Getting lost

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Eramara looks at the Map as she sat on her horse, " ok My dear fellow it says here to go west and stop at the cross roads then oh wait, We are supposed to be going east go right on the crossroads and after 50 miles we should end in the Shire," she says the horse Nickers " Oi it's not my fault, Who had to run off a little while ago Eh" she says patting her horses Neck " Look at me I'm talking to my horse first sign of madness, I am lost in a life I wasn't supposed to live in...Heck I would have been better if my mother Never married the elf king at least I wouldn't be the half bred of the Bloody family" she Says to herself " And then Korrian came along he still ignored me Maybe he was Right it is My fault she left My fault Mother died and My fault for leavening my sister with the dragons" she said harshly, she then snapped her reins the horse took off " I hope this quest is bloody worth the wait" she says ridding east, She then stops at a river when a bird lands on a tree carrying a Note she looks at the bird she lifted her arm as the bird perched on her arm she took the note " We meet at 9:30 pm today don't try to be late" the letter says she roles her eyes she looks at the bird " Tell the gray wizard I might be a little late" she asked the bird, It tweets and turns to leave " and tell him he better not tell anyone else I am going to be late because I am lost" she said the bird tweets, she smiled as the blue bird flew off she laughs as she dismounts to Fill her Cantina at the river she Knelt down " Eramara" whispered a Males voice she stands quickly " Hello?" She asked around, the horse nickers " Above you....look....Out.." Said the voice she looks above when a Orc lands on top of her holding a Blade at her throat, It growls in her face "Ugh your breathe smells as though you eat Horse Dung for breakfast" she insults the Orc looks at her when she kicked him in the bad spot, it moaned as it jumps off of her she stands looking for a weapon she then sees something shinning in the pond she dives in and reaches for it, it was a sword with a Golden blade and wooden handle she swims out of the water the blade turns Very Silver as she stands up the Orc jumps at her as she swings the sword cutting the Orcs head off. " you should my father for that is his move" she said as she gets out of the pond she looks at the blade it then bared a Engravement " For the one who will Sacrifice Thy life" she nods " Nice I guess" she says then seeing a blue jewel on the handle she touches it and it makes a glow she takes her finger off the Jewel stopped glowing she puts it in a sheath and ties the sheath to her belt she gets on her horse, " Now I am defiantly late" she says getting on her horse as he trots off down the Dirt Road.

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