Who's That?

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The day was as normal as any other in Konoha. Well...not entirely. Today several of Kumogakure's Jonin would arriving in the village. A celebration would be held as a peace treaty between Kumo and Konoha was to be signed today. This would effectively end the feud between both villages for the time being. They would become allies to one another and peace among nations could be reached.

The third great ninja war ended about four and a half years ago. Three years ago, Konoha lost the Fourth Hokage due to the Kyubi attacking. Since then the Third Hokage, Hiruzen has retaken office and has ran Konoha ever since. This treaty was the final remnant of the third great ninja war and would stabilize everything. At least this was Hiruzen's hope.

Perhaps if the Fourth Hokage was still around, things would already be solved. No one would have dared tested him. But that was not the case and everything has led to today. This would mark an era of peace. One that could hopefully last a long time.

Amongst the village, everyone was preparing for the festival to be held. Merchants were setting up shops, restaurants were opening up and prepping a ton of food. Others were hanging up banners and streamers to decorate with lanterns and little games with prizes around.

For the most part, everyone had a smile and the general mood was high. They were all excited for today and who could blame them? Today would be one that would change the world as they knew it...and that it would...

Within the streets of Konoha, a short little bright blonde haired kid walked around. His hair was almost golden in appearance and he had bright blue eyes like an ocean. He had a white t-shirt with a swirl on the front and blue cargo shorts with blue sandals. This, was Naruto Uzumaki. This three year old, unlike everyone else wasn't happy or excited. What would be the point? He was alone.

Not in the sense that he just didn't have friends but he had literally no one. No family, no guardian...he didn't even have a home. Despite it all, he'd always show people a smile. A smile was a way of saying hi, and a smile usually was returned with another smile...usually...

"Today, today everything is going to change! Believe it! If I have to do something crazy then so be it. No matter what, today will mark history." Naruto said as he pointed to the sky.

"Shut up Brat!" some man said and pushed him to the ground. "Now get out of here!" With a kick he sent Naruto away.

"I don't understand...why do they hate me?" Naruto turned a corner and smiled at some other kids his age. There was 3 girls and 2 boys.

"Ah get away!"

"Stay away from us!"

The other kids all shouted and ran away from Naruto. He still showed his smile and had his eyes closed so he didn't have to see their faces.

"Maybe they're just playing a game..." Naruto said to no one and put his hands in his pockets. Finally opening his eyes and continued walking. "Who am I kidding...it's always the same. It won't be for forever though! I'll make a friend..."From deep in the shadows and in a hidden place, someone watched the entire scene and took notice of Naruto. Naruto felt like someone was near and turned to where the person was but they were gone. Shrugging it off, Naruto continued on.

"I need to report this to the Captain. He may be interested." Thought the hidden man and vanished once again.

Naruto continued his walk through the village aimlessly and things were no better than they were the day prior. "Everything will change...I just need to think. How can I make things different?"

The entire day would seem to go by for Naruto like a blur. At around 5pm the celebration and festival began. The high Jonin of Kumo walked through the village and were greeted with cheers and joy from the villagers of Konoha. Shinobi even were in the crowds, they weren't necessarily cheering but they were glad that this would finally be over and tensions can die down.

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