The Journey: Wanderer

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The roads outside Kumo were paved of stones, each intersecting and leading to the village in the clouds. Down below Kumo, on the grounds were a few things. It was sort of like a village itself but wasn't as populated. A massive stadium was down here and it was an arena filled with a forest, lake, stony area and a plain. This stadium was most likely for if Kumo hosted the Chunin exams...but it seemed too big for Chunin hopefuls.

The village seemed more like a massive venue for a very big and important event. There were many booths for different shops or games that could be set up. He wondered what it would look like if this place was in use. There would definitely be a lot of things to be amused by. After finishing his little self given tour, he left down southwest, towards the border. There he'd enter the Land of Frost and pass through to the Land of Hot Water which bordered the Land of Fire.

There was a long ways to go and he wasn't moving rapidly. Moving at high-speeds would garner an enemy shinobi's attention. So a slow walk was the travel speed. Not that he minded it, he sort of enjoyed to slow peaceful walk. It let him take in all the things around him and enjoy the nature.

"You know Kit, this journey could end horribly for us."

"Yes...but if so, you'd reform elsewhere in a few years. So don't worry."

"Aren't you worried? You're alone. Run into the wrong people and it's over."

"I have nothing to lose."

"Kit that doesn't make your death ok."

"Never said that. Me having nothing to lose, makes me dangerous. While an opposition may have a family, a home, a loved one...I don't. Some say that having those things, having bonds make you stronger, it's a sense. Those very things are a double edged sword. While it may push you to be stronger, it will ultimately cause hesitation. That moment of hesitation, I can exploit."

Kurama nodded. "Yes, you have a point. But don't underestimate the distance these shinobi will go for the ones they care for. Especially those damned Konoha fleshbags."

Smirking, Naruto chuckled "When have I ever underestimated an opponent?" Pausing Naruto stopped walking and thought for a second. "Kurama?"


"I want to start learning your power."

"Patience. We will start that soon. First, worry about getting to Uzushiogakure."

Naruto nodded and just began to walk some more. Internally, he wondered what it was like to just be a wandering traveler. No real ties to any particular village, or country, just coasting by and going wherever your heart desired. As interesting as it would be to travel, he felt that the lifestyle would probably become boring as time went on. Eventually, you will long for some sort of belonging. Maybe to travel on occasion would be good. Get to learn more that way, that's for sure.

The cool thing about traveling was that there was no telling who or what you'll come across. Perhaps it was the mystery that drew the wanderers. The fact that anything could happen and you could come across many things that you otherwise, normally wouldn't. Around every corner, a new journey, a new story could be told. Then there were those rare instances, where fate seems to have a hand in things. Where something happens, or you meet someone that you feel you've known your whole life.

Don't be fooled though. For all the great things that come from traveling, there is a dark, ugly side to it all. For every good thing, there is always an equal or greater bad thing. Something that he was currently witnessing.

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