Goblins City

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Eramara then watched as million of GOBLINS appearing and taking the dwarves away the dwarves trying to fight back she then sees bilbo sneaking passed the Goblins but she sees 2 goblins coming up behind him but then Betha appeared and jumped on one of them but they fell down the pit but bilbo then fell behind Betha, Era then let's go of her blade she lands in the basket thing she slowly in a Stance walks blending into the surroundings with her Little Elvish powers and soon she came upon the dwarves they where before the Goblin King, The fat Goblin says in a Raspy loud voice " WHAT DO WE GOT HERE SPIES.....THIEVES!" He asked loudly then one of the orcs say " Dwarves your Majesty" " Dwarves?.... What are you all doing in this part?" Asked The king The dwarves didn't respond " Well if they won't talk we will make them SQUAWK! We start with the youngest HAHAHA!" He says all the goblins cheers. Betha groans as she laid on Mushroom patches in the dark she felt a pain in her head " Ow that hurt....how far did I fall...."she looks up she was way down from the goblin City she laid on her back when she felt something on her leg she closed her looks and sees bilbos head on her leg he laid on his side she then hears a Mutter within the darkness she closed her eyes as a Very interesting creature crawled towards the goblins one was already dead the other dying " YESS....YESSSSSS.....BONES AND GOBLINS PRECIOUS!" He hissed as he dragged the dying goblin away, Bilbo pops up and checks Betha " Betha are you ok?" He whispered she nods " yes you?" " yup fine" he says as he picks up his Sword she slowly stands up " look I am going to find a way out Bilbo check where that creature went ok" she says as she went into one of the tunnels He was left alone... The Goblin King started to sing while the goblins got there torture equipment, Era sat on a well large ledge as she watched the goblins search the Dwarves she waits for her moment to appear. Then one of the orcs found the Goblin Clever the all jump back in fear " I know that blade it's the goblin clever search them for other weapons before the kill us all" he ordered sitting back in his chair " WAIT......" Said Thorin, Era draws her bow slowly " Well well Thorin OakenShield King under the mountain" mocked the king as he mockingly bows " oh what you have no moutain and your not exactly king are you so that would make you no body really" he says then he says " you know I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head just your head nothing attached ....an Old enemy of yours....a pale Orc that rides a white Warg" " Azog the defiler is Dead" says Thorin " hmmm perhaps but his difiler days aren't over.....send a message to Azog tell him I got his prize, Then with a sound of a whistle a silver arrow hits his thrown " Ahh....The silver arrow.....Gaurds Gaurd me" he whined then a hooded figure jumps from a ledge and lands infront. Of him and her back facing the dwarves " Well well King Goblin" says the Hooded figure " Your still alive? Amazingly" he says she quickly puts her bow on her shoulder and draws her sword " Yes and now I can make no mistake killing you!" She said taking her hood off Thorin and the others gasp " Your alive" says Thorin " Yes I am...now if you'll excuse me I have to behead the goblin" she says he yells and falls into his thrown he quivers " Please don't kill me I'll do anything please" he begged she smirks " anything?" She says then turn to the goblin and captured dwarves " Tell your Goblins to release my friends....or" she says then holds the blade at his gut " you'll be Run through" she threatens " Very well let them go," he says she smiles as she sees the goblins back away " GET THE CRUSHER IN HERE" he says She stops " Goblin I do believe I didn't make myself clear before" she said then she gasped when Goblins brought in a big old dirty Trunk, She back up with the dwarves " AHH Yes you remember this don't you" he says as the goblins open the trunk she Stood still then she slowly walks towards the Trunk, ( Now this trunk has a special Power showing you images you wouldn't want to see but if you look inside you'll see it and cause you to act strange) she then saw the future of this quest She stood in a Battlefield with fallen Men, Dwarves Orcs and elves she then sees herself on the ground impailed by an Elvish spear but She turned into her mother then the body turned to Her step mother, She closed her eyes and backed away from the trunk she Hissed and slowly turned to Thorin and the others " Hahaha.....Behead him my dear!" He jokes she opens her eyes they where The color of her stepmothers and then turned Blue she slowly walks towards him with a Sullen face then she said something in Elvish " Wethrinaerea! ( Deciteful ones!) Naugrims ( Dwarves) Sons of Durin" she hissed as she raised her sword Thorin flinches but the goblins held him still The others yelled and Cused at her to stop, " No don't do it" yelled Gloin, Then Nori yelled " Have you gone bloody crazy?" " We trusted you!" Yelled Kili, they tried to fight through them she looks at Thorin " You will understand" she says as she raised her blade then swings Thorin eye closed but didn't feel any pain but then a bright light and Force caused everyone to fall over, Era felt being lifted up to her feet feeling dizzy she heard voices calling she then grabbed a arm " Era are you ok?" Asked a Familiar voice she smiled " Gandelf I can't see..." She says " can't see?.....Balin Leed Era" says Gandelf " Follow me!" He ordered Era looks at Balin " Did I harm anyone?" " No lass you didn't" he says she nods as she follows Balin and assuming the others also followed then She heard Millions of goblins Behind, she was able to see blurs of figures now She stopped at what it seemed to be a bridge and she seemed to have lost Balin she reached out for one of the dwarves strong hands grabbed hers she followed him then she soon was let go she stood on a bridge she stopped running and turned she heard screeching coming near her she drew her sword " AHHH" she yelled and swung at the blurs hitting each on and she heard them fall then before she could leave the bridge she was grabbed by her arm " Era to walk any further!" Yelled Kili she gulped she then looked at kili then she heard ropes snap she fell to her bottom and waited while the others yelled when the bridge stopped when the Goblin King popped out " Ugh Ha what are you gonna do now wizard!" He asked then Era heard a Slice " That would do it!" He said and fell off Era then felt falling again she looked up her vision was coming back as they landed on the bottom she rolled off the broken bridge she groans as she slowly stands up when the body of the goblin king landed on the others she looks at Gandelf he smiles at me " are you alright?" He asked Era smiles sadly " I'll be fine"she said as she looks down the tunnel, Betha Walks through all the tunnels not finding a way out she headed back where she left bilbo he was gone she looks around " Bilbo?" She whispered a little loudly she then hears Laughter within the tunnel that the creature was she slowly secretively walks in the tunnel she stops and hides behind a rock she peeks to see bilbo talking to the creature " Gollum...Gooollluumm!" Hakes the Creature Betha stayed quite " our turn!" Says Gollum " What chews, but have no jaws Munches you can't see it eats and you can't touch it!" He says Bilbo went in thought " Look precious it's stuck it's stuck Baggins is stuck!" He snickered evilly " Times up" he says " Time....the answer is time" says bilbo " Urgh!" He growled " actually wasn't really hard" he joked Then he says " Well ask us.....ASK US!" He ordered Bilbo says and rubbed his finger in his pocket " What do I have in my pocket?" Asked Bilbo Gollum looked confused " What that's not fair.....That's not fair it's against the rules" he said childish throwing a rock at the ground that was ment for bilbo " no you said ask you a question and I did what do I have in my pocket?" " ugh fine but you give use three clues!" Says Gollum " very well guess away" says Bilbo. " handis" " Nope" he says showing his hands " Knife....or nothing" says Gollum " Two guesses at the same time both wrong" he says Gollum Started to have a Crying fit " Comeon you promised to show me the way out" says Bilbo Then Gollum looked in the water " Did we Precious Did we really" he mutters at his reflection " what does he have in his pocket" says Gollum In anger " that's not any of your Business.....I won know show me the way out" " won...won" he says crawling towards him reaching behind him but he seem to have something but it seemed gone " where's it where's it" he says looking through the bones and mud " no no noooooooo!" He says looking around " it's lost it's lost" he says Bilbo raised his sword "What did you lost?" " Nothing....not Baggins business Nononono" he cried then he looks in the water " What does he have in that.....NASTY POCKET" he growled then he turns " it stole it.....he stole it from us.....You thief!!!!" He yelled.......Era and the others soon found a way out Gandelf ordered everyone to exit the tunnels they saw light again it seemed forever since they saw light, Era stopped running down the hill as she rubbed her eyes the dwarves looked at her she sighs as she check a scratch on her arm " there's 12 where's our healer and hobbit?" Asked Gandelf " I thought he was with Dori" says one dwarves " don't blame me last I thought he was with someone else" " well when did you last see them" " I only saw bilbo slip away" says Nori Era looked unsure what to say " Don't look at me I fell from the cliff then came back up after most of the party fell into the trap and when I did appear I was put under a Spell" she said to Gandelf " He's abandon us....Master Baggins took his chance and left". Betha hid behind the tree while she listened to the Conversation She looked over to the other tree. " our burglar and Healer is long gone" says Thorin " That's not true.....you lack faith to your Company" says Era " what proof do you have?" She glared " No she's right" said a formilar voice then another one says " No we didn't leave" says another Thorin back facing Gandelf he looked at Era then slowly turned " Bilbo Betha we given you up" says Kili " how on earth did you two get passed the goblins" says Fili Betha smirked " oh it was easy honest" she joked as then Gandelf says " why does it matter" " it matters...,I want to know is why.....did you two come back" he says bilbo says " look I know you doubted me you have always and your right I miss my chair and my books and my home and here's why I'm .....we're here because you all don't have one and I will try with all my power to help you get it back" he says Betha smiles " Look Thorin I didn't like you in the beginning of this journey and the way you treated Era....but I have a home that is miles away and I could have left at Rivrendell I could have But during the journey I learnt something about Dwarves wizards Hobbits and Elves....You all have Courage to go up against anything and try to win.....And this journey will bring doom I'll want to try to destroy the evil before it awakens" she says Happily then She sees Era she gasped " Your alive!" She said in surprise " yeah I am" she said with a shrug then Betha hugs Era " I thought...." Says Betha " No I didn't die that was way to easy" she smirked then looks at Thorin " You see faith" he rolls his eyes in defeat.

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