The 9 Tails

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Naruto walked his usual route home, however now Omoi was at his side on the right. The two didn't really talk, rather Omoi just followed. Whatever Naruto wanted, it had to be something important. He wondered what it could be since Naruto was so silent. That was technically normal but this was different, his face showed no emotion. He seemed sort of like a robot.

After the long walk, Omoi looked up the steps and towards the peak where Naruto lived. It seemed interesting that he had the entire leak to himself. Normally there would be a few homes but not with this one. The massive stone door that was the entrance really caught his eye. It looked really good for keeping others out, but he also had an eerie feeling that it was more for keeping something in, if need be.

This was also the most secluded peak of the village as it stood alone in the district. The hour walk only making Omoi really start wondering what was up with this all. Then again, he could be totally overthinking it and probably wasn't so deep.

"Alright. Go ahead and make yourself comfortable, is there anything I can get you?" Naruto said as he led Omoi into the house.

"I'm ok." The sound of the door shutting was like he was sealed in a chamber to never see the outside world again.

"So let's just get straight to it? Hmmm where to begin. I am technically unstable."

"What do you mean?"

"Well...remember how I've said that I never received training?" Omoi nodded "I lied...sort of. To start, I'm Naruto Uzumaki, formerly of Konohagakure. I was brought here when I was three. I was told that I contained a rare, and special power. Something I didn't really understand."

"Ok. So what? You have a Kekkei Genkai?"

"I could...but that's not the point right now. Point is, a little time after that, I was 5 going on 6, and I was undergoing training to be able to use my power...I failed."

Omoi's eyes widened. He was undergoing a training for some secret power and failed? Then how messed up is he from it? "What happened, Naruto?"

"I'm considered unstable because this training would allow me full control over whatever power is within me. They took me to a sacred and spiritual place. There's a waterfall there that pours into a pond, in the center of the pond is a small 'island' that when you silence your mind and concentrate, you will be faced with an enemy."

"What kind of enemy? Naruto, is everything ok?"

Naruto sighed as he shrugged. "Honestly, I don't know if I'm ok. But this enemy is something your own mind creates. It's something you must overcome in order to take take next step. For me, the embodiment of my hatred, anger, sadness and pain all in one was what I had to overcome. To be able to let find happiness...and I couldn't do it. I failed. I was consumed by it and a wrath like no other resulted. I went crazy and berserk."

Omoi looked away. "So you failed your training and was consumed by what you were supposed to overcome. Then what happened to the original you? Are you still the same?"

Naruto having a feeling on what Omoi was thinking took a deep breath. "I am still a way. You see, they managed to suppress the state I was in and close off that part of me. In doing so they had to partially seal off certain emotions, my anger, pain and sadness."

"There's a catch though right? You can't just seal those things without repercussions."

Naruto nodded. "Yeah...this isn't going to be permanent. The seals aren't absolute. Practically it's like trying to block the flow of water, it will work for a while but eventually the pressure will build up and-"

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