Leaving Rivrendell

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Eramara sat on a bench she had a book in her hands and she sighs and looked at the moon she sighs and sees Lord Elronde Thorin Balin Bilbo and Gandelf in the garden She hurried to see what they were doing, " Give the map to Elronde Thorin" says Gandelf " why should I he's an elf" he says Eramara cleared her voice gandelf turns " Ahh My lady please tell Thorin to give the map to Elronde" asked Gandelf Eramara looks at her friend " If he doesn't want to find out what it says then let him keep it but he chooses to give it to lord Elronde then let him do so I can not force him to do something" she said with a smirk Thorin glared and walks toward Elronde BALIN tried to protest but Thorin ignored Him and handed the map to Elronde " ahh Moonbeam" he says Eramara looks at him " the ancient language?" She says quitely Bilbo looks at her Elronde nods " yes it is what I read about if the moon is shine on the exact day it was written then it will reveal words," he said she smiles Elronde walks off while the others followed him to a chamber a Crystal table stood in the center Eramara looked around the room it reminded her of her mother's room in Mirkwood while Elronde talked to Gandelf Balin Thorin and Bilbo Eramara looked at the moon and the jewels that reflected from it she thought of home and her mother she then here's Elronde " So is that your plan to take Erabor?" Asked Elronde " What of it?" Says Thorin rudely He looks at Eramara and then and gandelf, Eramara sighs as he says " some might deem it unwise" he says handing the map back gandelf says " and what do you mean by that?" " your not the only gaurdian in Middelearth Gandelf" he says and walks out Eramara sighs. She stood looking at a she Elf statue it had a Sword on it it was shattered Then she hears a voice clear she turns to see Bilbo, she smiles as she was dressed already to leave not in the dress but in her regular ranger armor she fixes her gauntlets " Yes what is it?" She asked he examine the picture of the great battle " This picture what is it about?" He asked she walks beside to look at the moral on the wall " it is the greatest battle from long ago when men and elf ves proved their loyalty to each other to the great evil." She said and turned to the alter where the broken sword laid " the broken sword was the sword of Ilseldor King of Gondor forged by the elves here to destroy the great evil" she said He nods " Where you there?" He asked she looks at him " Sorry....you mean in the battle?" " no I wasn't I wasn't even born yet" she said " it was 1000 years before me" she said looking at the blade Bilbo looks at her " Why did Elronde look at you?" He asked She sighs " I was able to get into erabor after Smaug got inside and all, I escaped barely with my life I dressed as a dwarf so he wouldn't catch my scent" she said taking her glove on her right hand off and rolled her sleeve up and showed a burned Mark up her arm to her shoulder " I cover it up with magic so that I don't have to look at it" she said he nods she smiled " but you don't have to worry when you go in the mountain I will be joining you" she said putting her gloove back on, She walked down the stairs with him Betha was bickering with Dwalin Kili Fili and Bifur She rolls her eyes and hears her name being called " Era Tell these Half wits that You've been all over the place and know a safer way around the thunder mountains" says Betha Eramara looks at her then at the dwarves " I do but I am not Encharge of the quest Betha" Says Eramara Betha smirks " see what did I tell you" " that we were right" growled Dwalin Betha glares and then sighs and goes to grab her pack of stuff. Eramara sighs as she waited with the others, she looks at the dwarves then at the sky, she looks down in thought wondering if Thorin really did forgive her, She hears Betha come back " hay Era are you alright?" She asked quietly Eramara looks up at her friend seeing that the dwarves where heading off, She looks at Betha and nods " Yes just fine" she says Betha looks at her then smiles " well at least You told them I was worried...that they might you know" " yes I do but I guess they remember what I did, That elf, he left me when I needed him most that day.....I started to hate him some how but it's not that kind of hate" she explained as the walked behind the dwarves " it's the hate of disappointment if you think he was disappointed I was more..,..,..If only Korriana didn't leave" she says but mutters the last part Betha nods " Your very interesting for an elf." She says with a smirk. " half elf" she corrected " Oh right um I do need to ask you?" Asked Betha she got closer to her so none of the dwarves didn't hear " why didn't you tell them who your father is?" Asked Betha Era shrugs " I am taking it slowly Betha it's not Necessary right now" she said quitely.

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