at him then peeked beyond the door it was a hallway " is this hallway leads to the dungeon?" She asked " um well?" He says she looks at him " I might have a idea it might not be so great since you have short hair" she says and she tells him to stay put and walks to the two gaurds and knocked them out and took their armor " Ok Percy put theses on" she says handing him the armor he looks at her " are you serious elves are twice my height" he says she shushed him " look are you going to help or not?" She asked and hands him a helmet, Then after she puts hers on she looks at him he was having trouble she helps him tie the straps together " I saw Eramara put her armor so I know a few things about elvish ways" she says He nods " right" then she smiles and hands him the helmet she smiles and fixes her hair light Eramaras hair and takes the ties up gaurds weapons " Come on we better go" she says and heads down the hall walking like An elf strait and calm like Percy sort of did the same when she gets to the doors that lead into the dungeon a Elf walks by " Stop?....what are you doing here?" He asked she turns and does the elf bow " I am checking the prisoners sir" she says He looks at Percy " They can be very Manipulative" he says then walks off she sighs with relief and opens the door they enter and hurry down the stairs the gaurd of the cell walked up to them " What are you doing here?" He asked Betha clears her voice " I'm here to visit the Traitors" she says and walks passed Him Percy follows, Betha walks passed the cell inspecting each one seeing the dwarves she Looks into one seeing Balin she looks away when the prison gaurd put his hand on her shoulder " If your here to inspect take this to give them I assume they will be thirsty" he says she nods and Percy gulps as he walks back to his post she tells Percy to hold out a bowl he did and the elf gave them a pot of Broth with potatoes In it she takes a spoon full and Percy walks over to one of the cages " Here" he says offering it to Balin, Balin looks at them " well I guess it's better then starving" he says and takes the bowl, Betha sighs and then gave the stew pot to Percy " I'll serve it" she muttered he nods and she walks to the next Cell Bombur was inside " Malia ten' vasa?" She asked Eramara has been teaching her elvish, The chubby dwarf looks up in confusion she sighs " Food the princes orders" she says and slide the food under the cell door she walks to the next cell with a bowl of Stew inside was Bifur, she holds the bowl out but he smacks the bowl out of her hand " dollgru froaooass" he says in his ancient language She sighs " en! Coma pi diashee" she said then picks the broken bowl up Percy looks around " What if others refuse?" He asked quietly she looks at him " Eramara will know what to do" she said and took the next bowl to Fili cell " Food for the Naugrim" she said calmly the blonde dwarf looks at the stew then smirks " I'm not hungry" he says she glares and smirks " very well might as well let you dwarves Starve till Thranduil has plans for you all" she says to him and kicks the bowl under the cell door " he can't of weak and starving dwarves" she said giving him the Betha smile and she walks off to finish handing stew out Dwalin smacked it out of her hands then Gloin and Nori spat it out, Ori and Dori accepted it and Bofur Kili well, took it then she got to Thorins Cell she looked into the cell " Durins Son the king has ordered to deliver food to your men and to give you some he won't want weak prisoners" she said he glares " I won't accept food from an enemy it's mostly poison" he says she sighs and looks at Percy " Are you too big headed to accept some good Stew" she says he tuns and looks at her " don't lecture me She elf" he growled she " Your really are a Stubborn dwarf" she says " even if a Girl risking her own life to pretend to be a Elf gaurd and is mostly could be killed anytime" she says he looks up she smirks " You" he says she smiles and looks at Percy " Percy go get the keys" she said Percy looks " What" he says she looks at him " just go get them" she says he does she looks in the next cell Eramara was in the corner back against the wall legs spread out all pale and depress, " Oh my Era....What happened?" She asked Eramara looks at Betha " I lied" she says sadly " Look we don't have time of you to sulk we need your ideas right know" says Betha Eramara looks at Betha " I can't" she said then she looks up to the ceiling " I deserve this cell" she says Betha banged on the cell door " No Stop it!" She says loudly " I'm pretty sure if you weren't wanted Eramara you would have been killed already" says Betha " Thorin Might be mad and the others might feel foolish by not knowing but You saved us a lot and we know well I know they can forgive you......Even Thorin OakenShield" she says Eramara looks at the ground " and what about the king do you think he could forgive me as a daughter?" She asked Bethas eyes widen and then sadden " I didn't thought I would give up so easily I would have thought.....I'm an orphan now" she said sadly Betha looks around " No Your wrong" said Thorin Eramara looks up at the wall " what are you talking about?" She asked " You are one of the only elves that helped my people" he said she looks down " Your the bravest Cleverest Half elf I have ever known" he says she wipes her eyes " But your supposed to hate me" she muttered Betha looks at Eramara " You are a crazy Inspiration Era.....I Will follow you anywhere" she says Eramara Sighs " And your right to have kept your secret from us" said Thorin Eramara slowly stands up " I would have not accepted any of your help..... I would rather have a trustful half elf Exile Princess then a regular elf" he says Eramara smiles and looks at Betha Then Percy came back " Um we need to go Betha?" He says Betha looks at Percy " Wait why?" She asked " Legolas he's has orders to capture us for escaping" says Percy " Oh no well do you have the keys" she asked "Well actually someon else does" " Bilbo!" Says Betha as Percy moves out of the way " well you all don't need to be late to get to Your home now do we?" He says Betha smiles " Good job bilbo" says Betha Bilbo unlocks Thorins cell first Thorin smiles at Bilbo " well done Mr.Baggins" he says And then Bilbo unlocks Eramaras Cell, Thorin looks at Eramara she Sort of Blushed and looked down Betha hurries in the cell and Hugs Her friend Percy helped bilbo unlock the rest of the cells, Eramara walks out with Betha Eramara looks at The dwarves then at bilbo " Well Bilbo what's your plan?" She asked Bilbo nods " Um right everyone follow me quietly" the dwarves did and Eramara and Betha stopped when they got to the food storage, Percy sighs " Well good luck" he says to Eramara and Betha, Eramara looks at Percy " a You helped us Percy I can help you escape my fathers clutches" she tells him Percy smiles " I'll be fine honestly" he says Eramara sighs and bows her head " Just make sure to send her to erabor after" she tells him, He nods knowing what she meant by 'Her', Betha watches him walk down the hall quickly.
Eramara and Betha hurried in the gaurds where sleeping where, Eramara and Betha hurry down to where the others are " Get in the barrels please" he says Eramara stood there " Thorin?" He says Thorin looks at the dwarves " Do as he says!" He says in demanding whisper, Betha and Eramara watch and helped them in, a Bilbo gestured them to get in the barrels " Bilbo we are really Taller and it's not a good idea" says Eramara Bilbo sighs "fine" then the Bofur asked " What do we do Now?" They all stuck their heads out " Hold on" says bilbo " hold on?" Some repeated in question then he pulls the rod and the barrel entry opens and the Barrels rolled out in the river, Betha fell in but then the hatched closed, Eramara gasped when she heard the gaurds coming, " Oh no!" She says and looks at bilbo who was trying to open the hatch she sighs and steps on " Where's the Key keeper?" She asked aloud, Eramara Hasped as the hatched open she slide forward face first and bilbo followed.

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