Ninja Skills

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"I can't believe he did so well against sensei..." Yugito said aloud as she watched as Naruto lay on the ground unconscious. He was far better than she thought he was. Despite not displaying any Taijutsu or his obviously wasn't necessary to fulfill his goals. Almost getting a win from a mostly Fuinjutsu based attack plan.

It all made her intrigued more and want to know more. Naruto was acting off of a plan, so what else could he do? This was one strategy, but what were his limits? So many questions, so little answers...always the case with him.

"Eh, he got duped. Falling for a Lightning Clone? Come on. He's nothing special, Sensei was just humoring the situation."

Yugito shook her head at that and went to go help Naruto out. For some reason she just felt inclined to do so...normally she'd have joined in and made fun of Naruto...yet all she wanted to do was help him out.

"It's only because he saved me! I could care less if he was hurt, I just want to get even."

When she got to Naruto, she kneeled and placed a hand on his shoulder. Lightning sparked at her contact, forcing her to pull back. The effects of that Lightning Clone dispersing in such proximity and being unguarded was still apparent.

"How could the most guarded guy I know, be completely surprised by that? There's no way he would let his guard down this much...even if he was entirely confident that he'd won...Naruto wouldn't do that..." Yugito thought about it as she pushed chakra around him to remove the electric current flowing through him. Then rolled Naruto so that he lay on his back.

After a few moments, Naruto opened his eyes slightly to see her looking down at him. He gave that fox grin and chuckled "Well, I didn't win."

She shook her head. "How could you let your guard down? You never do that."

He looked past her and to the sky. "So you're starting to see things more." He smiled, "Yes I never let my guard down, he enhanced his speed with Lightning Chakra, it let him surpass my own, allowing him to hide while he left the Clone behind. I noticed it...but-"

"You didn't want to reveal everything just yet..."

He nodded with a smile. "You're catching on. Soon enough, you'll finally solve those 'riddles'. But, that really hurt...Yugito, if you ever notice that Jutsu, a word of advice, just avoid it. It is not worth taking."

She giggled a bit and shook her head. "I never even thought about taking it. You're always one to surprise. You bastard."

Naruto smiled before falling into unconscious once more. This time, Darui came and kneeled beside Naruto, opposite to Yugito. "You are definitely going to be an interesting student, Naruto Uzumaki. Will you be better than Yugito, I am unsure of. But you definitely gained my attention."

"Should I tell Sensei about what I know? What I just learned and figured out?" She looked at Naruto again and shook her head. "No, if I do, Naruto may only ever show that much, keeping it a mystery means he would aim to surprise."

"Good work today, you guys are dismissed." Darui said. Rin didn't need to be told twice as he immediately bolted away to go home. Yugito however remained. "Something wrong, Yugito?"

She shook her head and straightened up. "No, just he needs to get taken home." She went to get him up and noticed that he was surprisingly very light. Yeah he was shorter than her but she still thought that he'd weigh more than what he did.

Darui nodded and smiled. Glad that she ahead some sort of care towards her teammate. "That's nice of you, but he is my student now and therefore my responsibility. I put him in this state so I'll take him home."

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