Life And Future

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When you're challenged, how will you approach it? Sometimes, that's what makes the difference between somebody who makes something of themselves, and someone who winds up with nothing. On every corner, is a story.

Naruto sat on the cliff above his house and looked out to the rising sun. A small smile graced his face as he looked down to the valley below. Light slowly crept into it and the shadows that filled the space made him think.

"Kurama? What is life? Like, is it all a choice? Or was it all predetermined and we are merely following a path?"

"Is this about the path you've undertaken?"

"Perhaps. I seek understanding. Knowledge is powerful, I know this. I don't necessarily get most of the academy stuff being taught, but I definitely like to think that I understand a lot about people, and the world."

"You've definitely got a different way of looking at things. Honestly, Kit, that's a very complicated answer. In a way, the question isn't a matter of choice or not. It's more of, your perception on reality. It's different from person to person. For one, the reality of life is predetermined by a higher power, that everything happens for a reason. On the opposite spectrum to that, people won't believe in that because it makes them feel like, no matter what they do, it won't matter unless it was what the path was meant to be. You get some people thinking that life is what you make of it. While others can't think that way because if something goes wrong then they would be solely to blame, at least with the other thought, they can believe that it is a part of a larger picture."

"So is there a God?"

"Well, what really is a God? They say a God's all knowing. Me and my kind have been around since the beginning of time, we know everything that's happened in the world since the beginning, are we Gods? A God is said to be immortal. Me and my kind are entities through Chakra, we can not die, we are immortal, are we Gods? A God is all powerful. Me and my kind have power unrivaled, only by each other, are we Gods? If that is what the classification of a God is, then me and my kind are Gods."

"I see. A God doesn't exist. Beings of ultimate power however, definitely do." Naruto looked over to the horizon again and sighed. "To be a it noble? Or is it a sign of worthlessness?"

"Kit, it matters what you think. Their opinions don't amount to anything in the end. You can become the most devastating weapon, and still have more to give with your life than just being a tool of war. You're human, not an object to be discarded."

"Am I human though?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I'm obviously no Biju. But can I be classified as human still? The bonding of Biju and Human, it changes us."

"You're a special case, Naruto. You are changed because while you were an infant, my chakra changed your genetics. It is why you share my traits. Other Jinchuriki don't have that. Only when using the Biju chakra, will they take on some traits but never to your extent, and definitely not permanently like you."

"So, the other Jinchuriki...they're more human than I am?"

"If you look at it that way...Kit, there's nothing wrong with you."

"Then why do I have so many questions? Why can't I just live normally. Despite wanting to be more social, why can't I change?"

"I've told you, everything about you is a gift and a curse. For every great thing you have, there is an equal and opposite downside. Part of our shared traits is my reclusive nature. It is what's kept you safe, while causing your loneliness. Once you become more powerful, you'll be sought after by many for your strength. Some will have good intentions, like your friends. Others will try to leverage or manipulate you for their own goals."

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