Not belonging anywhere.

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Betha eyes widen as she saw Era fall over the cliff, Luckily Thorin pulled Bilbo up Betha looked over the cliff " ERA!" She called No response " ERA ANSWER PLEASE!" She called again down the mountain, Era dangling on the branch Heard Betha Call for her then the other dwarves called for her she was to shock to answer her friends as she hung over her death, Betha almost teared up " No... She can't be dead!" Whimpered Betha she sat down on the rock then she looked over at bilbo " Are you ok?" She asked he nods " yes." He says dwalin then says " well I almost thought we lost our burglar" then Thorin growled " He's been lost ever since he left his home" Betha stood up " Now Thorin it was not bilbos fault for almost falling to his death....You chosen to go this path Era was quit eerie about this place, Era slowly climbs the mountains she had no idea how far she fell till she found a broken sword on a ledge she climbs to rest on the ledge as she looked at the broken sword it was of man a Royal blade of rohan, She gasped quitely as she groaned with the pain in her arm from the fall. Betha walks into the cave that the dwarves came Upon " Are you sure we should rest here?" She muttered as she looks around the cave " Do have a better place for us to rest?" Asked Thorin rudely " You know one of these day Thorin I am going to save your butt out of something and your going to Owe me big time" she predicted as she walks into another opening that was big enough for her and maybe hopefully Era....If she's still alive, Era looked to the sky then with her voice she Tried to call for help " BETHA!.....THORIN?!.... DWALIN.....!!!! ANYBODY...!!" She yelled no response she sighs as she pulls her two elvish daggers out of her boots and used them to help her climb the mountain Alittle more. Betha then heard muttering and sat up Alittle seeing bilbo all packed up to go somewhere she kicked him " Psst where are you going?" She asked he turns to face her " I'm going home." He said blankly " what why?" " Thorin was right about what he said I never should have came on this journey" " Bilbo you do know that Thorin has a Few Mood swings right?" Says Betha he sighs " it doesn't matter I'm leaving" he says she sighs he then says " Goodluck." He says and heads to the door she lays back down and looks at the ceiling she sighs when after about 10 minutes Bilbo was still trying to tell Bifur whys he's going " Your homesick I understand honest." He says Bilbo then grumbles " No you don't none of you don't your us to this living on the road not belonging anywhere" he says then he Regretted saying that last part " look I'm sorry I shouldn't have said...." " no your right......we don't belong anywhere The ladies in this party try to help and you as well but you all Left your homes to help us.....I hope the best in the world for you" he says and hugs bilbo then he lets go when he noticed a light shining from bilbos Belt " What's that?", Betha hears a noise from the side next to her she popped up she gasped when Thorin also got up " Get up GET UP!" He yelled, Era heard a yell when she got to the top looking inside the cave as she hurried in just before Dwalin fell in she grabbed his arm " DWALIN!" She says as she tried to hold him but Bombur grabbed ahold and Then Gloin " Era!" The three yelled she then says " I can't hold on much longer!" Then they fell down the hole she screamed as she watch them fall she took a deep breath and dive into the hole she slid all over the place she then pulls her dagger out to slow her self down she stopped at the edge holding the end of her dagger she looks down to the basket of dwarves She didn't see Betha with them.

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