Dreamt of home again

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Eramara P.O.V~ I felt a hand on my cheek and as I open my eyes I saw a person I haven't seen in forever, My eyes widen as I sat up I was in a bed and was looking at a silver blonde elf " Father?... How did I get here?" I asked the man then he sat down " I'm sorry I'm sorry for ever not listening to you my daughter" he says touching my cheek 1 tear rolled down my cheek ' is this real' I thought " I lost everyone but you and you should hate me the way I treated you" he said sadly I looked at him, I looked at my hand were my scare was " did you let the dragon destroy Erabor because I didn't save..her?" I asked in frustration, and in sadness " Yes...I....I'm sorry" he says I looked at him " do you know once I would have thought you ment those words....I was under your shadow served you for 220 years since mother, But I never heard a thank you from you...I protected your name but you didn't here me defend I went into many battles and never Thanked for my service.....and most likely this quest will get me killed" I Said bitterly he looked at me I sadden eyes I then cried " Then when I die you won't have to deal with your half blood daughter" I said crying in my hands. He stood up and I looked at him he was no longer giving me sympathy in those eyes but anger and hatred like the eyes I saw on the last day I served for him " Then at least I won't have a useless daughter who was weak enough to not save her sister" he says I looked at him with shock tears streaming down my face I then hear a scream of a women " Don't you blame me for not saving a family member" I hissed " at least I didn't kill mother" I hissed " oh but you did if you weren't there your mother would still be alive" he roared I stood up and glared at him " Then I won't say anymore it explains everything know.....You couldn't bare seeing a half blood daughter you Knew you had to get ride of mother so that you could have that Whitch of the dwarves to sit on the thrown of Mirkood and Bare you your Pure children....You never even loved.....you never loved MOTHER!" I cried hitting his chest " I am a hole in the family that you needed to get ride of...Your not my father I will never consider you my father ever again." I yelled as he stopped at the door, " That is because you aren't my daughter...... And you will never be mine your Orphan" he says...... Then I woke up seeing Gandelf hand on my forehead " Gandelf?" I said " you were muttering in your sleep my dear" he says in sadden eyes " Sorry" I said quietly, Soon everyone was up, I put stuff in my saddle bag when I felt a tap on my shoulder I turn it was Betha " So why are you a warrior from Rohan last time I heard Rohan had no female warriors" Betha said " oh well I am not from Rohan" I said " what really but Gandelf said" " well My fried was really high in rank I happend to be ranked warrior from my home" I said " is it scary?" She asked looking at me " Is what scary?" " fighting killing the enemy" " Well let's just say, if there is no need for it don't do it." I assured " I been in battle and I seen what would happend" " yeah well To tell you the truth I am a Apprentice" Betha admitted I got on my horse " A apprentice....of medical?" I asked " yes I never traveled anywhere but Gondor and a village near by Gondor" says Betha I sighed " what about you where have you traveled?" She asked as she got on her palimeno " Well I been all the way up north I'v have been to the Iron Moutains Also....And I also in Mirkwood then Riverdall....Rohan Bree....and My mothers home Xerusain of the White king it wasn't much anymore it is more of criminal area.....Then I been to Gondor" I said looking at her " Have any family or anything?" " well most of my family is dead my father.....My father?....if you can even call him that Kicked me out of his king...I mean home and that is why I am here" I said looking at Betha " Wow and so your a lone warrior so cool....we should join up and stuff yah know because I really don't think Thorin likes you" She said with a snicker I looked up ahead and see the rest already a mile ahead " you got to be kidding has he ever heard of patience" I sneered As I snapped the Reins and the horse took off Betha closed behind.

The half elf Daughter of the Mirkwood kingWhere stories live. Discover now