"I think he will show"

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Eramara P.O.V~ I sat on a chair in the kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil, it Must be 3 in the mourning I haven't went to sleep yet Betha went a hour ago, I don't really like to sleep a lot it makes me nerves Specially if I am stuck with a room full of Male dwarves, I think Thorin is still awake though, he came in the kitchen to Boss me around A little, I don't do what I'm told any more I am real tired being talked down to, I already had enough from my Father, I then hear on the other half of the house muttering, I stand quickly when the kettle was done I poured it in a mug and got a bag with tea leaves in it I got four dried tea leaves and crumbled them into my mug I stirred it and drank some when I heard someone clear his voice I turned " Gandelf I presume the others are up" " yes are you ready to leave?" He asked " Yes....Do you think bilbo will join us?" I asked " I do believe so" he says as we headed to the door Thorin was walking out of the hallway " I wouldn't bet on it" he Says Era says " And why not I believe he will come" she says then Dwalin walks In " I bet ya 2 gold coins he doesn't" he says " oh I take that bet" I say Betha walks in " I heard betting I bet on. The Halfling" she says with a smirk then Fili and Kili walk in " We don't" they said " I bet you 2 coins from each of you...the ones that get it correct get 2 coins from each one of us" says Betha I Nod " here's 2 gold coins" she said Betha smiles, After we took bets we started to load the ponies I was asset really, I pat my horse's neck and checked my saddle bags and checked the stirrups and bridle, Betha came over " Hay you relise you might have a Admiring Sword" She said touching My sword I found in the pond I grabbed her hand, " Don't touch that" I growled Betha looks at me " oh come on at least let me see what it looks like" she says I look at her and then role my eyes fine.... just don't act all Strange over it" I say As I touched the sword that was in its case tied to the saddle strap And I drew the golden sword Betha eyes widen " Wow" she says I swing it a little, " I found this on my journey it will be quite handy" I Smirked Betha looked at the details on it " It's elvish" She says looking at me " Yes...I believe it was made from the northern elves up in the Snowy Moutains" I said looking at it Gandelf walked over " Well isn't that quite a blade there" he says I look up " yeah I found it in my journey..." I said putting it back " Look at the jewel" Said Gandelf " yes it is not I have seen" I said ". Rare finding no doubt" he says I nod " I have quite a bit of elvish things....I do hope to See an old friend of mine on this Gandelf" I said hopeful as I placed my sheathed sword strap and tied it to my buckle, as long with my two daggers, The strap wrapped around my left shoulder were I could reach over my shoulder,I mounted my horse, soon we were off but it wasn't even 20 minutes when I hear " Wait....wait!" I stopped my horse and turned my head " oh it's bilbo!" Betha said happily " I signed it" he says handing it to Balin " Well it appears everything's in order, Welcome To the Company of Thorin OakenShield, Master Baggins" He says with a wink Thorin huffed " give him a pony" " um no that won't be nesasarry....I can walk...I even got as far as the Ridge once....hay.." He says as Kili and Fili grabbed both arms and put him on a pony.. I looked behind me bilbo looked Confused then I looked at the dwarves " Hey you guys pay up" I said then bags of coins went everywhere I caught mine and put it in my bag " What was that for" asked bilbo " it was a bet...for if wether you will show up or not....most of them betted you wouldn't show up" he says bilbo says " And what did you think?" He asked worriedly Then I turn with his bag of coins " Here Gandelf" I said he caught it " my dear friend I never doubted you from the start. Soon after a few hours one of the dwarves decided to ask me something " Why did you decide to come on this journey?" Asked Ori I looked backed " Well, it might be hard to believe but I but I tried to get in there" she admitted they looked at me " I was told too by a Dwarf....he was quite old and all, he wanted me to fine something that was stolen from him" she lied She stopped in thought " but I dicided to help to prove I can do the impossible" I said " in fact at first I thought it bonkers to join a bunch of crazy dwarves and a Mad Wizard...but now I don't know what to Say....." I said " I feel it is a great privilege to join you all" I say " though we are to travel to the harshes places , meet creatures that would want to kill us and then face the dragon....." I said looking at the dwarves Then I closed my eyes and smiled, Betha giggles " so Going on a quest that is so dangerous is your kind of fun" She said raising her brow " Sure 1% survival 99.% death sure" I joked " We stop there for the night" said Thorin pointing at a cliff I look to my left and in the dissents see a old ruins I know who lives there I looked at Thorin, " uh are you sure we should camp up there" I said unsure of his Decision " Do you have a problem" he says " uh....no mot really" I said a little annoyed " Good your watching the ponies" he says I Rolled my eyes, I sat on a rock near the others as I watched the ponies my sword in my lap, my horse was eating with the others I stood up to pat my horse then I heard a screech in the woods, I drew my sword and looked down in the woods " What was that?" Asked bilbo as he went to to kili and Fili " Orcs" "Orcs?" He asked a little freaked " Throut splitters, has to be a dozen out there" says Fili " they usually like to race people at night quick and quite but lots of blood" says kili then bilbo looked at the woods quitely then she

Looks at kili and Fili they are just trying to scare him but it was true only if it was one person maybe 3 " Do you thinks funny...a nigh raid by orcs is a joke to you" says Thorin I looked away trying to pay attention to the ponies then with my elvish eyes I saw a pack on the other peak of orcs spying I turned my head " We didn't mean anything by it" " corse you didn't you know nothing of the world" I sadly look at him, " I wouldn't worry to much laddie Throin has reason to hate orcs" I stood up " was it because of battle?" She asked Balin Nods " yes...it was" I nod bilbo looks at me as well as kili and Fili " you know the story lassie" he asked " let's just say I traveled and met people the stories....." I said looking away " well I will tell the rest of you" Balin says... After a few minutes he speaks of king thror death " the pale promise to destroy the line of Durin he started by beheading the king.....but when he did so a mysterious person not even our race lunged at the pale Orc she defended the king as thror got up the Being turned to him and whispered something as then the pale Orc grabbed the being and it revealed being a women She turned as then she was stabbed by the pale Orc falling to the ground, The pale Orc finally beheads the king," said Balin I walked out of the Confersation before I heard anymore " And what of the pale Orc what happend to him" asked bilbo "he crawled back to his cave and died of his wounds" says Thorin I heard Betha sigh in relief, I looked out to the woods " and the lady?" I asked looking at them " What happend to her?" " We never found her body" says Balin I looked down, " She must have been brave to fight that Orc" I said putting my sword near my stuff, I new people were staring after my comment, I laid down on my roll up blanket and used it as a pillow I looked at the sky then went back to were I was watching the horses.

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